Login rewards exotic equiptment
One can only speculate until someone posts a screenshot of getting a precursor.
I selected the Mesmer Box, assuming I’d get something with cloth. I got a named exotic spear of no especial note (I’m not complaining, I’m keeping it to give to an alt who’s not in exotics). Gungir or something like that, very cheap on TP. However, getting an exotic weapon makes me think that maybe, just maybe, those with more blessed accounts than mine might actually get a precursor unless ANet has deliberately specified a loot table more precisely than “exotic with profession appropriate stats.”
I suppose one might be able to tilt the odds slightly by picking a profession box with stats that go to desired precursors, assuming one has the faintest idea what stats go on what.
I got an account bound heavy glove …
I got Faithful. It was also account-bound though. Since I already had the skin, I salvaged it and got two ectos.
I’m going to presume, given that I got that, we have a chance to get a precursor. But, I’m also going to presume, it’ll be account-bound too.
Can’t have precursors and the like filling the Trading Post, I guess.
Interesting that these are account bound. I received Ak-Muhl’s Jaw, and while I’d probably sell if it I have the option, I do appreciate that it’s salvageable if I decide I don’t want it. I’m looking forward to seeing what else I get from these Exotic Gear Boxes.