Light Armor Again... Yup

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


Okay Arenanet,

Simple question, what is the problem with Male Light Armor? I am genuinely curious. I’ve been playing since the Beta, at launch I did an Ele male (human) and I cannot customize his look. In a game where you emphasis the pursuit of visuals why, why on earth is this proving so difficult for your team? Is it artists? I know some concept artists that can help. I would genuinely like to know why male Light Armor is such a problem…

This issue was exacerbated recently by Ascended Armor.

Also I’ll put this clearly, I will pay money for a good armor skin. You are missing out on a monetization avenue…

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Heritage is the best light armour skin in my opinion – but of course it’s only available to those who have played GW1.
Personally I think there are plenty of decent male light armour skins… But I can understand wanting a little more variety.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Only Heavy tier classes are allowed variety.

At least you get some pants/skirtless tops instead of 0 like medium.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pyrasia.9281


Okay Arenanet,

Simple question, what is the problem with Male Light Armor? I am genuinely curious. I’ve been playing since the Beta, at launch I did an Ele male (human) and I cannot customize his look. In a game where you emphasis the pursuit of visuals why, why on earth is this proving so difficult for your team? Is it artists? I know some concept artists that can help. I would genuinely like to know why male Light Armor is such a problem…

This issue was exacerbated recently by Ascended Armor.

Also I’ll put this clearly, I will pay money for a good armor skin. You are missing out on a monetization avenue…

So, what look do you want ?

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


It is no secret that anet is struggling with light armor. I recently got my char warrior to 80 and MAN could I kit out his look! But my main? My original Male Human Ele? Forget about it.

What look am I looking for? It’s up to Anet to figure that part out, just like they did with heavy (that has so much variety and awesomeness) and medium to an extent.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


So, what look do you want ?

Something that looks even remotely as good as some of those armors would be GREAT. For both Medium and Light. The lack of diversity in the current Medium/Light is appalling.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


Generally, I actually like the male light armor better than the heavy armor; all those suits of chain/scale/plate really struggle to hold my interest, surprisingly. So it is, to some degree, a matter of taste.

Heritage is the best light armour skin in my opinion – but of course it’s only available to those who have played GW1.

I struggle not to put it on more than one of my characters. There are other light sets I like, but, dang, they really nailed it with the Heritage light armor. (I could take or leave the medium/heavy Heritage armor.)

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


Generally, I actually like the male light armor better than the heavy armor; all those suits of chain/scale/plate really struggle to hold my interest, surprisingly. So it is, to some degree, a matter of taste.

Heritage is the best light armour skin in my opinion – but of course it’s only available to those who have played GW1.

I struggle not to put it on more than one of my characters. There are other light sets I like, but, dang, they really nailed it with the Heritage light armor. (I could take or leave the medium/heavy Heritage armor.)


The Heritage Light Armor was a win…all except for the baggy stockings for the female…don’t know what they were thinking there,

but the Male is truly awesome!

In the game world, though, light armor in general all falls into buttskirts or one-sided scarf looking stuff. The only classes that have it worse is the Medium, although what they do have is much preferable to some of the light skins.

Level 80 Elementalist

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


When I think of armor being light armor, I think of robes, cloaks, hoods, pants, vests, skirts, things made out of cloth basically. I think this sums up pretty much all of the light armor choices in GW2. You can only do so much with light armor options. I have a Necro and an Ele and both of them look completely different from each other, so I don’t necessarily agree that the light armor choices aren’t varied. I think they vary just fine for the light armor parameters they have to work with.

I do use Sylvari cultural for my Ele’s light armor, though, which looks awesome. Necro uses a mix of Charr cultural, karma armor, and dungeon armor.

You really have to be creative when picking skins.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relair.1843


Yeah I really don’t see what your complaint is, there is a plethora of great looking light armor. Tribal looking, evil looking, arch-mage looking, priest looking, and any other archetype of wizard you could possibly want. I can’t really think of a look they don’t have covered with a bit of creative swapping.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Yeah I really don’t see what your complaint is, there is a plethora of great looking light armor. Tribal looking, evil looking, arch-mage looking, priest looking, and any other archetype of wizard you could possibly want. I can’t really think of a look they don’t have covered with a bit of creative swapping.

Most of it is unimpressive, though. Especially compared to some gorgeous female light armor choices.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faowri.4159


Yeah I really don’t see what your complaint is, there is a plethora of great looking light armor. Tribal looking, evil looking, arch-mage looking, priest looking, and any other archetype of wizard you could possibly want. I can’t really think of a look they don’t have covered with a bit of creative swapping.

From a design perspective, there is a real lack of variety in male scholar armour. A lot of the silhouettes are effectively the same as what you get in your starter armour. Medium armour has similar problems.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: strifer.7986


come back in a year …
there are much bigger problem right now…


Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ildjarn.7321


As a fellow male human elementalist i’ve been wondering same thing. On female most armors look decent or good but on male its just horrible. Some male armors even have random holes in chest pieces. I don’t want to show off my man boobs, just not quite yet.

Näin on.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


Tier 3 Human armor and the Trickster armor without the mask and shoulders are the only light armor ive ever liked on males in this game

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


The overall style of GW2 needs to change. Currently, it’s victorian era, or whatever era they were going for. It just seems silly. It needs to be more medieval, in my opinion.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vick.6805


I was excited for the Flamekissed armor on my Charr…finally a light armor set that looked good on Charr!!!

…and then they discontinued it because it was a human cultural reskin…


Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pyrasia.9281


So, what look do you want ?

Something that looks even remotely as good as some of those armors would be GREAT. For both Medium and Light. The lack of diversity in the current Medium/Light is appalling.

So, light armors that look like heavy armors ?
Just trying to understand here, cuz I don’t have problem dressing up my chars.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relair.1843


Yeah I really don’t see what your complaint is, there is a plethora of great looking light armor. Tribal looking, evil looking, arch-mage looking, priest looking, and any other archetype of wizard you could possibly want. I can’t really think of a look they don’t have covered with a bit of creative swapping.

From a design perspective, there is a real lack of variety in male scholar armour. A lot of the silhouettes are effectively the same as what you get in your starter armour. Medium armour has similar problems.

What about the Priory and Order of Whispers sets? Those are quite distinctive looking. That Whispers set just screams earth mage, the crown on the cowl is awesome, and the Priory one looks nice for your all purpose hooded wizard look. Or the Arah armor, great for necromancers. I dunno, I always thought medium armor was the worst, especially for male characters. Would you like a trenchoat, a trenchcoat, or perhaps…a trenchcoat? Heavy is the best, but light always seemed to be in a pretty good place to me.