Looking for populated PvE server. [EU]
Desolation, Aurora Glade, Gandara or Underworld are your best bets. They have the largest PvE populations. Either of these four will be fine. Blacktide and Seafarer’s Rest are “Very High” for different reasons. Desolation is overall the highest populated EU server.
I’ve been on Gandara ever since the betas and have never been dissatisfied with my choice.
Never had an issue with the population on Piken Square and it’s also the unofficial RP server.
Why not guest to each of the suggestions for a few days at a time before deciding?
I agree with Deli.
I’m mainly a PvE player and I’ve been on Desolation since launch and never wanted to switch. But I’ve guested to several others and had good experiences too, Gandara and Picken Square in particular.
One thing to bear in mind though is a lot of people don’t bother forming parties for PvE because there’s usually no point. You can play cooperatively with anyone who is around and it usually makes more sense to do that than waste time forming a party just to restrict yourself to those 4 other people.
One of my best experiences in this game was doing a mini-dungeon with a bunch of random people who happened to show up at the same time. At no point was I in a party, but we still played like one – working together, healing each other, holding gates open etc. but we could be in a ‘party’ of 8 or 9, or however many were around, instead of having to find a fixed group of 5 to work with.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I’ve been on both Gandara and Piken Square, and I find both great. I think Gandara has a slightly bigger population, and some great guilds both for PvE and WvW. Piken Square, as it is the unofficial RP server, often feels more full because there is more going on in chat and in cities.
Just my own experience though
Great replies everyone!
I have a question regarding Piken Square, By ‘unofficial RP server’ means there is no moderation? Is it mostly just light-rping or should i expect getting yelled at for going ooc? :p