Loot while dead

Loot while dead

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

I haven’t seen this topic brought up yet (it probably has been in the past, but I am not on the forums too much), but anyone else wish you could pick up loot that was right by your corpse? There have been many times when I’d be roaming in W3, and just as I am about to finish soloing a camp, a zerg comes in, kills me, and steals my camp. I die, and there are several loot bags I didn’t see or didn’t drop until after I died. Unless I am revived on the spot I will not get those loot bags. They disappear after about a minute, and it takes like 5 minutes to traverse the map to get there. Those loot bags I never got because of this were my precursor drops.

It would be great if we could loot bags that dropped right after we died. We did earn them, after all.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Loot while dead

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

You USED TO be able to loot when dead but it was nerfed.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

Loot while dead

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

In a perfect world, they would have figured out how to have loot go directly to inventory. They tried, the bags at your feet was a compromise due to them being unable to get it right a long time ago.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Loot while dead

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I made a thread like this a while back, but it was full of trolls telling me I should learn to pick up loot before I died – I did, it was only the split second AFTER I died that my loot appeared and I couldn’t do anything about it (the trolls didn’t actually read my thread properly too).

I gave up kicking and screaming about it. I really hope Anet does something about it, but you might be waiting a while for them to say it’s a good idea, let alone implement it.

AOE loot SHOULD mean ‘automatically loot’ – the irony is it doesn’t :-/

I’ve missed champ chests in WvW, and countless loot bags because of it. It needs to be fixed.

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor