Lost Shores heads up....

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kingslayer.1342


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

That may be the highest concurrency on a NORMAL day, when there’s nothing remarkable going on. When you run an event for a certain period of time, traffic is going to be peaking during that whole period than it ever did on a normal Sunday, that’s common sense. So instead of chasing the highest concurrency, why not try doing something that creates it during a different time of day? Having one-time events on a Saturday instead of Sunday would be GLOBALLY beneficial and I am more than certain that the event will have this “highest concurrency” that you guys are after.

After all, the whole world will be participating, not just a portion of it. Trust me, people will MAKE time on a Saturday for a one-time event, more than they would on any other day. Stop chasing people and make them come to you, ArenaNet.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Vzur.7123


Thanks for the heads up, I’ll make sure to be there, first thing on the 17th. I refuse to “plan accordingly” for a video game, sorry. By the same token though, I’m not exactly going to get worked up about that, either. I just hope the one time event leads to the real content, for players to enjoy in their own time.

(edited by Vzur.7123)

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Astraea.6075


So it seems that I might be able to be around for the starting and phase 2 “events” due to the fact that my timezone is currently 13 hours ahead of GMT, but I’m going to miss out on the final once only event chain.

As long as the first two I can be online for aren’t just cinematic cut-scenes, I may be able to live with this. I hope however that ANet thinks about ways of doing this type of thing that allows for greater participation while retaining the “world story” narrative benefits that one-off events can bring.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Shooopa.5632


The game needs bug fixes and people actually playing the game before it needs new areas.

What good is a new zone when it’s going to just be swarmed for a week and then everyone will vanish again?

User will be infracted for this post.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: psy.5437


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

Such a terrible excuse, and not the first time you have stated this.

Can I assume you will make asian/oceanic players from this point forward miss all your one time events if it is based on concurrency from this point forward?

What makes it so hard to run these events several times over the course of the day? Or instance them for once off? Did the tech change that much since GW1 that you can’t do it anymore? Or are you continuing the long standing Anet tradition of ignoring this chunk of the world?

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

Elaborate please. Is Friday afternoon really a popular time on the GW2 servers?

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Downstairs Eddie.8125

Downstairs Eddie.8125

We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

Elaborate please. Is Friday afternoon really a popular time on the GW2 servers?

I’m starting to think people haven’t read the ‘heads up’ very closely.

The events on Friday and Saturday sound very minor. It’s clearly the Sunday event that’s the major one. It’s a ‘big finale’ and a ‘one time only event’.

So no, Friday afternoon probably isn’t a popular time. Sunday afternoon, however, is.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Vzur.7123


MAD KING Event 1 Time Event!!!!!!!!

Pacific Players Panic, What Will Happen? I’ll Quit if I Cannot Be a Part of the One Time Event!

Event comes, its a brief cinematic. Feel like you missed anything? Probably not.

Queue November One Time Event:


Its probably another brief cinematic, signalling to players that they can now enter the new instance. You wont miss anything, im sure the cinematic can be viewed on utube again only minutes after it happens live.

Exactly. I just don’t understand why the devs are so worried about spoiling a cinematic.

I love that GW2 is so light on cutscenes, but then we see stuff like this. Like in so much of the games industry these days, where devs can’t seem to appreciate that watching a cinematic is not gameplay. Whether it plays for me at my own leisure, or I can just watch it on YouTube, it doesn’t matter enough to be something that can be spoiled for me.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Nemui.6753


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

Elaborate please. Is Friday afternoon really a popular time on the GW2 servers?

We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

Elaborate please. Is Friday afternoon really a popular time on the GW2 servers?

I’m starting to think people haven’t read the ‘heads up’ very closely.

The events on Friday and Saturday sound very minor. It’s clearly the Sunday event that’s the major one. It’s a ‘big finale’ and a ‘one time only event’.

