Lost Precipice Updrafts?

Lost Precipice Updrafts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: katubug.6378


The updraft points/jump pads in LP need to be activated in order to use them, but…

Isn’t half the point of an updraft to KEEP you in the air? I find having to land + activate them to be tedious and annoying. Gliding was the primary draw of Lost Precipice, and really, it’s not NEARLY as fun now as it was during the claiming.

There have been several posts on the subreddit about this, and it remains something that myself and the rest of my guild VERY much care about. This is an important thing to those of us who claimed LP over GH, and it doesn’t seem like it would be a tremendously difficult fix, since the claiming version of the guild had them active.

Can we please have our updrafts be constant?

Also a minor note, in the LP jumping puzzle, there is an updraft NOT associated with the jump pads, and it’s bugged entirely. It’s there in visuals only.