Lockbox RNG is so unforgiving :(
Hate to break it to you but this patch they changed what is dropped and how often from the black lions boxes.
lol seriously? I opened all these yesterday, though. I’m guessing they increased the ticket drop rate? =D
doubt it. they did reduce the tonics though.
Well, it increased by removing the guaranteed Mystery drop (giving it a chance to drop instead). So you now have 2 chances to get a ticket instead of 1 per chest. I think this change was wanted by most people since the start of the game and I’m happy they did. I might invest in some keys to see how the drop changed.
doubt it
. they did reduce the tonics though.
I have kept all the tonics I have gotten from chests over the last year…almost a year, I am up to 280. Can’t sell ’em……but the smell of tinged fur sure is appealing.
A quick tip for the future, you can check the drop rate of different items from black lion chests in this page:
according to it you have a roughly a littie over 20% chance of a scrap, and roughly 1.5% chance of a ticket, which means you would have expected about 8 scraps and 0 (maybe 1 if you were lucky) tickets from 37 chests… so I guess you did get lucky on the scraps.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
A quick tip for the future, you can check the drop rate of different items from black lion chests in this page:
according to it you have a roughly a littie over 20% chance of a scrap, and roughly 1.5% chance of a ticket, which means you would have expected about 8 scraps and 0 (maybe 1 if you were lucky) tickets from 37 chests… so I guess you did get lucky on the scraps.
Woah… yea, I guess looking at it like that, I made out pretty well on my lockboxes.
Ouch >_>
Thanks for the link, btw!
Hmmm. Off the top of my head, each lockbox key costs 5 gold (at the normal gem→gold rate).
20% of a scrap means 5 boxes to get one, or 25 gold per scrap.
Have fun with that.
Hmmm. Off the top of my head, each lockbox key costs 5 gold (at the normal gem->gold rate).
20% of a scrap means 5 boxes to get one, or 25 gold per scrap.
Have fun with that.
or a 30 min run on a human commoner.
Hmmm. Off the top of my head, each lockbox key costs 5 gold (at the normal gem->gold rate).
20% of a scrap means 5 boxes to get one, or 25 gold per scrap.
Have fun with that.
or a 30 min run on a human commoner.
This. It take 20-30 minutes to run a human through to story level 10 to get a key. I’m typically only level 4 or 5 when I get there. Not very exciting, but if you only have a few minutes to play, not a bad use of time.
The keys are a horrible waste of gems IMO.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I’m so sorry for derailing this thread, but how do you do the commoner run in 30 minutes? On a warrior/Guardian it takes me at least an hour.
On topic: Buying keys is a serious waste of gems unless you get really, REALLY lucky. Unless you feel the need for those tonics and armor repair stuff.
Some must fight, so that all may be free.
I can’t believe there’s not a guide in the new player forum telling people not to bother with black lion chests. Such a waste.