Loot quality, Magic find, Please explain..
I’m at about 250% and I see no exotics. I still think MF is a LIE!
You get more greens instead of white trash..but it’s just green trash now
Example the Vine event in AB, I open all Ex. Chests and just click salvage all and walk away. I never even hear of anyone getting anything decent.
I bet the answer is “dimishing returns”. In the beginning we wandered around and killed all kinds of enemies, and now with much MF we are just killing just the same kind of mobs again and again.
Had some experience during the old fractal system (3+1 fractals on 10s levels), where different mobs appears, there I had the best loot ever.
If getting an exotic is a 0.1% chance at 0% MF, then at 300% MF… you have 0.4% chance.
So the odds of you getting one when you open that sweet loot chest is still practicly 0%.
I remember when MF was added “smoke and mirrors” came to mind lol Like the Exotic bags for green loot..
I have about 244% magic find. I don’t see that I get noticeably more rares, much less more exotics. Presumably I’m getting more greens instead of blues and whites. That’s probably about what most people will see.
ANet may give it to you.
if you have +300% MF your window for loot will be 4 times the size it was originally
100% base +300% = 400% chance for the 0.0001% of the precursor… so 0.0004 you have a clearly larger chance, but it really doesn’t matter in your view.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
When I fully buff to about 400% magic find, I see a difference…but it is insanely small.
What I do notice a difference in:
I have characters that pretty much never get rare or exotic drops.
I have 1 character that gets rare and exotic drops all the time.
They are on the same account yet one character is inherently more lucky then others. This mirrors the way it was in GW1 where some people got dye drops nonstop and others with equal play and content rarely, if ever, got one.
Magic find seems to have little to no effect on drops, whereas some characters seem to be granted with awesome luck at creation.
Te Nosce [TC]
I’m at some 300+ magic find and get pretty much the same crap as when I started out. The rng of precursor drops is just ridiculous, I’ve played for over 4 years, 6500 hours and never had one precursor drop.
Not that I’m complaining, shiny skins ain’t my thing, I’d just sell it if I’ve ever got one.
You cannot see the impact on MF unless you keep track of your drops. It matters over the long run, not over any small period of time. You won’t notice it during a farming run, not even if you do two Silverwastes chest farms in a row. However, those with max MF are getting better drops this year than those without.
Wanze, aka Rude Asura has done the most recent research into the impact of MF.
Earliest research was done by Inquisitive Myths
The conclusions are the same: the impact is modest and cannot be observed casually. You need ~1000 drops under near-identical circumstances.
- For loot from foe deaths, MF improves the ratio of green: blue+white. It increases rare drops measurably. The impact on exotics is difficult to measure because it’s so low to start with.
- For loot from MF-affected containers (e.g. Lunar New Year’s envelopes), higher MF increases the chances of getting loot from the rare drop tables: less common drops, more uncommon, rare, & very rare. Again, the number of the rares drops is so little as to be difficult to measure.
I keep track of the differences of the TP values of Divine & Homemade envelopes, using the numbers from Rude Asura as well as Xyreth, sutgon, & DEDouvwe
Divine Envelopes: The these containers are worth ~1.3g on the TP. The value of their contents add up to the following under different MF:
- @15%: 1g
- @700%: 1.4g
- @>700%: 1.45g
- -> 40% more value by maxing out MF, with diminishing returns (because there are so few “better” drops).
- Also note: the TP value of the envelopes is high enough that most people can just sell them on the TP, rather than spend time trying to open with higher MF.
Homemade Envelopes: The these containers are worth ~8-11 silver on the TP. The value of their contents add up to the following under different MF:
- @15%: 3-4 silver
- @517%: 6-7 silver
- @1000%: 7-8 silver
- -> The impact of MF is much more important on these, due to the contents of the loot table. There are no diminishing returns for higher MF, because the rare drops are much more valuable and not just from the junk. Add 500% to double the value; adding another 500% increases it by another 15-20%
- However, in this case, it’s much more valuable just to sell them on the TP. Even selling to buy orders generates more loot than maxing MF & selling the contents to lowest sell offers.
Or to put it in its most simple terms:
You cannot see the impact on MF unless you keep track of your drops. It matters over the long run, not over any small period of time.
