Little dissapointed with Balthazar outfit
Well, this sounds like the ‘It looks awesome, but I really feel the need to complain about it anyway’ thread that was bound to follow us getting the thing that we were all asking for.
I bet anet staff sometimes wonder exactly what it is they come into work for.
Jup its ugly on juggernaut
Screenshot looks better than original Balth to me.
Can you wear just a few portions of the set with other armor or is it an all or nothing set?
all or nothing
all or nothing
That’s really lame and the reason I haven’t bought a set yet. Why can’t these be like the old armor skins where you could mix and match with other armor sets?
This is exactly what im talking about. Imagine all complains if all blue parts of zodiac were covered in juggernaut effect. It just ruins all experience.
Fortunately, zodiac works great with juggy. Unfortunately Balth. outfit does NOT.
This is exactly what im talking about. Imagine all complains if all blue parts of zodiac were covered in juggernaut effect. It just ruins all experience.
Fortunately, zodiac works great with juggy. Unfortunately Balth. outfit does NOT.
Yea Its like iIwasted 130 gold on nothing and I want my 130 gold back
Watch from 0:58 onwards… You will understand.. and if I get banned for posting this, I call dictatorship an communism against free speech. Anet needs to deal with real life and gaming linked to it, not just to force-milk us as if we are cash cows.
OP what dye are you using for the shiny silver? Silver dye looks washed out IMO.
This is exactly what im talking about. Imagine all complains if all blue parts of zodiac were covered in juggernaut effect. It just ruins all experience.
Fortunately, zodiac works great with juggy. Unfortunately Balth. outfit does NOT.Yea
Its like iIwasted 130 gold on nothing and I want my 130 gold back
You can try to ask for a Gem refund by opening a support ticket – Do it SOON (ie. today/tomorrow).
I was disappointed with my purchase of the Bass Guitar. I opened a ticket and was refunded the gems in less than 30 hours from my purchase. It required that I deleted the item and verification that I had done so by them.
The two GM’s that I dealt with made it clear that Gem refunds are not normally done, and that my case was the exception to the rule.
Still, if you are really dissatisfied with the outfit, you should at least try for a refund.
Make sure you give a full and detailed explanation of why you are dissatisfied with this gem store item.
Good Luck
Its Shiver Sky or Glacial Sky… cant remember. Both look similar
You can try to ask for a Gem refund by opening a support ticket – Do it SOON (ie. today/tomorrow).
I was disappointed with my purchase of the Bass Guitar. I opened a ticket and was refunded the gems in less than 30 hours from my purchase. It required that I deleted the item and verification that I had done so by them.
The two GM’s that I dealt with made it clear that Gem refunds are not normally done, and that my case was the exception to the rule.
Still, if you are really dissatisfied with the outfit, you should at least try for a refund.Make sure you give a full and detailed explanation of why you are dissatisfied with this gem store item.
Good Luck
well I can’t delete it because it is an outfit… :S
I just want fix for the juggernaut hammer :S
I mentioned my experience with deleting the item. I didn’t say that you would have to do it – or that it would be possible at all.
I’m just making a suggestion and relaying my experience with customer service..
Thanks, just tried Shiver Sky, I think you might have Glacial, can’t afford them both I’ll try later.
Either way, Shiver is better than any of the silvers I’ve tried before. Thanks.
Guess you’ll have to throw juggernaut away and use the bugged 1handed Anchor hammer.
The only thing i was curious about was “how does it look like with juggernaut aura” and it looks… still awesome, but not as awesome as expected.
All glowing parts stop glowing, even though these parts are orange the juggernaut uses color of your 1st slot dye. It just look cold and empty. Even worse on charr… the head under the helmet look like a silver muppet
Hmm that looks pretty good? What dye are you using?
I don’t know, looks pretty good on my Charr. Well better than most of the heavy armour skins.