Lets talk legendary

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


With the bulk of the legendary grind being the gold sink, is this truly a legendary weapon or just a grind for a skin that forces min/max players to fork over cash if they have any kinda life? With lodestones going for as much as 3 gold a piece times 100, 100 gold for iceyrunes plus all the various mats, ecto potential gold sinks. What is the true end game here for such a “skin”?

Nope. We don’t have to do it, but many longtime gamers remember truly epic achievements like the snakehead staff for enchanters in EQ1. Am I the only one that feels let down by GW2 version of a “legendary”? It was actually rewarding to attain them in other games. This one it feels more like another way for people to spend gold to go with DR restrictions Anet has in place for even making gold.

Hopefully, I won’t get infracted for this post, but after spending hours on getting this skin only to find that I still need 400 more gold I am tossing in the towel. Risk/reward/time spent is no where near rewarding on payoff.

I only started it because I got lucky on Dawn from the forge. I thought it would be an adventure to attain and difficult based on past experiences. I’ve found that it’s nothing but a boring gold grind with a DR world.

(edited by Natural.7013)

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lani.1429


400 Gold farm will take you around 5 weeks, grinding 14 hours a day at Cursed Shore

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: teviko.6049



It doesn’t feel legendary to have a skin that has no benefit over that weapon your currently weilding? After all, that’s cool to sink 100’s of gold in this game, right?

Feeling legendary??

/sarcasm off.

Legendary is anything but. kkthxbye.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Getting the precursor is actually the hardest part. A legendary weapon isn’t something you should be able to get in a week.


Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvard.3469


Getting the precursor is actually the hardest part. A legendary weapon isn’t something you should be able to get in a week.

Not really, the Karma and the Badges of Honor are the hardest parts, with world exploration and skill points a distant third and fourth. The rest can be gotten by converting gems to gold, making it more of a legendary credit card bill.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


Exactly. I have no problem if it’s a legendary journey with a good payoff, but it’s mostly a gold sink. This coupled with DR and limited charged lodestone drops, it’s ridiculous.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

The only reasons to get a Legendary weapon are for the “brag factor” and because you like its special graphics effects. ArenaNet has always been up front about their intent on making people jump through hoops for items that have “style”, which is very different from a more traditional MMO philosophy about having people insanely grind for an extremely minor +Stat increase.

Yes, the whole process is a Gold Sink. However ArenaNet has created this Gold Sink in a way that people are happy to do voluntarily, which would make me consider it to be a successfully designed Gold Sink.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


Yes, each time someone buys $500 worth of gems it is a huge success for Anet…I agree.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiranslee.4829


Well, many “players” are playing 24/7 and have no problems with gold grind. If you add to that some nice spot for karma gain, well its like, really fast.
And then u have it, you are new kid , unknown to anyone but u can sit in LA and brag about it.
Sarcasm aside, its really nice skin and just that alone is cool. I think its not worth farming it alone (fair) but if you have friends to help you and support you , it is kinda , legendary

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dash.8027


I’ve spent well over $700.00 in Gems now.

Still haven’t bought the base weapon yet or anything other than armor skins (Tier 3, ect) and leveling my crafting skills + bank/bag slots.


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Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


I can argue that this model is more costly for min/max players then subbed games.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Southern Lord.7254

Southern Lord.7254

Slightly off-topic, but where can I fin dinformation about Legendary Items? Is there anywhere in game? Or just use a Wiki?

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Slightly off-topic, but where can I fin dinformation about Legendary Items? Is there anywhere in game? Or just use a Wiki?

You’d really need to use the GW2 Wiki unless you wanted to drive yourself insane as you hunted for the countless bread crumbs of information.


We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Southern Lord.7254

Southern Lord.7254

Slightly off-topic, but where can I fin dinformation about Legendary Items? Is there anywhere in game? Or just use a Wiki?

You’d really need to use the GW2 Wiki unless you wanted to drive yourself insane as you hunted for the countless bread crumbs of information.


Thanks dude.

