Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Najten.2418


While I can see the necessity to have a restrictive mailing system due to spammers, I do on occasion feel it is a bit too restrictive..

For instance when the guild is running a dungeon, and 3 people lack potions; I have plenty and attempt to mail potions to those that don’t have the right ones. I send 2 mails, then I get “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging.” and we all need to stand around waiting for the “timer” to run out (which, btw, would be nice to see so you don’t misjudge it by 1 second and get a full 1 more minute of “message ban”).
Or if I want to message a bunch of guildies about an event (since there’s no in-game calendar or event planner – would be nice too btw), it takes me ages just due to the 2 messages limit, waiting around, sending 2 mails, waiting around..

My suggestion would be that if you are mailing someone in your own guild or on your friends list (that has also added you as a friend) the restrictions are lesser, say 10-15 mails before needing to wait.

And please remove the “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging” if you FAIL to send a mail due to forgetting to type in the recipient.. For instance if you try to send a full armor set to someone, but since mail only fits 5 pieces you have to send two.. 2nd mail you forget to retype the recipient, get a full “timeout” before you can send the 6th armor piece.. I don’t see the point in that.

Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Here’s a thought for the dungeon issue: Mail 2 potions/whatever to the first person, and have them mail the extra to the third person.

Good luck.

Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

My suggestion would be that if you are mailing someone in your own guild or on your friends list (that has also added you as a friend) the restrictions are lesser, say 10-15 mails before needing to wait. Too easy for gold sellers to get around.

How about: to loosen mailing restrictions it requires X amount of AP and 3rd party authorization from the sender and mutual friend/guildie for at least X number of days.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Najten.2418


I could buy being in a guild for X ammount of days for it to take effect yes, but the majority of people spamming gold now do it in whisper which isn’t restricted at all (atleast not on a full account, not been on any trial accounts or so)..
I suppose that gold sellers could get around the “mutual friend” thing by hijacking someone’s account, but that would be the only likely way. The gold offers I’ve received the past years have not been from serious looking accounts but rather from freshly made ones with account names like adsuhadjhgjakhfbkasdjhdassa.1234
I do assume nobody would add a random person they don’t know, with an account name like that, to their friends list.

Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Offair.2563


Just make it so you can send mail to people in your guild/friendslist without being surpressed after 2. Maybe 5-10?

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I could buy being in a guild for X ammount of days for it to take effect yes, but the majority of people spamming gold now do it in whisper which isn’t restricted at all (atleast not on a full account, not been on any trial accounts or so)..
I suppose that gold sellers could get around the “mutual friend” thing by hijacking someone’s account, but that would be the only likely way. The gold offers I’ve received the past years have not been from serious looking accounts but rather from freshly made ones with account names like adsuhadjhgjakhfbkasdjhdassa.1234
I do assume nobody would add a random person they don’t know, with an account name like that, to their friends list.

It’s not random people getting invites that is the issue with gold sellers. Its accounts that are hacked and being stripped, with the gold and mats being sent to a gold selling account. The mailing restrictions slow this down.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Look over in-game mail (excessive messaging)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Najten.2418


Does slowing them down prevent them doing it? No.
It doesn’t stop me either, just kittenes me off..
Ofc I have no info on how many accounts are hijacked on a daily basis nowadays, but with e-mail and SMS authentication I can’t see it being all that many, and doesn’t warrant punishing all legit players imo.