Levelling is so hard!? ;)
Definitely needs a nerf.
Definitely needs a nerf.
NO!!!! Must grind PvP hard before it could happen!!! O.O’
It kinda annoys me that players can get these so easily in PvP, but not from WvW or EOTM :-(
It kinda annoys me that players can get these so easily in PvP, but not from WvW or EOTM :-(
Honestly, EoTM is where I can get a level 80 in about 3 days or so, very fast experience to be had there.
I know, EOTM is quite good in that regard. I’m doing that right now with my necro. It’s just, it would be nice to have even a glimpse of what PvP’ers get (reward track/tomes of knowledge, etc.)
What does that teach the new players, who happen across this video, and seeing those other two ruffians cheering and mocking you! Shameful! I at least hope you were in Kessex when you did that!
While I like the leveling process (I still have like 6 of those 20th level bumps in my bank unused), it would be nice to be able to go buy books like that with karma or something else that can be acquired in PvE. Candy corn maybe?
Pretty fun though, and glad at least some players that want to bump up quickly like that can.
I started this game 3 weeks ago and it literally took me 3 days to hit 80 doing mostly eotm and a little bit of crafting (I ran out of materials and cash around 250 or 300 haha). I think it just depends on your leader in EotM though.
it would be nice to be able to go buy books like that with karma or something else that can be acquired in PvE. Candy corn maybe?
Karma perhaps yes, but no tradeable currency should ever be allowed for buying levels, or it’s literally paying to level up which should never happen.
You can also (currently) buy them with 300x festival tokens.
I’m not sure if grinding events between crown pavillion, daily gauntlet boss rewards and the bazaar is quicker than winning 5 pvp tourney matches or not.
I used to enjoy leveling in this game, but the new trait system is just painfully terrible.
Honestly, this is the only real way to level now. Take an 80 into PvP and get enough tomes to bypass the entire thing. The trait system is terrible, makes it so that gaining a level gets you nothing 90% of the time.
Between the new trait system and the fact that the transmutation charges makes it expensive and wasteful to alter my look before level 80, all the fun has been taking out of leveling in this game. Once they remove tomes of knowledge (and they will) I’ll never make another new character again.
I don’t know if they will remove them, I guess the idea of levelling tomes was in-line with the “play how u want” motto anet like to state, so that pvp players can level up as well as pve/wvw players equally, just the balance of time spent and rewards is not really equal to pve. I’ve never tried levelling in wvw/eotm so I dunno if this is faster than pvp.
(edited by Vashoom.8512)
no nerf lol. at least not until i have gotten my last 3 character slots to 80!
I’ve built up enough to insta level a character to 80. I’m waiting for enough to level 3 up to 80 and do no work for it.
I get them as rewards for pvp, so I don’t know why they need nerfing.
bloody christ hit enter
its painful to watch
I didnt find it that hard to level. Especially with an alt. Just switch them out at the end of a dungeon run on the boss, and bring them in. (If party is willing to hold cut scene of course). Easy peasy
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Be careful not to advertise that leveling can occur very quickly anywhere. You will have posters extremely concerned that the new players to the game will become traumatized by map chat and not learn to do anything beyond spamming 1 (which isn’t even necessary since 1 = autoattack.)
Seriously though, if players are funneling themselves into easy-to-level-get-rewards areas, there probably will be an adjustment at some point.