Levelling Alt: When to rotate them?
If you meant to do it by “map completion”, just rotate character when ever you finish the zone, so you still remember the zone and can do it fast.
I just level 1 at a time. I think that’s more fun. Have 8 character with full map completion and story completed.
There are also other ways such as crafting your way to 80. That’s the fastest way to do it. just grind gold and use it to level your character. Another way is to switch to lower level character when finishing a dungeon to quickly gain a few level. I really hate when people do that, but that’s a quick way to level.
Rotating characters is an interesting take. I did them one at a time, and let me tell you, by the fifth and sixth you just wanna get it over as fast as possible u.u
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
That is a highly subjective question.
For me I usually play one character for a full session however long that may be. Sometimes I pick it up again next session, sometimes I look at the last one and go “ugh” and pick another.
It sounds like you already have your plan in mind. Sounds fine to me to go with that 10 level rotation.
Do it however you are most comfortable (what seems most natural) is my only advice. You’ll know when it’s time to change characters for a needed change of pace.
It can be beneficial to get one character to 80 before others in order for him to support your lower level characters financially, but that is not necessary. 80s can generate coin faster than your lower level characters.
My only rule is to be sure I’m having fun.
Good hunting to you and welcome to the game!
Believe me, just level 1 character to 80 first, and play the end game a bit. And decide what to level next.
I constantly rotate characters. I have 9 alts covering all 8 professions. I tend to get a bit burned out using the same skills over and over on one character so I switch them up. I also get tired of looking at the same characters back side for extended periods of times. Of course I play mostly to goof around and have a little fun when I don’t have other liesure activities planned. I’m probably not the best example if you are a bit more involved in gaming.
I rotated my five characters. I made one of each race, and I’d play one zone at a time. So when my human finished Queensdale, I’d rotate through the other four and finish the starting zones one at a time. Every time I finished a region I’d rotate them to the next (parking one in Orr once I hit level 80, since I had five characters and only four regions to work on).
The leveling process was slow, but because my characters all played differently and because I could change scenery any time I wanted things never really stagnated. If you’re wanting to level multiple characters at once, then I’d suggest either changing characters daily based on the Daily Achievements or just rotating whenever you feel like mixing things up a bit.
But there’s something else to consider. Having a level 80 character will allow you to partake in any events that require a higher level character. So you might want to consider getting one of your characters to level 80 before you work on the rest. That will ensure you can participate in all future Living Story and holiday events.
Good luck.
I have all professions at 80 and think that is a great goal for anyone. I actually never really rotated them while leveling, pretty much stuck with them 1-80. Now, i find I play a character/profession about a week and then rotate to another, whatever I feel like playing. For most characters I rotate builds once every month or two.
But, I’d say that there is no harm rotating on any schedule you fancy while they are leveling. Have fun!
I have the same dream. Getting closer. My advice: Get 1 to 80 and park him somewhere useful such as the Frozen Maw. 1 to 3 easy rares a day to either sell, save, or turn into ectos. And then I would suggest getting the rest of your characters to level 30 so you can try out various elite skills. After that I started leveling my alts one at a time and stationing them at the various boss fights. When someone declares “SB pre up” it makes it super easy to switch and save WP costs. I should have my 6th level 80 character on Monday. This method has allowed me to have my exotic gear pre-purchased without having to run dungeons.
I’m rotating through 12 at the moment. Five levels at a time. They were all at different levels to start with so they’re all pretty much not repeating each other’s paths.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I’m about 3/4 of the way there. I leveled one to 80, and the rest I’ve been rotating every 10 but I’ve been careful to rotate so that I don’t do the same maps or stories back to back so I don’t get burned out. It’s been quite fun
Yaks Bend
there is another mile stone at lv 30 when you unlock the elite skill. also lv 30 personal story quest is the end of the story about your race.
than it’s 40, and 60 for traits. and that’s it… there will be a bunch of skills you’ll still need to unlock on every toon as soon as you reach lv 80 unless you farm skill point in open world
Join the Rainbow Pride
Thanks for all of the responses.
I don’t want to get one to max level first because that effectively makes me pick a main, and trying to avoid that as much as possible until I find one that really really stands out for me. Right now, my favourite has been whichever I’m playing at the time.
What I think drove me to the forums was noticing I suddenly could buy traits at level 11. It make me wonder what other milestones might occur, and perhaps I should switch at those points rather than an arbitrary number. For example, I was originally going to switch every 5 levels, but saw I would soon get weapon, so extended it to 10, and then 11 due to traits :L
So knowing there are milestones at 30, 40, and 60, is really great.
