Level 80 with rares/exotics. What next?
start a legendary weapon. build ascended armor. go for 100% map complete.
edit: legendary weapons and ascended armor are both very expensive. if you are looking for something to spend your loot on, thats the way to go IMO.
You want at least exotic gear in every slot to be able to climb in to anything and play it. However if you are looking for gear progression the only real thing there is Ascended gear and Legendaries.
Outside of that, gear isnt the focus in gw2. If I’m remembering correctly they added Ascended gear as a time/money/ingredient skin for the more hardcore players, and then after that added in exotic as another step that was a bit easier to get to and made it so Ascended gear didnt have a large stat gap.
Outside of that, the game is your oyster. Work on world completion, find a guild and do the raids, or become a fractal freak.
You can also use fractals/laurals to get ascended accessories (rings/trinket etc) as a quick and easy way to do that.
When I do the world bosses it feels like half the people on the server are there. Except for evolved jungle wurm, no one wants to do that.
Up until now I have just been doing them for fun but was wondering why everyone else was doing them.
I’ve been playing Guardian. To get get me started could someone link me a couple of recipes that are beginner friendly?
Should I drop Chef and take up weaponsmith?
Also I saw a video where someone was throwing heaps of rare items in to the mystic forge. Should I be doing that?
You could…
Go achievement hunting. Try to complete whole sections of achievements, like the achievements for completing all dungeons, or the jumping puzzle or world boss achievements.
Work toward a legendary. Get the shiniest of shinies. The endgame of GW2 is, for me, Fashion Wars 2, and I love it. I spend more time tweaking my characters’ appearances sometimes than actually playing, and it can be a lot of fun to see what you can come up with. In-game cosplays are always entertaining too (I’m particularly fond of my Guybrush Threepwood and similarly, my Bobbin Threadbare).
Find a raid group and practice, practice, practice. Farm your raid of choice with said group once you have mastered it. Achieve total enlightenment and get all teh lootz (including the permanent, unlimited portal item that can be used by any character—/me want that)
Pick an ultra expensive item that you want on the trading post, and go for it. Sell all the mats and loot you get and save all your gold until you get the thing and win the satisfaction of having said thing (and show it off when you do, so map chat can be envious—I always am, at any rate).
Start participating in WvW. Find a group of friends or guildmates (lots of guilds are WvW-only, always good to be a part of one in case your current guild doesn’t have many WvWers) and start roaming the Borderlands maps to pick fights with the opposition, or jump headfirst into zerg mode in the Edge of the Mists and karma train until you are nauseous.
Start participating in PvP. Find a build you like online, or use your own, and tweak it slightly over time until you can counter the classes that usually kill you. Play PvP until you rage, then ragequit (but don’t rage in chat, you’ll just look silly and the responses you’ll get will make you rage more), then come back when the rage subsides and do it all over again. Become not only proficient in your class and build, but effective in understanding what you do best, and steamroll the opposition. Learn how to recognize when your enemy is using a heal skill or heavy burst skill and learn to time your interrupts to sufficiently stop them from doing what they want to do. And during active PvP league seasons, do all of this while bringing in more gold than you know what to do with (this season especially, ohmaga).
Work toward unlocking every skin in the wardrobe. Then, when you have all of the “easily” acquired skins, buy some black lion keys and hope you get lucky with some Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock items, then hope you get even luckier when you use said items and maybe get some ultra rare gem store skins that have been unavailable for years. (Lots of RNG involved here though, maybe don’t do this first)
Save gold, then buy more character slots with said gold and create a character for every available class. Get them all to level 80 and unlock each of their elite specializations.
Master all the masteries.
Become a fractal professional. Farm fractals until your eyes bleed, and until you have more gold and ascended rings than you know what to do with. Make Ad Infinitum.
Create a mesmer exclusively for jumping puzzles. Use that character to help others get through difficult puzzles (like Not So Secret or Skipping Stones). Offer portals for free and sometimes get tips, or request up-front payment for portals. (Warning: Doing the latter will probably get you angry whispers, and chances are not many takers, but YMMV).
Do anything you like, really! Don’t let your dreams be dreams etc
Good luck!
Thunder, your latest reply came in while I was typing my ultra long post just now, but figured I’d respond to your latest questions too:
Most of the folks farming world bosses are there for the loot and nothing more. Some are farming ecto from the rares, some are there because the world bosses have a small chance at dropping ultra rare items which are required to complete the Treasure Hunter collection (find it under Hero panel > Achievements Tab > Collections > Rare Collections > Treasure Hunter). Most of these items are worth hundreds of gold with an extremely low drop rate, so in order to acquire one you either have to save up your gold or farm the world bosses a lot.
Some people simply do the WB’s because it’s a relatively easy way of getting a lot of decent loot with minimal effort, as many of them can be done while you’re half AFK and just spamming the 1 key with the rest of the zerg, whereas others require more a concerted effort (like Tequatl). Still others might be working on finishing up some achievements, as a few world bosses have achievements tied to them.