Example the Vine event in AB, I open all Ex. Chests and just click salvage all and walk away. I never even hear of anyone getting anything decent.
I have actually gotten quite a few exotics from those chests. My Magic Find is currently at 223%.
Maybe I am just imagining things, but I am pretty certain that characters I haven’t played a lot lately are more likely to receive valuable loot than those I have played frequently.
Maybe I am just imagining things, but I am pretty certain that characters I haven’t played a lot lately are more likely to receive valuable loot than those I have played frequently.
Almost for sure, you are “just imagining things.” Humans are notoriously bad about remembering. We remember bad luck streaks better than good luck ones, we see patterns where there aren’t any, we remember “average” as “not good” (which turns into ‘bad’ in our heads). This is all well documented.
This is why scientists don’t aren’t supposed to make claims without rigorously comparing results. If you’re sure that you get better loot on less-frequently-played toons, start keeping track so that you (and your readers) don’t have to rely on whether you’re better than the rest of us at remembering.
At some point it did feel like it helped with rares but after that it didn’t change much. Never got anything noteworthy even while running around with 500%.
If for some reason you have a thing for seeing exotics drop then just play fractals but they will be account bound on acquire.
Maybe I am just imagining things, but I am pretty certain that characters I haven’t played a lot lately are more likely to receive valuable loot than those I have played frequently.
Almost for sure, you are “just imagining things.” Humans are notoriously bad about remembering. We remember bad luck streaks better than good luck ones, we see patterns where there aren’t any, we remember “average” as “not good” (which turns into ‘bad’ in our heads). This is all well documented.
This is why scientists
don’taren’t supposed to make claims without rigorously comparing results. If you’re sure that you get better loot on less-frequently-played toons, start keeping track so that you (and your readers) don’t have to rely on whether you’re better than the rest of us at remembering.
While your statement about human memory is correct, there are still mechanics in many games (e.g., remember how farming was nerfed in GW1?) that limit or even reduce loot, rewards or (in some games) even XP upon frequent play in order to prevent the exploitation of the game’s mechanics.
And no, I am not going to “keep track for ‘my readers’”, as this is a game and not scientific research.
I remember when MF was added “smoke and mirrors” came to mind lol Like the Exotic bags for green loot..
Yea for real. Exotic bags should yield exotic loot.
All I can say is this, before Luck came into the game and when Magic Find was only there as stats on gear I never saw an exotic drop and rare drops were indeed “rare”. I actually got white drops too. Now it seems white drops are the new “rare/exotic” lol believe it or not!
Now however I see rares fairly common and exotics actually DO drop for me. So imo/experience luck/magic find works. In fact I have a funny feeling it may even work better than people think/admit/remember without them even realizing it.
Put it this way, if they removed luck/magic find and went back to the old system I think then people would see the difference. Maybe most of us just don’t remember/realize how bad it was before the changes came.
The age old Gamers Lament is “This loot s…”. Okay, to some extent this will never change. But, with the advent in game of Magic Find, I thought this would change to a degree. I have wondered how much magic find is needed, but started salvaging etc, bringing mine up, albeit slowly, it is increasing. I then heard of players with 300% MF still getting bottom of the barrel loot. I understand you won’t get a precursor drop every kill, but at some point will I see more Exotics? As is I have seen maybe 5 in 6 months. Is that normal? I am currently 122%. Interesting how it says “Increases your chance to find RARE items” lol
In general, high magic find makes a noticable difference. The problem is that Anet kinda changed, how loot is rewarded in the last 2-3 years, so the average player gets loot in a way that isnt affected by magic find.
With very few exceptions (pvp reward track containers, SW) magic find only applies to loot dropped directly by killed enemies. In the early days high mf was great because we mostly farmed scaled up event chains that spawn tons of mobs to kill.
Then, Anet introduced Champion bags, so your main loot came from the champ bag and not from the mob kill itself, so it wasnt affected by magic find (and gold find) anymore.
And with HoT Anet moved nearly all loot rewards away from mob kills and to containers or pop up chests after event completion, the HoT map metas are a prime example.
If you join the Assault on Tarir in Auric Basin after the pre-events are done (those still spawn mobs that drop loot directly), nearly all your loot will come from pop up chests after completion and the looting of the exalted chests. Alot of that loot will also be containers and all of these reward mechanics arent affected by mf or gf.
