Linking Gear via Chatcode
We don’t need to know what gear people actually do or do not have.
I agree that it’s a bit ridiculous, but it makes no difference to you if someone got Dusk from Jormag’s Claw.
Adding in a way of telling if someone actually has something is too close to gear checking/inspecting, which GW2 does not need in any capacity. Elitists can go home >.>
I never congratulate anyone because the RNG like them anyways. Other than for trolling, the only problem this could cause is lying on dungeons when asked to ping gear.
Adding in a way of telling if someone actually has something is too close to gear checking/inspecting, which GW2 does not need in any capacity. Elitists can go home >.>
The anti-elitist started so early. I better control myself before I bite this bait.
(edited by Yenn.9185)
Next time someone pings something, you can just ping a worthless grey item instead for laugh
Next time someone pings something, you can just ping a worthless grey item instead for laugh
Keep Polla on hand to link cause she’s too OP!
We don’t need to know what gear people actually do or do not have.
I agree that it’s a bit ridiculous, but it makes no difference to you if someone got Dusk from Jormag’s Claw.Adding in a way of telling if someone actually has something is too close to gear checking/inspecting, which GW2 does not need in any capacity. Elitists can go home >.>
It sure does in FotM. Having low AR makes a player a liability to the team no matter how good they are in high levels.
But funnily enough, the item sometimes ‘glitch’ if you try linking a chat code, so you might embarrass yourself.
Next time someone pings something, you can just ping a worthless grey item instead for laugh
Thing is, if someone pings a precursor I’ll just think. Lucky drop. If someone pinged a stack of porous bones at least I’ll know that some effort went into obtaining them and respect the player more
Whenever someone pings items as “Loot” or “Look at this drop [Item]” I tend not to believe them due to the amount of people who will just setup a chatcode.
Believe me or not, that is good. If you had an ability to differentiate between chat codes and a real gear, there would be more “ping your gear” elitists in this game.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
It’s been said, who cares what people get as drops? If this was implemented, it should purely be for the function of analysing your dungeon group so you’re not stuck with PVT trash anyway, but if you care that much you wouldn’t be PUGging regardless.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Time to go get “lucky” at the mystic forge in Lion’s Arch.
It’s fine. Just ignore the pinging. No one should be concerned what others are wearing in this game, there is nothing gear wise that is thrillingly powerful or required, sans AR for Fractals.
Basically: Gear score died for a reason.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.