Regarding crafting professions, to be honest with you, crafting is something that isn’t really necessary in this game. The vast majority of items that you can craft (with any profession, really, whether it’s chef or weaponmaster) can be purchased from the trading post for less gold than it costs to craft. That said, a lot of players use crafting as a way of working on new gear (such as ascended stuff) over time rather than having to shell out a big chunk of gold at once. Other players, like a friend of mine, simply prefer to craft stuff when they need it because they almost always have an overabundance of materials saved up.
The crafting profession you decide to pursue really just comes down to personal preference. Chef is used to make food that gives you buffs, as well as a few specialty items required for certain exclusive skins, like the Mawdrey back piece. Weaponsmith is mostly used for—you guessed it—crafting weapons. But keep in mind that you won’t be able to craft every weapon with a Weaponsmith, you’ll need to have someone proficient in the Huntsman crafting profession to make ranged weapons like longbows or shortbows.
Ultimately, every crafting profession in GW2 has a specific type of things they can make. To be honest, Chef is probably the most “difficult” of the professions simply because there are so many more recipes to learn and so many more ingredients to juggle on your way to maxing out your crafting level. Depending on how invested in Chef you are, it may benefit you to select a different profession for now and come back to it, but that’s entirely up to you. More info on the different professions here:
Regarding your question on throwing stuff into the Mystic Forge, the only reason players do this is for a chance to profit, or for a (very, very small) chance at getting a precursor. The drop rate for precursors is atrociously low, so I don’t recommend dumping stuff into the Mystic Forge unless it’s stuff you don’t mind losing. Many players call it the Mystic Toilet, with good reason.
Having said that, full disclosure: I do put almost all rare weapons I get into the Mystic Forge because I’ve gotten a few precursors this way over the last four years of my playing. This is the main way I’ve acquired my precursors. I have easily flushed thousands of rares and exotics down the mystic forge, and it’s pretty likely that I’ve probably lost more gold and ecto than I’ve ever gained through doing this. It is RNG, pure and simple. Getting a precursor in this manner is like winning the lottery.
My advice? Don’t put anything into the Mystic Forge unless you are fully expecting to lose it.
I hope some of this information helped you in some way!
Thanks for the comprehensive response drunkenpilot.
I was hoping to hear from more people with their perspectives but they now might feel intimidated to reply
I’m still doing world bosses and dailies and occassionally I find other stuff to distract me like lighting all the firecrackers in the pavillion for the new years event.
My inventory is starting to fill up with dragonite ore and bloodstone dust. Should I refine it all or leave it in it’s natural state? I’m going to have to start using it soon and from what I see a lot of it is required per recipe.
I’m not so sure about playing PvP. I treid some of that Dragonball game and I was terrible at it. I didn’t know you get gold from PvP…
I’m also collecting the ectoplasm. I’m sure I’ll need it for something later on.
There’s little point in dropping a craft. If your character has learned two already, then you can just use another character or make one.
As for excess Bloodstone dust, I would save as much as you can hold as it has quite a few uses. You can refine a few blocks of Dragonite but don’t feel bad about tossing it out. You can toss either out if you’re truly running out of space.
You may want to check out getting Mawdrey and the Sentient Anamoly, as it consumes bloodstone
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
If you like collecting skins there are a lot of them in this game. Getting all the Karma armor and weapons available will take time unless you have millions of karma. Doesn’t hurt to get them to fill out your wardrobe and you might find some you really like.
ANet may give it to you.
If I were you, I would either concentrate on achieving World Completion, or leveling up another 1, or more, characters. I would work on leveling up all my Crafting disciplines, 2 per character. I would gather as many Cats as possible for my Home Instance, as well as Home Instance Nodes acquired in-game. I would try to complete all the Current Events, or as many as possible, as well as the Core Personal Story, Living World Season Two Story, HoT Story, and Living World Season Three Story. I’d do my Dailies and work on the easier Achievements. I’d work on Masteries, especially Pact Commander, and Gliding to completion, and the first parts of Mushrooms, and Wallows.
But, this game is very pick-and-choose as you wish, so none of the above is necessary. The very best thing(s) to do, for you, is whatever interests you the most.
Welcome to Tyria, and good luck. (I’m sure no one is intimidated to post in your thread; you seem quite nice.)
Sorry for my long-winded responses. I have a tendency to be a bit too verbose sometimes. My apologies :S
But as Inculpatus said, just do what you have the most fun with, or whatever you feel like doing at any given moment. World completion is definitely a good place to start, that was the first thing I focused on when I reached level 80 with my first character. I really love to explore all the nooks and crannies of a map, though, and I’m a bit of a completionist. If you don’t find it that enjoyable, turn your attention elsewhere.