So for most of the content players play these days, mf isnt very effective because it only affects the droprate of maybe 10-25% of the loot they get.
I think mf is most beneficial in wvw, if you have a decent kill ratio per hour and I think there is still some scaled-up event farming in Orr going on, where i would buff my MF.
SSC is also a good place to farm with high MF because the mobs have fairly small loot tables to begin with but its rarely been done.
Karkas have 2 kinds of vendor trophies (copper value) on the common loot table, then they have karka shells (10s) and t5 blood (1.5s) on the uncommon loot table and t6 blood (35s) on the rare loot table. And veteran karkas give a guaranteed drop of one karka shell as well.
I am always amazed that the WBT just moves on to the next world boss after the karka queen is defeated, instead of steamrolling the scaled up reclaim event in steampipe steading, which can give you 50-100 karka kills easily, if done right. I done it a couple of times, while tagged up and usually my loot from that event far exceeded the loot i got from killing the karka queen in value.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I am always amazed that the WBT just moves on to the next world boss after the karka queen is defeated, instead of steamrolling the scaled up reclaim event in steampipe steading, which can give you 50-100 karka kills easily, if done right. I done it a couple of times, while tagged up and usually my loot from that event far exceeded the loot i got from killing the karka queen in value.
Yeah, even without any MF, scaled up events are still among the most profitable and yet people tend to go for the the flashier drops. Post Karka Queen steampipe beats the next World Boss, the Covington pre-events have more loot than the Hydra Queen, & Coiled Watch is more profitable than FGS event train (even post-nerf). And those are all more lucrative with higher MF. One of my favorites remains the pre-events to the Ulgoth, which are available frequently outside the WB (lots of mid-tier leather from supply bags).
The important thing to note, as Wanze said, is that MF matters more when you’re killing lots of loot-bearing foes. That doesn’t happen during a lot of circumstances, including HoT meta, most WB, and raids. WvW karma trains aren’t that good (low kill count); organized WvW squads can be really good.
Thanks for all the input. Lots to digest.
I have 100% right now.
I have to use a mf booster to get to 200% to see anything.
When I do see something it comes from bags which I was told several times isn’t affected by magic find.
Confusing to say the least.
I am coming up for 5 years of playing, so been through every change from the beginning where you had exotic gear with rune of the pirate to todays MF through salvage. I have had 22 precursor drops of which I’ve made 15, plus legendary fractal and pvp backpacks. What I can say for sure, although its hard to prove, is that with each patch, the drop rates decrease in spite of my MF going up to where it is now at 286%. Silverwastes, Tequatil, worst drops I’ve ever experienced, even salvaging rares or exos with BL salvage kit does not yield ectos like it used to (I know, 100% upgrades and 50% for rarer items). I have played 13k hours, and at level 2905 in WvW, have not seen any decent drop. I think you could take every stat ever made with percentages to try prove or disprove stats, but if you eat KFC every day for 5 years and they keep changing the recipe, no matter what they say, you know its changed every time. GL to you all for the future, its looks more like slim pickings from here.
The age old Gamers Lament is “This loot s…”. Okay, to some extent this will never change. But, with the advent in game of Magic Find, I thought this would change to a degree. I have wondered how much magic find is needed, but started salvaging etc, bringing mine up, albeit slowly, it is increasing. I then heard of players with 300% MF still getting bottom of the barrel loot. I understand you won’t get a precursor drop every kill, but at some point will I see more Exotics? As is I have seen maybe 5 in 6 months. Is that normal? I am currently 122%. Interesting how it says “Increases your chance to find RARE items” lol
discounting raid loot, and other (almost) guaranteed sources of exotics, I definitely get more than 5 exotic drops every 6 months ( with upwards of 300% mf).
The issue is they tend to cluster- so out of the blue, I will randomly get 6 exotic drops in a couple of hours. RNG clustering – while I’ve seen anet claim isn’t an issue – in my experience absolutely occurs.
Also anecdotally, I find with higher magic find I get more loot ( possibly due to higher chance of getting any drop at all?)
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Also anecdotally, I find with higher magic find I get more loot ( possibly due to higher chance of getting any drop at all?)