So no, Friday afternoon probably isn’t a popular time. Sunday afternoon, however, is.

it’s friday/saturday/sunday evening respectively, in europe. of course it’s gonna be their highest concurrency, because (on saturday and sunday at least) a large chunk of the US playerbase will be able to participate. and simultaneously, they’ll have most of their EU customers playing on friday/saturday/sunday evening (12PM PDT).

if they’d go for evening in the US, they’d have barely anyone playing in the EU (cause it’d be 3 to 6 AM). so just looking at numbers, it makes sense that this is the highest concurrency.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: psy.5437


For those commenting on that it will be a cinematic go have a read of the post where MK details what times things will kick off in the news section. He specifically states " This will be a onetime only event chain ", a little more specific than a one time event, i doubt cinematics have chains, if it was something like how the h/w one time event cinematic was planned I doubt people would be as miffed as they are now.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


For those commenting on that it will be a cinematic go have a read of the post where MK details what times things will kick off in the news section. He specifically states " This will be a onetime only event chain ", a little more specific than a one time event, i doubt cinematics have chains, if it was something like how the h/w one time event cinematic was planned I doubt people would be as miffed as they are now.

Still they are getting miffed when they do not even know what will happen. Just like the Mad King Event, it could be nothing of merit. Pour water on whales? Pick up artifacts washed to shore? Would those things really be a dramatic impact on your game experience?

The devs stated that 1 time events are what stand out in a games history. Stories arise from them, unlike the content that is there for access 24/7. Its true, you remember the things are remarkable, and not repetitive.

Years down the line, when GW3 hits, not many people are going to be going on about how that one time in Orr when the events kept repeating, over and over and over again….

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Still they are getting miffed when they do not even know what will happen. Just like the Mad King Event, it could be nothing of merit. Pour water on whales? Pick up artifacts washed to shore? Would those things really be a dramatic impact on your game experience?

The devs stated that 1 time events are what stand out in a games history. Stories arise from them, unlike the content that is there for access 24/7. Its true, you remember the things are remarkable, and not repetitive.

You’re contradicting yourself, first you say it might be inconsequential despite being an event chain then you say they do these to stand out in the games history. But they are denying a large part of the games audience the chance to participate or at least making it very hard.

Whats more based on the comments these will always be at similar times therefore oceanic players will always miss out. That sucks and if you and others can’t understand why we are upset……………….

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Vzur.7123


“Event chain” still needs better definition. The Halloween event could have been considered a chain. All of it was repeatable and accessible, aside from the cinematic. That might just be considered one single link in the chain of events, the rest of which, players were able to experience whenever they get around to it. As long as they don’t miss the entire weekend.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wasselin.1235


Why does it have to be one time only? I don’t get what is gained by having it only happen once. Is it a technical reason? It just seems like a waste of resources— if its possible why not replay it a couple times at least so more people can experience it.

“Please find my dear friends… Dead or Alive” -redmakoto

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I will admit that I have a biased perspective because I am from the US and the one-time Sunday event will probably work out for me.

However, it makes sense. We don’t know how dramatically this event will change the game, and having it as a repeatable event just may not work. This game is also heavily relied on the lore and game immersion. Game immersion won’t be possible if something this dramatic and big (which is what ANet is leaning us towards) changes the entire world, to just be repeated over and over again.

Technically, maybe this could cause issues. I’m not a game designer, or programmer, or anything but because of this game’s open world environment, if the world of Tyria is going to physically change, it would make it difficult for this open world. Some players will see one thing, while others will be forced to see another. They can’t “force” all of the players who didn’t participate in an event into a separate world instance. That sounds difficult.

That’s not to say… That they can’t let people do the chain event in a separate instance with party members. Have an NPC, take them to the lobby of that chain event instance. Yes, the end might be given away when Tyria’s changed, but at least then players can see how it happened.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: vox.5019


  • There will never be a time where everyone can be on.
  • We can reasonably assume that this will involve cataclysmic changes to the environment (such as the destruction of the Lion) or world as related to lore and story.

Thus there are only 2 options for these things to occur.

  1. An update is pushed and when we log in everything is simply changed. We may get to watch a cutscene about why it changed but we can in no way truly experience it in open world fashion.
  2. We get to experience them happening if we’re in world, and if we’re not we get to watch the replays.

Number 2 is what we have as these things are recorded and available on Youtube. I know which I prefer, even if I’m not around when they happen.

This is not a single player game and I applaud any developer, ANet is not the first after all, that is willing to make real time changes to the game world rather than simply making some cutscene explaining why everything changed while we downloaded the patch.

If you want to see what repeatability so everyone can experience it plays like, go to Orr and run DEs only to watch that temple you took reset so the next bunch can play it.

Long ago we were told that our actions would have an effect on the world and it turned out that wasn’t really the case, why? Because it has to repeat. People are finally getting to experience the feeling of making something tangible happen to the world and the only reason that’s possible is because it’s a one time event.