Maybe those are the times I should switch – although I sometimes hear level 20 mentioned often, but not sure why. People sometimes say things like “will level to 20 and see if I like it” – any particular reason?
i’m not sure, but maybe at lv 20 you unlock all utility slots.
but i’m sure it’s only at 30 you unlock the elite skill.
also lv 20 is not really a point where you can realize if you like a class or not (according to me).
only at lv 80 you will have all the trait points you need in order to have a complete build of traits and skills
Join the Rainbow Pride
Thanks for all of the responses.
I don’t want to get one to max level first because that effectively makes me pick a main, and trying to avoid that as much as possible until I find one that really really stands out for me. Right now, my favourite has been whichever I’m playing at the time.
What I think drove me to the forums was noticing I suddenly could buy traits at level 11. It make me wonder what other milestones might occur, and perhaps I should switch at those points rather than an arbitrary number. For example, I was originally going to switch every 5 levels, but saw I would soon get weapon, so extended it to 10, and then 11 due to traits :L
So knowing there are milestones at 30, 40, and 60, is really great.
Maybe those are the times I should switch – although I sometimes hear level 20 mentioned often, but not sure why. People sometimes say things like “will level to 20 and see if I like it” – any particular reason?
Some classes don’t seem to come into their own until around that level. and for me even higher for elementalist and thief. I have a new appreciation for those classes since I’ve persisted them. I did delete my first two eles though.
You may find the same with other classes, or maybe even none at all.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
you’re going to rotate them when you feal like rotating them. Thats what you should do
/thread done.
with 8 chars at lvl10, you should be able to decide what you like most and want to level to 80. leveling gets really boring after the first few levels.
No, I seriously doubt levelling will get boring for me when I have seen NOTHING.
I think it WILL be boring if I get one character to max level, do everything, and then just power level the rest. Been there, done that, yes, it’s very boring. That’s why I’m avoiding it now.
I have 5 characters and I just play whichever I feel like playing that day.
This does mean there is a big gap in level – my highest is level 80 and the lowest is level 7 – but I think I’d be more likely to get bored and/or frustrated if I felt like I had to play a particular character, or couldn’t play one of the others until I’d finished with the one I was on.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
It’s a neat idea, but I think it’ll burn you out. You might, with five characters, have a shot at it by choosing different maps to run through, but with eight you’d definitely need to overlap some and it’s going to take MONTHS to get them to eighty.
Maybe try choosing five (one of each race), and do their starter zones, then choose maps from the next level tier. You’ll get some overlap in the later stages, but it won’t be nearly as bad as with eight.
That said, to answer your actual question, there are a few milestones that you might consider:
1) Skill unlock levels (level 11, 20 or 30 being the main ones).
2) Cultural armour unlock levels (35, 65, 80)
3) Zone completions (probably the best choice IMO)
4) Dungeon access levels (spread throughout the post 30 game, though tricky to party for at low level)
5) Gear access levels (various tiers and types of gear becomes available as you level up, but I would avoid that when leveling the first time as I find it sucks the fun out of random drops)
I just left an MMO that was the only game I played for over 3 years.
Something taking months . . . only that much? I thought it would take at least a year :L
Also, Honestly, I’m so new that I don’t even know where one zone finishes or ends :P
I can see I have a certain amount of hearts, etc., but I’m currently amazed by the size of these zones. Also, by not completing the zones, it makes me excited to return to them. Remember I have no idea about anything right now. Some of you guys are mentioning things which, truthfully, I have no idea what you are even talking about.
Right now the game feels like a movie that starts with different characters, all separate, I have no idea how they are connected or when/if they even interact. It makes things really cool for me I think.
Although it does make for interesting gameplay. I have no idea where I should go. I see the green circle with the personal story – BUT oh look, an event for here, oh, a look out there, oh look, hearts to complete! Eventually I go do the green circle, but it’s more to change the pace than anything :P
Most of the time I’m just running around doing whatever seems fun at that time, and having a blast doing it tbh. If that means I end up having months and months of fun, well, that seems like a good thing to me . . .
Thank you crashtestauto for that list – that’s perfect!
I don’t want to get one to max level first because that effectively makes me pick a main, and trying to avoid that as much as possible until I find one that really really stands out for me. Right now, my favourite has been whichever I’m playing at the time.
No it doesn´t and the reason no one stands out for you is because you can´t play either of them properly, as expected.
This isn´t WoW or any of the other “Holy Trinity” MuMuPuhRGs.
