I think the proposed changes to stacking are a long awaited thing that we were constantly told was impossible due to increased bandwidth usages. The vehement arguments about that aside, the additional changes to burning and confusion are blurring the lines between the usage of each condition too much.
Each condition should have a specified role and use, making burning stack makes it compete against bleeding now. Having confusions do DOT damage, also puts it in contention against bleeding.
Below is a rough break down of how I would have liked conditions (and boons) to interact:
Bleeding -> Short Duration, high burst
Burning -> Long Duration, moderate damage
Poison -> Long Duration, negate healing
Torment -> Moderate Duration, moderate damage / high on mechanic
Confusion -> Moderate Duration, high damage on mechanic
(some of the boon conversions get iffy, but room for adjustments)
Conversion Chart
Bleeding —-————- Regeneration*1
Blindness —-———— Aegis
Burning —-————— Might
Chill —-—————— Retaliation
Confusion —-———— Fury
Cripple ——————- Swiftness
Fear —-——————- Stability*3
Immobilize —-———- Vigor*2
Poison —-—————- Regeneration*1
Torment —-————— Stability*3
Vulnerability —-—— Protection
Weakness —-————- Vigor*2
So for example:
Bleeding should be difficult to maintain constant stacks, but with proper setup, you can provide large burst damage(think cooldowns for direct damage).
Burning should be fairly easy to maintain and threatening enough to compete with auto attack.
Poison excels in it’s secondary mechanic to counter healing worked well and remains mostly unchanged I believe.
Torment currently competes with bleeding, but I feel it should could better break from the pack if it had easier to maintain stacks, which punished mobility. Maybe something like multiplies damage to moving targets by number of stacks. That way a constant 1 stack will do low damage, but lined up with 2 or more it can excel up to/past bleeding with proper setup.
Confusion was good and bad. PvE it was horrible, PvP it was great. It was also the sort of counter part of Retaliation. Retal punished fast low damaging attacks (typically flury style hits from single skill use) while Confusion punished slow heavy hitting attacks (such as multi skill activation of cooldowns). Making this useful in PvE could be provided by adding a mechanic that forced mobs to spin in place and attack while stationary, regardless if it was in range to attack a player or not. This would initiate more “auto attacks” from mobs to help proc confusion more. Also making it easier to maintain stacks in PvE would be beneficial.
As far as condition conversions to boons, I always thought it would be intuitive if you applied a boon it would negate the effect of the boons for the duration of the pair being up (not cleanse it, just negate negative effects to zero positive and zero negative).
Also boon conversions seemed a bit wonky to me, so suggested some based on how I felt the mechanics worked. Retal/stability/vigor had a hard time fitting in, but kind of shoe horned them in where I thought they worked mechanically.
Overall, long post, wasted effort. But wanted to voice an opinion is all :p