For those of you complaining about being in other time zones keep these things in mind.

  • ANet as a company will always try to accommodate what they feel is the largest possible population of their players.
  • If you are not a part of this population then you are in the minority.
  • If you are asking for similar world changing events to occur for your own time zones, then you are essentially asking them to change the world around a minority of players.

If what’s happening in the game world is that important to you that you would suggest the world should revolve around your minority, then take some time off, stay up late, get up early, or w/e else would put you somewhere inside of the multiple hour event. If what’s happening in the real world is too important to miss, then that’s just the way it is in any world you share with others.

This is a true event, something worth reporting on. Something that will change our little game world in a way relatable to how we experience things in our real world. And I am just happy that they’re making something like this happen, even though I’m probably going to miss most or all of the event chain.

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: morrolan.9608


For those of you complaining about being in other time zones keep these things in mind.

  • ANet as a company will always try to accommodate what they feel is the largest possible population of their players.
  • If you are not a part of this population then you are in the minority.
  • If you are asking for similar world changing events to occur for your own time zones, then you are essentially asking them to change the world around a minority of players.

Well as it stands, based on dev comments, those in an oceanic time zone are going to miss ALL these events or at least find it hard to do them. That quite frankly is ridiculous.

They should either do them in a different way so all can experience it, say via instancing, or rotate the times when these events are going to occur so every time zone gets a go. They could quite easily do it on a Saturday NA time that would make it much easier for oceanics to do.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

On Friday November 16th at noon PST (20:00 GMT) the weekend will kick off with an Event in Lion’s Arch that you don’t want to miss. This will trigger events in other parts of Tyria as well.

Let’s hope that this time it’s really something I don’t want to miss, instead of a boring 30-second cutscene. Preferably something useful, like a 25-slot bag or a free bank tab.


Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: LordYz.8941


On Friday November 16th at noon PST (20:00 GMT) the weekend will kick off with an Event in Lion’s Arch that you don’t want to miss. This will trigger events in other parts of Tyria as well.

Let’s hope that this time it’s really something I don’t want to miss, instead of a boring 30-second cutscene. Preferably something useful, like a 25-slot bag or a free bank tab.

Don’t Bet on it. Argh… 4 am Monday morning…..

Sea of Sorrows, Black Snow Suave.
Recruiting dungeon raiders.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Well, the timing is at least a bit better for me this time around (6am Monday morning for me), but I agree that it really irks me that it seems Asians/Oceanics will continually get the short end of the stick where these one-time events are concerned.

We get that ANet has to build their events around the periods of highest concurrency. It’s logical. We get it. But can’t you throw us a bone every now and again? If a one-time event takes place during noon US-time, have the next one start at noon Europe time, and the next one at noon Asia-time. It’s hard for us fans from the Eastern half of the world not to feel disgruntled when we’re constantly having to take one for the global fanbase.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Well, the timing is at least a bit better for me this time around (6am Monday morning for me), but I agree that it really irks me that it seems Asians/Oceanics will continually get the short end of the stick where these one-time events are concerned.

We get that ANet has to build their events around the periods of highest concurrency. It’s logical. We get it. But can’t you throw us a bone every now and again? If a one-time event takes place during noon US-time, have the next one start at noon Europe time, and the next one at noon Asia-time. It’s hard for us fans from the Eastern half of the world not to feel disgruntled when we’re constantly having to take one for the global fanbase.

What have you missed so far in Guild Wars 2 because of your global location?

A first peak at the cinematic of the Mad King? I do not see that as being a huge disappointment.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Clone.2874


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

While that makes complete sense this is a NA server and as such should not be for the highest concurrency where in you take in all the people in account outside NA. Nothing against them but they choose to play on a NA Server the events should be catered around NA times.

The ending event on a sunday though at that time… you can’t tell me you have the highest concurrency on a sunday @ noon in NA most people are still in church.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Moose.8234

Lord Moose.8234

We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

You guys really need to rethink how you handle these things. I feel like a lot of GW2 players are getting screwed over by horrendous timing of these “one time events”. Anet needs to do something so all players can experience this, regardless of timezones.

80 Warrior

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: conrad wong.2015

conrad wong.2015

Not trying to devalue GW or what but we could borrow the phasing technology from WoW so that players can get their own phase and enjoy the events in say, a week’s time.