Getting to 80 only means you can finally utilize the trait system fully, if you have the cash. Grandmaster costs 1 Gold after all, gets a bit expensive with 8 toons. Especially for a beginner.
At 80 you need to start getting familiar with how to play your chosen weapons combo properly.
Or maybe switch to an altogether different weapons set and traits. THAT is how you get skilled with a character.
This isn´t an attack put simply a warning to not fall into a self-imposed trap.
Learn to play literally means that in GW2, not learn to chain your skills like in that other game.
I personally don’t feel that you can truly know the feel of a class until post level 30. Getting that first elite and all your utility slots, not to mention a lot of the utility’s themselves have finally been unlocked to try out.
Edit: I say this as someone that has 8 characters as well. 5 level 80’s so far, the rest are 50, 42, and 34.
In each case I really felt I got a true feel for how the class played only post 30. In some cases, the play style of a class can completely change in the higher levels. Like level 60 with full arcane traits for a d/d ele. That was a ton of fun.
Also if you get bored to leveling but still want to experience how to play at max lvl you can go to pvp. In there you will be brought to lvl 80 and you can get all the equipment for free, so you can also see the strenght of each class, i think it will be easier if you try that with a thief.
The guy from this youtube channel is teaching how to start on pvp
I’m not going to PvP.
I’m also confused by the post by hawkmaster.
I’m already switching weapons, I’m already starting to get used to different things.
I MUCH prefer learning things this way. Bit by bit, adapting, learning slowing along the way. It results it a really full understanding once max level is finally reached. If anything, this is far more complicated than WoW where there is one basic rotation and it’s pretty much the same from start to finish. You talk about needing to learn things properly at level 80 – well, how does that happen if I don’t even have the basics down?
Similarly, learn to play means understanding my abilities well, so isn’t it better if I spend more time learning how each one of them works?
For example, I like that it takes a while for a weapon to fully unluck its abilities. It ensures I will have an understanding of each one does before progressing.
I’ve always felt the best way to learn something is slow progression as opposed to power leveling and just trying to learn it all at max level. You end up understanding the nuances a lot better.
To me your way of learning(what you´re doing, not what you described up there) simply sound like indulging your ADD.
It´s pretty much impossible to “learn” something for 10 minutes then switch to another topic and learn that for another 10 mins, etc.
I really recommend just sticking to one character randomly, either roll a dice or chose the one with the biggest boobies. Then switch out the weapon combos while you play it for a couple of days.
But this discussion is a bit futile anyway.
Play this game the way you like and you´ll see for yourself if it suits you.
P.S. to those who can´t discern a candid word from a mortal insult, I wasn´t inferring OP has ADD (which isn´t an insult either), but that this playstyle fits the general symptoms.
(edited by HawkMeister.4758)
I have a dream: 8 level 80 Characters (i.e., one of each profession).
I’m wondering, however, if every 10 levels is too small. Are there also perhaps certain levels where significant milestones take place? Perhaps it would be better to rotate at that point. I’m completely new to this game, so advice is greatly appreciated.
Well at lvl 10 you haven’t even unlocked ur first trait, that happens at lvl 11, at lvl 30 you unlock your first elite skill, but personally i don’t think you really get a good grasp of a class until at least lvl 20 especially if you’re new to the game.
That said, to answer your actual question, there are a few milestones that you might consider:
1) Skill unlock levels (level 11, 20 or 30 being the main ones).
2) Cultural armour unlock levels (35, 65, 80)
3) Zone completions (probably the best choice IMO)
4) Dungeon access levels (spread throughout the post 30 game, though tricky to party for at low level)
5) Gear access levels (various tiers and types of gear becomes available as you level up, but I would avoid that when leveling the first time as I find it sucks the fun out of random drops)
6) Every ten levels you can slot a new major trait, which is as much a milestone as anything else.
Most of the time I’m just running around doing whatever seems fun at that time, and having a blast doing it tbh. If that means I end up having months and months of fun, well, that seems like a good thing to me . . .
Sounds like you’re a “journey” kind of guy, as opposed to a “destination” kind of guy. As a fellow “journey” guy I can say you’re probably going to enjoy your time playing Guild Wars 2.
To me your way of learning(what you´re doing, not what you described up there) simply sound like indulging your ADD.
It´s pretty much impossible to “learn” something for 10 minutes then switch to another topic and learn that for another 10 mins, etc.
He’s not going to be getting 10 levels (or hitting whatever milestone he shoots for) in 10 minutes. And because gear and traits are constantly changing while leveling anyway no one really truly learns what their character’s capabilities are until they hit level 80 and slot that final major trait.