List of "Mats" that need storage spot
Mid-craft cooking/scribing materials.
Why can we put ingots and processed leather in the materials page but not, like, balls of dough, sandpaper, or pens?
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
coagulated Ectoplasm – should also add this one.
We don’t know yet how it’s used for legendary armour .
Tempted to add Black Lion Keys/Chests to this list.
The amount of chests to keys I get is high.
A little resume of what we got so far
Material Storage
- Amalgamated gemstones
- Essense of Luck
- Doublons
- Unidentified Dyes
- Sigils
- Runes
- Agony Infusions +1up
- Seals
- Medallion
- Bloodstone Shard
- Eldritch Scoll
- Mystic Crystal
- Philosopher’s Stone
- Siege Masters Guide
- Augur’s Stone
- Anthology of Heros
- Bottle of Elonian Wine
- Tome of Knowledge
- Blade Shards
- Mystic Forge Stones
- PvP Arena Tokens
- Black Lion Chest
- Baubles
- Vision Crystal (Lesser and Normal)
- Unidentified Fossilized Insects
- Mystic Keystone Crystals
- Pile of Mystic Dust
- WvW Siege Blueprints
- Milling Basin
- Aether Keys
- Aether key Pieces
- Tenebrous Crystal
- Fortune Scraps
- Black Lion Claim Ticket
- Black Lion Claim Ticket Scrap
- Queen’s Gauntlet Entrance Tickets
- Reclaimed Metal Plate
- Writs of Experience
- BoostersWallet
- Crowbars
- Chak Acids
- Exalted KeysNow a list of other stuff ppl asked in this thread, but that I didn’t add to the list and why.
I would love those too, but they would double if not triple the size of the Storage. Not sure if all of those are needed
- All Potions
- All Drinks
- All Food
- Intermediate Crafting ItemsHere a list of single items. No reason to be in material storage
- Continue Coin
- Music Instrument
- Gizmos
- Legendary Gift
- Toy BoxThose 2 items will never get used in the game ever again. Better destroy them
- Ellen Kiel Representation Buttons
- Evon Gnasherblade Representation ButtonsI think it would be better if they got the same treament as Oufit or Minis
- TonicCan’t because they are soulbound
- Proff of Heroics
Big thanks Thaddeus!
Sorry that I’ve been neglecting this thread. I’ll try to be a bit more active on this topic, but there are other things I’ve had my attention on in and out of game.
Keep it up and thanks again!
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Some more:
Those Christmas clothing items !!
Eg ugly wool socks (etc)
I know these are trophys but they are handed in for rewards at wintersday.
Some more:
Those Christmas clothing items !!
Eg ugly wool socks (etc)I know these are trophys but they are handed in for rewards at wintersday.
Technically they are currency, considering that you exchange them at a vendor for an item. So, they belong in the wallet.
There’s an item called “Rare Flower Seed” that you can get from Passiflora and is a crafting material for Scribe that has no material storage spot (and no wiki entry, for that matter).
It’s amazing we are still finding things to add to the list.
All the Medallions:
All the Crests:
All the Seals:
These are upgrade components – which are on par with materials such as black diamonds. There is no reason why these items should not be having a mat slot.
I’m sure there are more, but here are some crafting materials that need a spot in the “material storage” section of the bank.
-amalgamated gemstones
-essence of luck (100)
-unidentified dyes
Feel free to add to the list peeps.
I support the idea, but disagree with your list. Things should only be stored in “materials” if
- The primary use is as a crafting ingredient. (Example: foxfire cluster, recently moved.)
- If it has secondary use in crafting, it must be hoarded for some time before it can be used. (Example: four types of doubloons; still must be hoarded in bank/inventory.)
- If its primary use is as a vendor currency, it should be moved to the wallet instead. (Examples: geodes and bandit crests, recently moved to the wallet).
In contrast, if it has a primary value outside of crafting and isn’t used often in crafting or at vendors, then it should not go into the material vault. Examples include unID dyes (awkward if you accidentally “deposit all”) and essences of luck (any size).
Similarly, things used as “keys” should probably go into an account-bound “key ring” — there’s no reason folks with multiple characters should remember who has the silverwastes keys, who has the dry top ones, etc.
Finally, there are a number of intermediate items in the crafting process that don’t really have a good solution. This includes amalgamated gemstones, embellished jewels, dowels of all sorts, and base cooking substrates (such as baker’s dry or wet ingredients, salt & pepper, roux, …). I consider an item to be an “intermediate” if (a) it has no utility on its own, i.e. is used to craft other things, (b) it is required for lots of recipes, (.c) it’s likely that you’d want to stock up on these while leveling a craft or outfitting etc, and (d) one tends to produce more of these than needed right now (but one would like to keep them handy for the next time).
On the one hand, they aren’t strictly “materials” — they have been crafted from other items. On the other, aside from that, they function a lot like materials do. My suggestion: create a new tab in the account vault for these sorts of things and charge gems — it stacks as high as the materials storage; we would only pay once to unlock it. (This is to cover the cost of adding the mechanic.)
Yup, agree here, only those that counts as materials and doesn’t have a spot yet should have one, the ones that comes to the top of my head are the fossilized insects, also the ores for inscribing. Gold doubloon is a material but cooper one isn’t. Insignias?
Festive Transoms — They are a scribing material (lvl 225): Introduced Wintersday 2015
“-essence of luck (100)”
Why on God’s green earth … ?
I agree with everything on the list, and the comment on the essence of luck (except it is a crafting mat, sooo), I didn’t see the following, sorry if its a repeat.
The christmas packages, since I get them every day in my home instance.
the PLETHORA of trophies acquired on the road to Legendary crafting
and its a repeat, but worth stressing, basic cooking components.
Mystic forge stuff like crystals and philosopher stones.
I cant hold them anymore and my princess is soo full
Fight the queens