If you log in on Monday and finish everything then fine the event concludes in your world. But if you log in Monday and then have to wait till Sunday to log in again, then the event will wait for you to complete. Anet simply closes the whole thing on the next Monday. This way, you give reasonable amount of time to players.

Since events scale to number of participating players, there should not be any gameplay / difficulty issues.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jemmi.6058



The one time event is one time for everyone, so that way it cannot be spoiled across time zones.

I’d be interested to see if most people here go to church, never mind if most people are still at church at that time. Also, 12 noon PST is 3pm noon EST, I doubt that people will be in church that late? Anyway, not trying to start a religious debate (Definitely not the place for that), I am just saying that might not be the best argument against noon for the event.

Personally, noon on Sunday is one of the most ideal times for me to log in.

Also… if you were there at the halloween event, you know that you had 2 full days to run the Mad King dungeon. The only thing missed at noon was a pretty cool cut-scene (easily watchable on youtube). This cannot be repeatable, because it wouldn’t make sense. The cutscene opened the gateway to the dungeon.

ANet, I think you are doing a fantastic job with these events. I love that some things are one-time. Even if I miss them, it makes the world feel more real and dynamic. Cheers

(edited by Jemmi.6058)

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ansatz.6498


ANet, I love that you want to evolve the world, and as a US player I will be able to make it to most of these things (although maybe not the Friday kickoff). However, for the really one-time events (as seems to be the case on Sunday) I think it might be worth considering running it not when you have highest typical concurrency, but when the most number of players can play concurrently.

Perhaps run the event Saturday evening US time (Sunday day-time for Oceanic players) on the US servers, and delay it by a few hours for the Europe servers so that they can do it on Sunday morning (Europe time).

If it really is necessary to run it at the same time on both US/EU servers for technical reasons or to avoid spoilers, maybe just run the finale on Saturday at noon instead of Sunday. The event series would have to be shorter or start on Thursday, but it would allow everyone a chance to see the finale and leave the remainder of the weekend for people to enjoy the follow-up stuff. Anyway, I’m sure you will do what you can.

(edited by Ansatz.6498)

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sammael Darksbane.4572

Sammael Darksbane.4572

We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

hmmm thanks for the input, but this sentence doesn’t make any sense.

but still thanks for the added input

That sentence makes perfect sense. They run events on the days/time they have the MOST people playing. Which is Noon PST on the weekends. They can’t please everyone, so what they’re doing is pleasing as many as they can.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


What have you missed so far in Guild Wars 2 because of your global location?

A first peak at the cinematic of the Mad King? I do not see that as being a huge disappointment.

Well, remember at the time that none of us knew it was going to be a one-time cinematic. Many people believed it would be a true one-time event that would only be available during this narrow window and nowhere else. (I expected that what turned out to be the Ascent to Madness dungeon would be available for an extended period of time, but nobody knew for sure at that point.)

But back to your original question, it’s not so much an issue with GW2/ANet itself. It actually stretches beyond them. Many other video game companies have a habit of planning events or special giveaways that are only easily accessible to people from the US (and occasionally Europe). For example, a few years ago Bioware announced (with great fanfare) a special event called the Bioware Bazaar that promised to reward devoted fans with the chance to get exclusive prizes. When the day finally arrived, it turned out that only citizens of the US were eligible to participate. To say there were a lot of irate people that day would be an… understatement. Bioware ended up pulling the plug on the Bazaar early and promised they would come up with something to ensure their fans worldwide would get something. (That still hasn’t happened, incidentally.)

So, when you’re a non-US gamer and you see stuff like this happen again and again and again from many different companies, it’s hard not to feel bitter when something else comes up that you probably won’t be able to participate in due to your geographic location.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: akamon.2769


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

while that is all fair and fine, and what seems a most logical “choice”, what this fails to capture is at least the feasibility of those who would make an effort to come on for said “one-time events”.

let me elaborate. first off, i love these one time events, and it’s great being part of a virtual world that is ever changing and you allow the players, the end-users to make the game what it is, all the while providing new and fresh updates and content. by all means, please keep this up. on the other hand, if you are able to announce these events early enough, those dedicated enough can set time aside for these events. and mark my words, most of us WILL make plans for this. that being said, for e.g. if it was on Saturday night or Friday night PST, it will be maybe midnight or early morning EST and then Saturday day or Sunday day for Europe and Oceanic. maybe early morning for Europe. and yes, many of us do have work on Saturdays or even Sundays. or have to work late nights or early mornings. but perhaps at least, you’re not shutting out entire timezones where majority of the people will be at work, or will be preparing for work when you have finale events at least.

