Lion's Arch original map
I doubt very much that it will be returned to the same state. It might see some more repairs, but a complete return to the original state is very unlikely.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Lion’s Arch had the architecture it did because of the flooding caused by Orr’s rise, it wrecked ships in various positions, which then served as the basis for the town being built around it. As Lion’s Arch is repaired going forward, those ships aren’t going to be put back. They were destroyed, smashed down from their positions, and there’s no reason for the Captain’s Council to expend effort to put the ships back when they’re having enough trouble restoring basic services and stopping looters.
While Lion’s Arch is going to continue to be fixed going forward, it’s never going to look like it once did.
I hadn’t thought of it that way, you may be right. But in that way we must see some updates at LA map soon, because now random camps are scattered around the area, like an abandoned warzone.