With higher MF, you tend to get less ‘junk’, which most people don’t notice (due to one-click selling, the name, and using auto-sorting bags). You end up with more gear. Is it possible that’s what you’re noticing?
Magic find generally doesn’t affect chests, it affects loot from kills. I’ve seen a difference. That’s because I play an account with a low magic find and a high magic find. That doesn’t mean you’re going to get a ton of exotics from the content you do.
Btu then I do fractals and get exotics quite frequently.
I am coming up for 5 years of playing, so been through every change from the beginning where you had exotic gear with rune of the pirate to todays MF through salvage. I have had 22 precursor drops of which I’ve made 15, plus legendary fractal and pvp backpacks. What I can say for sure, although its hard to prove, is that with each patch, the drop rates decrease in spite of my MF going up to where it is now at 286%. Silverwastes, Tequatil, worst drops I’ve ever experienced, even salvaging rares or exos with BL salvage kit does not yield ectos like it used to (I know, 100% upgrades and 50% for rarer items). I have played 13k hours, and at level 2905 in WvW, have not seen any decent drop. I think you could take every stat ever made with percentages to try prove or disprove stats, but if you eat KFC every day for 5 years and they keep changing the recipe, no matter what they say, you know its changed every time. GL to you all for the future, its looks more like slim pickings from here.
With 22 Precursor drops, I’d say your luck is pretty good. With half your time played (for nearly 5 years), I’ve only had 2. 0.o
Yeah, even without any MF, scaled up events are still among the most profitable and yet people tend to go for the the flashier drops. Post Karka Queen steampipe beats the next World Boss, the Covington pre-events have more loot than the Hydra Queen, & Coiled Watch is more profitable than FGS event train (even post-nerf). And those are all more lucrative with higher MF. One of my favorites remains the pre-events to the Ulgoth, which are available frequently outside the WB (lots of mid-tier leather from supply bags).
And the most profitable events in the game are (IMO) defense of Arah, 2nd beacon, and post Grenth defending. Equip the almighty loot stick, permeating wrath, and spam your way to loot raining from the sky.
I am coming up for 5 years of playing, so been through every change from the beginning where you had exotic gear with rune of the pirate to todays MF through salvage. I have had 22 precursor drops of which I’ve made 15, plus legendary fractal and pvp backpacks. What I can say for sure, although its hard to prove, is that with each patch, the drop rates decrease in spite of my MF going up to where it is now at 286%. Silverwastes, Tequatil, worst drops I’ve ever experienced, even salvaging rares or exos with BL salvage kit does not yield ectos like it used to (I know, 100% upgrades and 50% for rarer items). I have played 13k hours, and at level 2905 in WvW, have not seen any decent drop. I think you could take every stat ever made with percentages to try prove or disprove stats, but if you eat KFC every day for 5 years and they keep changing the recipe, no matter what they say, you know its changed every time. GL to you all for the future, its looks more like slim pickings from here.
You’ve had 22 precursor drops and you think you don’t get good drops? I’ve played since launch and I’ve had zero precursor drops.
ANet may give it to you.
I am coming up for 5 years of playing, so been through every change from the beginning where you had exotic gear with rune of the pirate to todays MF through salvage. I have had 22 precursor drops of which I’ve made 15, plus legendary fractal and pvp backpacks. What I can say for sure, although its hard to prove, is that with each patch, the drop rates decrease in spite of my MF going up to where it is now at 286%. Silverwastes, Tequatil, worst drops I’ve ever experienced, even salvaging rares or exos with BL salvage kit does not yield ectos like it used to (I know, 100% upgrades and 50% for rarer items). I have played 13k hours, and at level 2905 in WvW, have not seen any decent drop. I think you could take every stat ever made with percentages to try prove or disprove stats, but if you eat KFC every day for 5 years and they keep changing the recipe, no matter what they say, you know its changed every time. GL to you all for the future, its looks more like slim pickings from here.
With 22 Precursor drops, I’d say your luck is pretty good. With half your time played (for nearly 5 years), I’ve only had 2. 0.o
Yea I second that I played 1/3 of him and got 4.
Edit and took 2971 hours before I got my first.