true, you’re picking times with highest concurrencies, but that does not mean people won’t be able to adjust a few hours to make sure they can attend the event. i have a sneaky feeling if you are willign to do a bit more research, perhaps even a questionnaire or poll, you’ll be able to have THE highest attendance of these events that you tell us “NOT TO MISS”.

and with regards to perhaps even having multipel occurences for different timezones at least, sure people will put them online and made available. it’s going to happen anyways, but that won’t stop people from enjoying it, and if people really don’t want it to be spoiled, then they won’t look it up. my Mom for e.g., everytime she buys a book, she’ll read the ending first and then slowly dig through the beginning and middle. i don’t get it. i wouldn’t do it. but i can’t stop her. the author can’t stop her. people will choose to do what they want to and using that as the MAIN and ONE SOLE reason for not being able to implment multiple occurences seems.. lacking. at least from my point of view.

that being said, i am looking forward to his. and will sleep early and try to wake up to make these events. but this really sucks for those who won’t be able to physically or realistically even TRY to make these events. not due to personal obligations, but rather due to the mere timing of said events.

and to those that are complaining about people complaining.. i’m not sure what to say to you, but just wanted to point you guys out. ; ))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Maybe you should think about doing them differently so ALL players get a chance to enjoy them.

This gave me an idea for these one-time events. Could there be a way to start these one time events (cinematics, etc etc) at different parts of the day to accommodate different parts of the world’s concurrency?

Start US’s event at this high peak login time, then start EU’s high peak login time, etc etc.

This way, EVERYONE (or most) can enjoy the one-time event and those who stick around to repeat it can do so if they want but won’t be rewarded any bonus items that come with the event since they participated in it before (Maybe have an achievement or something keep information that lets the game know they already have participated and can’t receive the unique items)

Sorry for just typing a bunch of stuff here, I just hope it makes sense.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

We’re still getting screwed over though, and I’m sure if you put the event in the middle of the weekend then more people will show up knowing that.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tera GX.8149

Tera GX.8149

Personally I LIKE having the existence of one-time events and I LIKE that being genuinely true to where I may potentially miss them entirely. That makes for a more genuine living world. Currently “world events” aren’t remotely what I thought was advertised when I first heard about them (with the exception of the ones in Orr), they’re not influencing the state of the world, they’re scheduled with relatively short-term impact.

Genuine “one-time” is more of the living world I hoped for.

I was not in New York when the twin towers fell. With all the suffering people went through I would have loved to help them. But acting in person when distant is not a valid choice in times of disaster because of logistics already being strained. It hurts a bit to see people pained and be unable to react. Of course this example is an extreme, as I’d also probably be dead if I was there. The purpose of this example is that that’s how reality works, not everyone is entitled to everyone else’s experiences.

Getting everything all the time is being spoiled.

Now, from the sounds of it, EU servers got the cinematic at noon US Pacific as well? Now that does need correcting. But if everyone is demanding satisfaction, then the only way to stay true to “one time” and aim for “everyone” is peak population. I think Anet’s logic is in the right place, and we’ve only had one instance to judge.

Something else I’d like to point out: while it is easy to point out the insignificance of that cinematic (which I nevertheless absolutely loved to witness), there was something else we can infer from that day. We “held back” the Mad King for the entire duration of the day, there was conceptually a climatic day-long battle. So if there were ever a one-time world-altering battle, I bet that “one-time” would not be brief, not the duration of an average event boss. If there were a one-time world-altering thing with multiple outcomes, it would probably last a full day or maybe even a week. If a full day is not enough time to participate in a “one-time” thing for any length of time, it’s my opinion that you’re not in a position to complain about limited availability. I won’t have the time for all things either, and already felt punished for it when the Monthly reset before the end of the month, but that doesn’t undo my reasons for playing the game.

We can expect different types of “one-time” things. There can be yet lower availability than that global cinematic, or something could be made to span multiple days. I think expecting any conformity is going to take a lot of the excitement and purpose out of it.

Tera Xenphos of Fort Aspenwood (guildless, deliberately)

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Bubbles.1047


That sentence makes perfect sense. They run events on the days/time they have the MOST people playing. Which is Noon PST on the weekends. They can’t please everyone, so what they’re doing is pleasing as many as they can.