I’m new to the game and don’t know anything about anything yet…

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Sure legendary items shouldn’t be obtained in a week, but they shouldn’t be obtained solely through farming efforts. You could easily reduce the farm, and replace the reduction with challenges. If the precursor and the gifts are easy to get, but “quest chain” is legitimately challenging (involving some parts you can solo and some where you need a team), wouldn’t that suffice? I basically learned how to play the game better rather than how to farm efficiently… even if the legendary offers nothing more than a skin and particle effect, at least it made me a more skilled in PvE.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


Yes. I miss the challenges that came with legendary hunting. Maybe connect it with grouping or needing a guild. It should test your abilities as a player not your patience as a gold farmer.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


I just don’t like how it’s pretty much 100% about RNG and money. I’m never really impressed when I see someone with a legendary already, either they had alot of help or bought gold.

Wish there was an actual skill element to it.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


Please note this is not meant to cause flame, rage or general panty twisting, but to educate the OP in the eventual answers that may pop up and how he can identify the issues with each

to begin with you should read :

Now I’ll give you a few examples of potential answers you’ll in my experience come across in as close to order as I can and do note that ones I skip are there because they overlap closely with others or I just couldn’t come up with a decent one :P

1: Appeal to authority: “They have already posted about this issue and are looking into it, there’s no need to make another thread about this”

2: Appeal to common practice: “Sure this is a huge grind and requires a lot of farming, but all legendary items are a grind in other mmo’s so it’s ok for this to be the same”

3: Appeal to incredulity: “A-net are professional designers, therefore CLEARLY this is all intended and exactly as it should be so you’re the one with the problem not the system”

4: Appeal to fear: “Well if it didn’t take ages plus an arm and a leg, then EVERYONE would have a legendary weapon skin and it would be just another skin”

5 and 6: Appeal to flattery and ridicule: “Of course it’s hard to get! jeez you’re such a self entitled noob for expecting things handed to you what do you think this is? hello kitty adventure island? it’s a freakin LEGENDARY. Leave the legendary weapons for the better players, you clearly don’t deserve it LOL”

7: Appeal to spite: “Oh for heavens sake! am I the only one who hates players like you who do nothing but whinge about legendaries when others have gotten them already and proven they aren’t that bad? you’re all self entitled kittens”

8: Appeal to wishful thinking: “Yeah sure they’re expensive items now but surely that’s just natural supply and demand and there’s no deliberate market manipulation from players etc driving prices into the stratosphere, no one is THAT greedy and mean spirited”

Shall I continue or can you all fill in the blanks?

Irony…. xD

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natural.7013


Yes, another gamer who embarks on the path of intellect by posting something they learned in a college class.

The only question that this thread truly poses about a legendary is does it:

Appeal to MMO gamers

Quoting Ancient Greek logic evolved into a mind map does little with regards to the original post.

I have an issue with how we must acquire large amounts of gold to achieve a skin. It shows nothing of challenge or skill along the way.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


That is the point right? it has nothing to do with achieving it with work but if you X amount of $ you can have it. It has nothing to do with work and dedication but simply dumb luck at the forge and/or paying real money. Unless you bot or exploit which I believe 85% of the current owners did.
There is nothing legendary about the process and it doesnt reflect anything except you were lucky or paid money plain and simple. You cant earn it in this game but buy it yea sure no problem.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

@ Hellkaiser

No offense, but you committed a logical fallacy of introducing the red herring with your insights…

Back to the the issue at hand, legendary items should be fun and memorable to get. Thunderfury bindings sucked with the lame RNG followed by weekly resets, but at least there was a cool event tied to forging it.

My all time favorite legendary item has to be ES3: Morrowind. In order to get the Spear of Bitter Mercy, you have to travel to some crazy man’s hut to grab the Fork of Harapaloran and go slay this giant creature with it. Sounds simple right? You go to the hut and it’s littered with spears all over the place, but none of them have the item name you’re looking for. Then you look at the dinner table and see a shiny fork next to plate. You’re like “no kitten way” and sure enough… it’s the Fork of Harapaloran. Then you go slay the giant creature… which is MASSIVE. The spear sucked, but it was cool looking, fun to get, and a memorable experience.

