Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Da Beetus.1275

Da Beetus.1275

This all looks great, but what I want to know is when do I get to play Super Adventure Box again?

Why do those that know the least know it the loudest?

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


Tigirius, I’m hoping it was a hammer!

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SenorMoody.5908


ok.. so when is the release date? anyone know?

Wish it, Want it, Do it!

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thomas.3890


no levelgrind, no armor/weapon invalidation = faith (in Anet) +1

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What I saw again on the trailer was what looked like an Engineer with flying turrets and a two handed mace I’m hoping that this will be true in the final product! Mobile turrets have been needed for a long long time now!

Not new weapons it’s probably the secondary profession for engi and it was a hammer.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Tigirius, I’m hoping it was a hammer!

I am too and I’m hoping that they’ll bring in some new engineer -esc models to use for wardrobe like a giant monkey wrench!

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


no levelgrind, no armor/weapon invalidation = faith (in Anet) +1

I’m thinking the same here’s to hope!

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I been wanting new weapons for my Thief so bad, I wanna see what I get.

I feel sorry for all WvW players who had any hope. No deathmatch GvG, no deathmatch for sPvP.

Stronghold is way better though, I was literally tearing up when they announced that. I had so much fun in GW1 FA.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zappix.7928


I just creamed my knickers at the trailer.

Oh my! Very much looking forward to this, cannot wait!

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I been wanting new weapons for my Thief so bad, I wanna see what I get.

I feel sorry for all WvW players who had any hope. No deathmatch GvG, no deathmatch for sPvP.

Stronghold is way better though, I was literally tearing up when they announced that. I had so much fun in GW1 FA.

Isn’t it only on their secondary profession where everything changes? I wonder if its attached to a specific spec .

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


OMG! Almost EVERYTHING that we have been screaming at ANET about for the past years they have implemented!!!! THEY DO LISTEN!!!! ;_; so much information….overload…….overload……..overload

Necromancer Main

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


OMG! Almost EVERYTHING that we have been screaming at ANET about for the past years they have implemented!!!! THEY DO LISTEN!!!! ;_; so much information….overload…….overload……..overload

….and we barely got a teaspoon of it. That aside…. i actually can smile again. Hammer engi…druid ranger… new class… wvw upgrade…guild halls… even the kittening gliders…yes…faith is back big time.

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fernling.1729


I’m so excited to explore the new region. This expansion can’t come soon enough.

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elric.6971


I left this game for a long time now. I only popped back in to “steal” free living story installments. And a few weeks ago, when i needed hard drive space, I uninstalled the game.

It was done. Over. The ride had ended for me.





Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phlanx.9273


no new race sad day. I really thought they were going to do at least 1 new race

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gandolfi.1507


A new race may come in time – just not with this expansion. Looks like we’ll see more expansions in years to come for the other dragons, with living story in between. No reason to think new races won’t be included in those – perhaps when they fit better with the story…

Godrik Gandolfi – human warrior; Lucius Foestabber – charr reaper
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

well.. nothing more to say then hype train runs at all engines…. lightspeed ahead. Take my kittening money, heck take my clothes and my family too!

I nearly snorted my mocha with this one. ~thumbs up~

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SillaKnight.6172


Any things more? Cant watch the steam

By the way I just bought the game <3

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iddles.9280


I’m more concerned about how many new areas we’ll explore and dungeons/fractals. Can anyone clarify this?

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmm, lets see what we basically got here

1 new Map, Heart of Maguuma, that is the games first 3 layer map, basically 3 maps in map inside 1 map, cause of vertical increase, rather than horizontal increase of size.

More Character progression through a new Feature beign called “Masteries”.
Its basically a redesign or improvement of the whole Trait System.

Specializations for all Professions…. wohoooo we get SUB CLASSES, because nothing else are Specializations, regardless how you rename it to make it sound different ^^
Super Duper Awesome, my Concept in the HoProg-CDI was convincing enough to find its way into the Game for better Character Progression with one of my many proposed ways for the Ranger – Staff wielding Druids that actually make use of their Nature Magic CHOO CHOO

Precursor Crafting finds its way into the game finally together with new Legendary Weapons and new Precursors.
Awesome, hopefully this includes also jewler and Chef 500 as threy talked only about Major New Features, please tell us also more about Minor New Features that are simply only improvements of existign content please ANet

Guild Halls
Just Awesome
But this was more or less one of the very expectable things to be announced, based on the things we discussed together in the CDI’s lately and I thik, Raids are simply something, that was too complex for this Expansion, so they rather decided to give their attention first to Guild Halls – simply said, you can’t have everything just at once.
Some thigns may just take longer time, than you think, what is absolutely fine and understandable. Then I guess we will see Raids maybe somewhen later in the future in the next Feature Pack.

