Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Look, I’m an Ele. I’ve been an Ele at heart since beta phase 2, when I practically invented the D/D build. D/D was overpowered. Like, really overpowered. It needed nerfing. The nerfs it is getting are heavy-handed and will probably put it in a good place. Except for one, really, really badly conceptualized nerf.

The Ride the Lightning change is completely borked. It should not happen in that form. No other profession has a mechanic that blatantly punishes you for using a chase/escape tool to escape or missing a target with it.

With the intended change to Ride The Lightning

Ride The Lightning
This skill now has a 40 second cooldown if you fail to hit a target with it.

1) Any dodge, pathing bug, or failure to hit with the RTL will put it on a 40 second cooldown. Anyone will a brain cell will dodge this ability with exactly this in mind. It will be easy and completely shut down the Elementalist’s ability to escape – this with the fact that they are the lowest base health and armor class in the game in mind. The skill is far, far too easy to dodge and too likely to meet with pathing bugs for this to be a good change.

2) Because of 1, the Elementalist will now be forced to choose whether or not he wants to initiate a fight or escape one. No other gap-closing profession needs to do this.

3) If the Elementalist DOES choose to escape with the ability, he will not be able to escape or initiate again for 40 seconds.

4) The Elementalist’s out of combat mobility is heavily reduced.

The nerf I suggest INSTEAD of the cooldown mechanic

Ride The Lightning
The distance travelled by this skill is now affected by crippled, chilled, and immobilized.

Bam, the ability is now mechanically consistent with other profession’s chase/escape tools, except that it is also slower and has a longer cooldown to make up for its great distance. It can be predicted and countered with the same means as other escape/chase tools, and the Elementalist is no longer forced to decide how he wishes to use it. A much better change and more likely to put the skill in a good place. If it’s still too much, give it a 5 second cooldown nerf or something – anything more than that will kitten the skill too much.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I’m perfectly fine with the cantrip nerfs, in fact they should have happened months ago. But I have to agree, these RTL nerfs are completely unnecessary at this point, RTL was just nerfed, let the cantrips go through and let that sit for the time being, or nerf the main hand skills instead, or if you must nerf RTL try buffing scepter and staff for a change so that we MIGHT have something else to use!

Placing these nerfs without any compensation, just before a long hiatus on PvP balance, could be the worst decision they’ve made in class balance thus far.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

RTL should go back to 15 seconds, be 1200 range, and be affected by chill/cripple.

If nothing else, I fail to see why any of this RTL nerf business needs to be in PVE.

(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

RTL should go back to 15 seconds, be 1200 range, and be affected by chill/cripple.

If nothing else, I fail to see why any of this RTL nerf business needs to be in PVE.

I dont’ see why ANY of the nerfs need to be in PvE. It’s not like people were asking for D/D eles for dungeon farming.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ExZee.8109


Didn’t they actually LOWER the CD from 20 to 15? Now they’re increasing it more than two-folds to 40, on top of all the cantrip nerfs?

Genius. Any news on scepter yet? No? Genius 2×.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

Didn’t they actually LOWER the CD from 20 to 15? Now they’re increasing it more than two-folds to 40, on top of all the cantrip nerfs?

Genius. Any news on scepter yet? No? Genius 2×.

No, they raised it from 15 to 20 recently. And now this.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: declan.3968


Should make it 15/30 , would be a good compromise. 20/40 seems excessive.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


Well engineer every skill has 40 s cooldown. + inner cooldowns.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Well engineer every skill has 40 s cooldown. + inner cooldowns.

Jump Shot – 20 Second CD jump forward.
Acid Bomb – 15 second CD Jump back.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


Well engineer every skill has 40 s cooldown. + inner cooldowns.

Jump Shot – 20 Second CD jump forward.
Acid Bomb – 15 second CD Jump back.

ok ok acid rocks. Jump shot is one of the buggiest skills in game. Hate to die in slowmotion air time animation.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Well engineer every skill has 40 s cooldown. + inner cooldowns.

Coincidentally, the Engineer is often underestimated/undervalued. Do we really want another high skill cap profession to fall into that hole?

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


That is the most kitten nerf I’ve heard of in my entire life. Whoever decided upon that one should really be forced to take a couple of days vacation time, because they have obviously burned out and need a break to get their head back on straight.


-Someone who doesn’t play an Elementalist, isn’t planning to play an Elementalist, and still thinks this is the most kitten nerf ever.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Other classes have no means of escape (Rangers) so ele now fits into that group, welcome to the gang..

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Other classes have no means of escape (Rangers) so ele now fits into that group, welcome to the gang..

Eles have one or two, like that backwards roll utility skill >_>

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Other classes have no means of escape (Rangers) so ele now fits into that group, welcome to the gang..

False. Turn auto-targeting off. Now deselect your target and use the Greatsword’s Swoop in the direction you wish to escape. A more effective but more difficult escape involves jumping back in the direction you want to go with the first part of Monarch’s Leap on the MH sword, deselecting your target, turning around, and using the second part of Monarch’s Leap. Both of these can be combined for an escape that is at least on par with (and probably far superior to) that of the soon-to-be former Ride the Lightning.

You have other backwards leaps in your Shortbow and your utility skills.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Other classes have no means of escape (Rangers) so ele now fits into that group, welcome to the gang..

