Light,Heavy and then Medium armor...?
I have to agree as a fellow Thief. We have so few designs that really stands out. Although some indivual pieces are beauties such as the coat from CM and if I remember right the gloves from CM are visually nice as well. Other than a select few pieces the vast majority of the armor pieces are bland in comparision with the Heaby or Light pieces. And for the life of me I still can’t find a decent pair of pants that goes well with what will be my endgame costume.
Yeah just a constructive point like this fellow here says ^ There are a few but only a few nice looking pieces of gear, just no where near enough in comparison to almost endless supply of nice looking Light and Heavy gear.
The rogue coat looks pretty spiffy on engineer and thieves. I have it on both of them. However I agree, a little too much trench coat going on. I would love it to see a little more medium armors with some basic chain mail or armor plates (not like a heavy armor but you get meaning).
I wish we could at least use the looks of different class armours. There is some nice mix and matching I want to do but can’t …
as a sylvari thief im very happy with my leaves, but yeah agree with op no other medium sets tickle my fancy at all, they all seem so bulky
On the asura character model, your one real hope to stand out in a crowd is one of those oversized horned helmets, and there aren’t many of those in medium weight.
My medium armours
(edited by Punny.9210)
They overdid it with the trench coats
you just need to be creative mix & match clothes and yea i tranmulate them all
Problem with Medium gear. Far Far too many tailcoats and not enough shirts without tailcoats. No skirts, No shorts.
Problem with Light armor. Far Far too many long skirts – hip parkas and not enough pants. No leggingless skirts except 1. No shorts.
More variety is needed all around. Leather has 1 slightly skimpy look. 2 if you count human t3 cultural. Light armor has 1 short skirt. rest are medium and have huge thigh high leggings on all of them. etc..
You look at your characters backside 90% of the time ingame. I’d like to see something nicer then a giant bell shape swatch of cloth.
Yeah i would like to make a quick note, im not sure what the Medium armors look like on other races but on the Asuran in general they look horrible.
My biggest disappointment is the Sylvari cultural armour sets for medium armour users. The Tier 3 set for Light and Heavy is quite frankly drop dead gorgeous, but the Medium set is woeful by comparison. The only vaguely acceptable one is the Tier 1 set, which is a bit of a downer. The only dungeon medium armour set I’ve found to be actually worth going for is for Twilight Arbor, but it does rather make me not want to run the other dungeons.
All this could be solved by letting us use the look of different armour classes in transmutation (and likely give Anet some extra dosh on the gem store) but I’m not holding my breath for that to happen.
@Galen You got me thinking there; cross-armor trasmutation stones…