Anyway, welcome to the game. Now that you’re level 80, the real fun begins. And if you see me online sometime, by all means, feel free to shoot me a message if you have questions. Happy to help
My goodness, there are SO many things to do in this game, the list would be about a mile long.
For better responses you should state your desired play style.
Do you prefer solo/casual play? Group/Raid content? PvP or just PvE? Combat or Cosmetics?
My preferred play style is solo/casual play, this is some of what I did after reaching 80:
I went back to the starter zones and cities and gradually worked on completing those maps, doing hearts, vistas, points-of-interest, working my way up through the zones.
Everywhere I went I gathered wood, ore, plants, and salvaged everything, then worked on levelling up leather worker and huntsman, up to level 500, so that I could eventually make ascended gear.
I made 3 additional characters, parked by crafting stations, to level up all the other crafting professions, so that I could make all the other weapons and other stuff.
Every day I’d log in and attempt to complete the dailies for that day.
Using an event timer I’d do most of the world boss events, not for loot, but because I found it fun.
Upgraded my gear from greens to rares to exotics, through crafting and spending karma in Orr.
Attempted to complete some of the jump puzzles.
Discovered the Silver Wastes and began running that content and learning about the zone wide meta event.
Worked my way through the personal story.
I had only been playing a couple of months, on a free, when Heart of Thorns came out, so I upgraded my account and began to work on Tyria and HoT masteries, and Hero points for my elite trait line.
Played through the HoT story.
Explored Verdant Brink, learned the day/night meta, before they changed it.
Later did the same with the other HoT maps.
Interspersed in all this I worked on crafting ascended armour and weapons and purchased for laurels ascended trinkets.
At the same time I explored my “look”, settling eventually on bladed armour.
When the new Living Story maps were released I went to them, worked on getting the ascended trinkets and the mini’s.
At first I ran a balanced build, soldiers armour, berzerker trinkets and weapons. But I later decided to go full condi… Gradually worked on getting ascended in that.
Oh, and also there were the current events, Bandit champs, Ley Line anomaly, rifts…
Living Story part 3.
On occasion I’d dip into WvW, the Edge of the Mists and Eternal Battle Grounds.
The list goes on but that’s just a few of the things you can do…
I spend a good bit of time messing around in with the TP and learning what I can craft for money. Getting a feel for the economy helps when you want to make legendary weapons/ascended gear. (if you even want to)
I would suggest you:
- Find an active PvE or PvX guild – they’ll have guild events occasionally you can do. And the game is always better with buds. There are plenty of guilds advertising in the “Looking for…” forums here.
- Start getting your guildies to run the dungeons with you. There are tons of paths for you to explore.
- Finish exploring Tyria. Even when you hit Lv80, there are tons of spaces for you to explore. And if you ever do want to do a Legendary, I believe you’re going to need a Gift of Exploration, which requires map completion.
For your gear, first get full exotic gear. Its a nice boost in stats over rares. Berserker gear should be fine for most content, but its not ideal for everything depending on your class. After you get full exotics, you can start a legendary weapon collection (costs 5 gold and 10k karma, but you have to have HoT to be able to buy them), and start saving mats up for ascended armor. Then go achievement hunting, or go for map completion.
I’d finish personal story, season 2 and finish HoT story, do HoT masteries, do all dungeons, do all fractals up to 100 (also along with this go full ascended crafting), start raiding.
IMO world bosses is shallow and boring content, without any challenge, but everyone has a different approach. For me the ultimate goal was always raiding since this is the brink of hard/challenging group content.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
You got to level 80 full exotics? Awesome! Now have fun with friends, communicate with Teamspeak (or any other preferred voice chat), improve in PvP seasons and events, create and manage your own guild, make new friends from all over the world, and so on.
I dunno. I have lots of characters, most haven’t completed the personal story. Two are currently running through it at a level appropriate pace, others are already 80 and going through it. I only have two that are fully up to date on the story. I just recently completed Citadel of Eternity’s three explorables, and I still have several dungeons to work through. I’m up to 14 or 16 in Fractals. Only one of my characters has map completion. I am working my way through my first Legendary doing the Legendary Journey, and I’m finishing up step two of four. I only have a handful of ascended gear.
I’ve been playing since early access. So really, just do what you want. There is a lot to do. Some people seem to disagree on that point, but there is a lot to do in this game.
Why are people telling him to get a legendary? There are no stat increases between ascended and legendary. So ascended armor and weapons is definitely the first thing you should go for. I’d do world bosses, dungeons and fractals scale 1-10, as you only need exotic armor for those.
And don’t forget that in order to refine Bloodstone dust, Dragonite ore and Empyreal Fragments, you need to be Weaponsmith 500, and you’re going to need a lot of Obsidian shards for that as well. 2 per ingot if memory serves
Thanks for all the responses guys. I’m saving this as a to-do list