Point Blank Shot, Quick Shot, Hornet Sting, Lightning Reflexes…

I’ve actually used an evasion Ranger build and it works pretty well.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


The things people liked about an ele will be gone soon. The high mobility in d/d, the utility of the class, the heals that made them survivable being the lowest hp/lowest armor class. Thieves and Warriors won’t be happy till they can 2 shot the class again like they did in the early meta.

Ele’s were a joke in PVP until players discovered the one build that gave them survivability, and now instead of other player classes learning how to effectively deal with them using the tools they have, the devs nerf the only build that was available to give them presence on the field. Instead of giving the players choices, we continually see these choices stripped away because a balancing team either can’t or won’t do the work necessary to make other builds viable and fun to play. They thought their job was over at game release.

The amount of work and player skill that goes into making an ele viable not only in pvp but in pve already forces the character into a niche crowd that wants to work four times as hard to stay alive and four times as hard to dps effectively as some of the other classes. There is no faceroll involved, there are no hundred blades, there are no sit back and pew pew til it’s dead, there are no stealth burst insta kills. But let’s continue to nerf them into the ground anyway.

(edited by killcannon.2576)

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Other classes have no means of escape (Rangers) so ele now fits into that group, welcome to the gang..

I’m not sure how many people realize this, but rangers are actually one the most mobile professions. Greatsword’s swoop is actually better than pre nerf RTL.

It’s especially mobile if you use sword and greatsword without auto targeting, but unfortunately this set up kind of sucks for fighting. But it’s still the most mobile set of any profession ^^

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


RTL should go back to 15 seconds, be 1200 range, and be affected by chill/cripple.

If nothing else, I fail to see why any of this RTL nerf business needs to be in PVE.

I dont’ see why ANY of the nerfs need to be in PvE. It’s not like people were asking for D/D eles for dungeon farming.

The RTL nerf and such is a pvp nerf not a PVE nerf from what I heard them saying.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krypto.2069


Other classes have no means of escape (Rangers) so ele now fits into that group, welcome to the gang..

I’m not sure how many people realize this, but rangers are actually one the most mobile professions. Greatsword’s swoop is actually better than pre nerf RTL.

I’m not sure how many people realize this, but rangers are actually one the most mobile professions. Greatsword’s swoop is actually better than pre nerf RTL.

I’m not sure if it’s GS Swoop is “better” than pre nerf RTL, but I do use GS Swoop all the time in WvW to escape those – “I should be definitely dead” situations.

To the OP, dude, that nerf on RTL is PURE EVILLLLLL! I couldn’t agree more!

Wow, Anet, that’s extreme! (I’m glad I don’t play my D/D ele much anymore.)


Moonlight [THRU]

(edited by Krypto.2069)

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I think the change to ride the lightning is fantastic, but needs tweaks.

The spirit of this change is making it more difficult for elementalists to disengage and reengage at will without anyone being able to stop them. That is a good thing.

What this change actually did was make elementalist in combat mobility strongly reliant on buggy pathing and hitting. An ele asked me to stand still the other day in wvw. He used RTL on me. I didn’t move. It missed. Completely. Things like that are what make this change from good into less brilliant.

Additionally, it severely impacts the out of combat mobility of an elementalist. The change should only affect them if they are currently in combat. The out of combat cooldown should remain 20 seconds.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The things people liked about an ele will be gone soon. The high mobility in d/d, the utility of the class, the heals that made them survivable being the lowest hp/lowest armor class. Thieves and Warriors won’t be happy till they can 2 shot the class again like they did in the early meta.

Ele’s were a joke in PVP until players discovered the one build that gave them survivability, and now instead of other player classes learning how to effectively deal with them using the tools they have, the devs nerf the only build that was available to give them presence on the field. Instead of giving the players choices, we continually see these choices stripped away because a balancing team either can’t or won’t do the work necessary to make other builds viable and fun to play. They thought their job was over at game release.

The amount of work and player skill that goes into making an ele viable not only in pvp but in pve already forces the character into a niche crowd that wants to work four times as hard to stay alive and four times as hard to dps effectively as some of the other classes. There is no faceroll involved, there are no hundred blades, there are no sit back and pew pew til it’s dead, there are no stealth burst insta kills. But let’s continue to nerf them into the ground anyway.

I can understand the frustration inherent in not being able to kill a foe in PvP. I certainly felt it closer to launch with thieves in WvW who could stealth and be at range 3000 or more before they revealed. However, as others have pointed out, making RTL vulnerable to slow, etc. would have been a better counter. What will probably happen now is that D/D eles will be more likely to reserve RTL for escape, meaning the aggravation of an escape will still be there, but the class would lose a gap closer and Air’s biggest hit if the skill is reserved for escape.

I will wait and see the result of the nerfs on play. However, on the face of it a build which has been very enjoyable to play in PvE is having its utility hampered and the fun is being leeched out of the class patch by patch, with no alternatives being presented. And no, “maybe” buffing staff in the future is not going to float my boat as I find little fun in staff and none in scepter.

If the change is what I anticipate, I will probably shelve my ele.

Look, I am 100% okay with most of the nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Im completely fine with the nerf from WvW perspective. Not too sure about sPvP though.