Lion's Arch Request
There’s a lion statue standing over the portal to heart of the mists. It’s like the first thing you see in the little flyby cinematic when you first enter the city.
Is it possible to place some Lion’s Arch banners around LA? The only banners in the city are Krytan ones. Although Anet has said the banners are paying tribute to king Doric. It feels odd that Lion’s Arch would have flags of a country that repeatedly went to war with them and still have some animosity between the two sides. The Order of Whispers supports Queen Jennah because she is one of the few Krytan monarchs who supports Lion’s Arch.
The other is to bring back the Lion fountain and statue. It was a symbol of the city and in the rebuilt Lion’s Arch there is no lion imagery. Besides how else is the Mad King make his entrance other then breaking through the Lion fountain in Lion’s Arch.
Where is it said that there was a war between Kryta and LA?
It’s in the novel, Sea of Sorrows.