As I recall how the loot system in this game works as explained previously, it’s based on loot tables. When you kill a mob, the game rolls on which loot table you get, then there’s another roll to determine what you get from that loot table. What MF does is increase the chance of which you will roll into a higher loot table, which may include rarer crafting mats and trophies instead of gear. For example, 0% mf player might get a green item, where another player with 300% mf making the identical roll may roll into the next loot tier and get rewarded a lodestone.
On another note, it takes a lot of mf to make any difference. 100% in theory doubles your chance of a roll, so instead of rolling x item being 0.1% drop rate, it’d be 0.2% drop rate.
Ive got about 250 MF and I mainly do the AB meta.
The stuff you get from the chests doesnt change, but I salvage all the greens and blues and that does change, in that I get more upmarket leather and more upmarket wood which sells pretty well on the TP.
Im using a silver salvager which shoudnt have any effect on greens and blues.
Example the Vine event in AB, I open all Ex. Chests and just click salvage all and walk away. I never even hear of anyone getting anything decent.
I have actually gotten quite a few exotics from those chests. My Magic Find is currently at 223%.
Are those chests even affected by MF? Most of the chests aren’t.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
MF probably works, but keep two things in mind:
- Bags. There’s a reason most loot is in bags, this way ANet got out of the hellhole they dug with magic find, because bags are rarely affected by MF.
- The drop chances are so miniscule to begin with, making it x1,2 isn’t going to be much. You’re looking at 0,000012% chance of a drop instead of 0,00001%
As mentioned above, Magic Find works primarily when killing enemies in Core Tyria maps.
If you want to see it in action, buff it all the way and run events that spawn tons of mobs in Cursed Shore.
As mentioned above, Magic Find works primarily when killing enemies in Core Tyria maps.
If you want to see it in action, buff it all the way and run events that spawn tons of mobs in Cursed Shore.
So it only effects farming and trains? If so then why is worldboss loot so horrible? They chose to give us trash over and over?
As mentioned above, Magic Find works primarily when killing enemies in Core Tyria maps.
If you want to see it in action, buff it all the way and run events that spawn tons of mobs in Cursed Shore.
So it only effects farming and trains? If so then why is worldboss loot so horrible? They chose to give us trash over and over?
No, it doesnt only affect farming and trains it only affects loot dropped from killed mobs directly, not sure what is unclear about that. I dont know why you expect your loot quality from world bosses to go up, if you only kill 4 world bosses per hour and most of the loot is rewarded for the event completion through the final chest and other pop up daily chests.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
As mentioned above, Magic Find works primarily when killing enemies in Core Tyria maps.
If you want to see it in action, buff it all the way and run events that spawn tons of mobs in Cursed Shore.
So it only effects farming and trains? If so then why is worldboss loot so horrible? They chose to give us trash over and over?
Horrible? It’s a guaranteed rare or two, plus more than the usual event loot, plus map event progress, plus T7 mats. However, it’s not affected by MF.
Guaranteed Rare or better or two…
plus all that other stuff.
MF just increase the likelyhood for a player to have a magic item when he slay a mob. Quality stay random.
A 300% increase to your chances at something with a 0.1% chance of dropping just makes it three times as likely to drop, bumping the odds up to an underwhelming 0.3% (assuming my math is decent. It often isn’t.)
With 22 Precursor drops, I’d say your luck is pretty good. With half your time played (for nearly 5 years), I’ve only had 2. 0.o
Yea I second that I played 1/3 of him and got 4.
Edit and took 2971 hours before I got my first.
I’ve played for 3300 hours and I have 1 precursor drop, Howl, which dropped a month or two ago in Bitterfrost from an Icebound Chest (my base MF was about 210% but I don’t know if MF even applies to those chests). To me, at least, it seems that he has been very, very lucky.
A 300% increase to your chances at something with a 0.1% chance of dropping just makes it three times as likely to drop, bumping the odds up to an underwhelming 0.3% (assuming my math is decent. It often isn’t.)
It’d be from 0.1% + 0.3% = 0.4% percent which changes it from a 1 in a 1,000 chance to a 1 in 250 chance. I know which one I’d prefer.
I noticed when I used to farm sylvari (nightmare court) in mount maelstrom for bags for t4 cloth, I got a rare to two rares every hour. And I had about 300-400%
And that was consistent. I didn’t get rares that often when I had my base MF (which is now in the 170s%)