GW2 has almost none of these qualities when it comes to really getting any item, let alone legendary ones.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arius.7031


I’m an amateur philosopher, so I can appreciate where you’re coming from. But, you used appeal to authority incorrectly. When someone is appealing to authority, they are using their (or someone else’s) status to make the argument for them. An example would be:

Man 1: I believe that Man 2 has no brain.
Man 2: What evidence do you have for this claim?
Man 1: I am a medical doctor.


Man 1: I believe that Man 2 has no brain.
Man 2: What evidence do you have for this claim?
Man 1: I’m a scientist, and scientists are always right about everything.

Example 1 is not as bad, but is still wrong. Making one’s argument using one’s position or status is a bad thing to do. If your point is strong enough or correct, the point will stand regardless of your position. Example 2 is horrible, because not only can scientists be wrong (and very often are), being a scientist does not make you qualified on that specific subject.

In your example (the Appeal to Authority example), the person who says that is not appealing to authority. He’s not making an argument against the OP’s position—rather, he’s saying that the OP should not have typed up his position in the first place. It’s an important distinction, and we should not conflate the two.

His point isn’t based on the fact that an ANet employee said so, either. In the strictest sense, ANet has let us know multiple times that we should not re-post the same things over and over. Going by your source (which by the way, is not strictly correct, it’s more correct in a common usage way), the source (ANet) is qualified and trustworthy.

If information has been given by them, it is our responsibility to find it (or try) before posting. And so, the person’s post is not only correct, but is not appealing to authority in a negative way. But these things are contingent on the poster being correct—I don’t know if he is and I don’t really care.

As of late these things seem to be popping up all over the internet. I am, quite frankly, very tired of them being misused in the ways that they are (as that specific one was in your post). And as the posted above aptly pointed out, your post is in and of itself a red herring.

On topic

I do think Legendaries are a bit ridiculous at the moment. Now, I do think they need to be hard to get, but they should be a bit easier. But, they really need to make certain legendaries more worth getting (everything except the greatswords). On the topic of greatswords, they should make Sunrise white to oppose Twilight. Not only is it way cooler, it works just as well as the blueish/orange that is already in place.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

(edited by Arius.7031)

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Getting the precursor is actually the hardest part. A legendary weapon isn’t something you should be able to get in a week.

What? This tired straw man again? He never said he wanted it in a week. You are arguing against a position that doesn’t exist.

I hate when people go and trot out this pathetic and ridiculous straw man every time someone raises a legitimate issue.

Grinding is not “legendary” and there’s nothing fun about it. It’s boring, and the entire legendary process is just one intense grind after another. It’s about as “legendary” as smashing your face into a belt sander, and even less fun.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steinbeck.2105


Who cares, they’re deemed “Legendary” for a reason.

How would you propose they be earned? Port into a room and slog 100 enemies at once – after which, you get the item? Then the inevitable mass of complainers would find issue with this as well. “100 enemies, really, Anet? GG. Not even legendary, just a stupid Monster Grind.”

Here’s the deal: Legendary items should require Legendary amounts of effort and time. And right now, they do. This is what allows them to retain their legendary status because so few are willing to undergo the ordeal. Complaining that they’re a gold sink is really you just whining that you aren’t willing to do the gold grind. Sorry buddy, that just means you won’t get the legendary. Tough pill to swallow, I know.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Again with the crap straw man of “You all just want it for no effort” when exactly zero people have ever said that.

Please give it a rest, no one is buying this pathetic “argument” backed entirely by a weak straw man. It’s not contributing to the discussion to just go “HURR DURR u al want legandari 4 no effort” every ten minutes.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Actually if the room was small and had a 100 monsters to take on at the same time of all different monster varieties at veteran status or higher…. I would gladly take that over farm-fest (maybe some farming to meet the “quest requirements to open the portal to this zone”) so long as the challenge is do-able with a party of 5.

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klazmaunt.2591


I’ve spent well over $700.00 in Gems now.

Wait what

Lets talk legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


I kind of like where legendaries are at time-wise. I don’t like where they are at economically.

If less grindy ways of earning money are added, it would be perfect.

Ex: Some sort of hardmode on preexisting maps, exclusive (unlootable-unforgable) standard level 80 crafting recipes and better rewards all around

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.