New Class – the Revenant
Meh, I dislike the Name and Theme, should have been something else.
it doesn’t fit to the rest of classes in my opinion and feels to me so out of place, like the Dervish felt completely out of place in GW1 compared to the original classes, especially races making usage of powers from other racial heroes/villains, they are in absolutely no way connected to at all….
This class is unoriginal. If there is a class, that should use the powers of the mist in any way, then it should be the Necromancer only and not some kind of wannabe occultic warrior mix, that just gained somehow powers from the realm of the dead… makes all no sense… a profession should be all about skills, talents and expertises, that you have to learn to master your profession. Not about powers, that you simply get somehow put for free in your butt, that define instantly your profession’s skillls ect without that you have to master anything, because you steal just the powers from some otherdead persons and beings to make use of them, as if they would be yours.
Would have clearly expected something better here.

GvG returns under the term of Strongholds
Yay, can’t say Awesome here, cause GvG was never my personal kind of thing
But finally a different PvP Game Mode, which I hope, will interest me more and bring me to PvP more, than these boring 5v5 battles that the game has currently, where everythign essential to win is just only to take places and defend them to get quickly points to reach first 500

WvW new Borderland Map
Finally Defense will play a much more important role in WvW, I hope this new Borderland Map will be just 1 new huge merged Map of those current 3 clone maps.

Alot of new Enemies and Bosses
Super Awesome, god I freaking love these new monster and enemy designs, they are just incredible
The very first thing I had to think about, when I saw the trailer – LOL, kitten there went for 100% sure kitten alot influence into the whole designs of this based from the movie AVATAR – Start to Pandora xD
So many things in the enemy/environment design in that trailer, that remind me on that movie ^^

That dragon in the darkness – epic design.
Wyverns – awesome
That Rolling Beast – reminds me from that large hunting beast in Avatar, just that it didnt rol there
A new Giant I guess together with some kind of iconic shadow beast from GW1 if I saw right
it reminded me at least of them ^^

All in all just awesome new content, but I’m very sceptical about the revenant and based from the description if Colin I tend rather to dislike this new Class.. but I have to see and play the end product and make up my decision then, if I will play it, or not, but as an Achievement Hunter I most likely will anyways sooner or later xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


They didn’t talk about dungeons/fractals other than the “new bosses” snippet in the trailer. Only one area was mentioned, but one with immense verticality consisting of the Floor, the Roots, and the Canopy.

FAQ about expansion at

Expansion home page at

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loki.8793


Mike O’Brian confirmed first playable demo of Heart of Thorns at Pax East in 6 weeks.

Hype Train CHOO CHOO!

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Mike O’Brian confirmed first playable demo of Heart of Thorns at Pax East in 6 weeks.

Hype Train CHOO CHOO!

Choo Choo!

Necromancer Main

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


An area typically refers to a grouping of zones. I am assuming it will be more than one new zone.

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhaneel.9208


Huh. Would have been nice if they had done all this in the first place. :P Guess I’d better log in so I can update my living story though it has been several months.

That had better be a kittening Heavy Armored Ritualist so I can finally make the Charr Rit of my dreams.

Wow, are those Guild Halls? Like, real Guild Halls? I’m tired of the lies and bs, let’s hope this expansion will be worth it.

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: butch.8136


1 new Map, Heart of Maguuma, that is the games first 3 layer map, basically 3 maps in map inside 1 map, cause of vertical increase, rather than horizontal increase of size.

You think we’re only getting… 1 new map?

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


maybe i misunderstood it and Heart of Maguuma consitst of multiple maps… but I understood it from the announcement so, that it will be just 1 huge map, which goes vertically alot higher, than anythign we have ever experienced and seen so far with 3 different layers in that map, like Donari lists them above.

ANet has announced no other Map Name, other than heart of maguuma, so I guess, we will get just 1 huge new map, that will be much larger than anythign we have had ever before

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hybarf Tics.2048

Hybarf Tics.2048

Lame it’s the demo that is only one map not the expansion. Do you seriously think they would spoil things by saying right away look guys it’s 12 maps? Here are all the names for them. For those who did not noticed, Rytlock was walking in a Maguma Wastes region on the video. which means the expansion contains 2 map regions, Maguma Wastes and Maguma Jungle. Each regions will also have more than one map. On the expansion page they also mention maps in plural.

(edited by Hybarf Tics.2048)

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Looking at the list of features I don’t really see anything to be excited about but the trailer was great. Much better than the previous trailers/ads.

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Looking at the list of features I don’t really see anything to be excited about but the trailer was great. Much better than the previous trailers/ads.

The list of features are very sparse right now because it’s way too early. And this is coming from someone who is absolutely not a fan of the silence clause and I’m definitely not one of those hypetrain people I got off of that years ago, but I have to say that if they are heading in this direction they definitely deserve my attention at the very least. I’ll be watching their updates and if I like what I see I’ll give it a go when it launches. Simple.

I am excited (rather than hyped) for the possibility of a 2 hander or more melee options for engineers and mobile turrets. That’s pressworthy imo.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!