Living story in Orr?

Living story in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wraith.6541


Orr reminds me a lot about Northrend, for all of you who have played WOW, and not just because of the undead. They’re both high level places and have the same feeling of pushing forth through an unknown land, towards ice crown, and towards Zhiatan. But in WOW when you enter Northrend its like going back in time in the WOW universe, when the battle between the Lich King and the aliance and horde was still going on.

When im asking is more of a question about the living story, will there be a living story in Orr? Or every time you go there the same battle is still raging on and on and on. Will hearts appear in the Orr zones? Will we see a transformation of the lost continent?

(edited by Wraith.6541)

Living story in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abombham Lincoln.7861

Abombham Lincoln.7861

“the Lick King”

I had no idea that WoW was that kind of game…