But they can please everyone. By making the event instanced.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ananui.9204


Sounds exciting Martin, on the positive side I suppose is I get to participate in some of it just not the ONE TIME ONLY event or any other ONETIMEONLYEVENT you have planned in the future that will be scheduled for USA No:1 time, guess I’ll just have to youtube the footage when I get home from work.

Yes I am being slightly passive aggressive, it’s only because I love GW2 but if this is how it is going to be, then how many more ONE TIME EVENTS am I/we Oceanic players going to miss out on. How about this, make official dedicated Oceanic server(s) and run these events in OUR and then YOUR weekend it will only be a day apart… I’ll love you lots more for it.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Throrgrim.7098


You guys really need to rethink how you handle these things. I feel like a lot of GW2 players are getting screwed over by horrendous timing of these “one time events”. Anet needs to do something so all players can experience this, regardless of timezones.


Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Back to GW1’s “every 3 hours” system seems a good idea.


Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: oxymetazolini.5084


Ehh… i suppose that players would’nt mind being second or third witnessing an “one time” event when they will witness it personally not on youtube. Someone up suggested dividing servers in timezones, for eg. one timezone for europe, one for America(s) and one for Asia and Oceania – then one time events would start on 18:00/20:00 SERVER time not GMT or PST. Btw Im from Europe and I dont give a kitten about people from US or Asia being “first served” with one time event as long as I have a chance to personally attend it. Im sure that majority of players wouldnt mind it either.
Edit: sorry for mistakes.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aethersong.5189


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

Well, I hope one time events on Sunday do not become the norm. For people on the other half of the world, attending these events would involve getting up around 3 to 4 am on a Monday. For people who work, this is not a very good time.

If you plan to stick with the same time to start events, could you consider moving them to Saturdays in the future? This would at least allow people from ALL time zones a chance to experience these events.

The way it is now, Anet seems to be neglecting Asian and Oceanic players.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Tera GX – that was very well expressed and i appreciated that. at the same time, i play video games to have fun, to be able to do what i can’t in real life. i’m guilty for making analogies or references to what goes on IRL while talking about video games with others as well.. however, with that being said… i am i guess, arguing, if you will, for the sake of those who will have NO chance to experience these “one-time-only” events. and stating we must not miss them, but then place them at times where certain players, again, can’t even TRY to experience or witness these events seems.. i’m not sure what the word is. yes, true, it’s great and exciting to have one time events we may or may not miss, but when you’re looking at a playerbase, who i assume ANet wants to keep happy, and not saying they spoon feed us everything, but at least with things like this, perhaps they can at least try to cater to more people if it doesn’t hurt them or the game. just going by default what is the most populated time does not seem to do that justice.

one can perhaps argue, “then what about legendaries? by your logic, akamon, everyone should be given an easy chance at legendaries. right?” yes and no. ANet did say that legendaries are to be an epic journey (though some may disagree) and the term legendary doesn’t mean everyone. however, for these one time events, they keep stating that “you don’t want to miss it! you better not miss it! if you miss it, you’re going to regret it!” and i believe its in their best interest to try to have multiple instances, or perhaps try to find ways around this. true, it’s only the second one-time only event so far. however, this is three days in a row, and the finale on a Sunday night, again. did they take into account how the Halloween event went? or are they defaulting to the exact same time again? what is the sample size of the highest concurrence at noon PST?

hope my tone doesn’t come off offensive. i do think these one-time events are great. at the same time, if i have to treat a video game the same way i treat life – and i know some are upset or will stress about missing these events, then that does, to a certain extent, take the fun out of the game. maybe i am taking it too far. maybe this is not how MMOs are done and you are expected to win some, lose some.

and at the end of the day, no i am not goign to stop playing the game if i miss these events or my friends don’t get to experience them. no i am not going to boycott the game and give ANet or gw2 a bad game, i will keep playing the crap out of my Guardian and soon my Engineer. i will keep telling my friends they need to get on this. and perhaps, maybe because we love and care about the game so much, we want to be able to experience all of it.

yes, IRL over game, any day. but if doing certain things don’t hurt people in-game, and you want as many users to be able to experience this as much as possible, then why limit a large group of your player base that you are aware of and care about?

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lasur Arkinshade.4107

Lasur Arkinshade.4107

Back to GW1’s “every 3 hours” system seems a good idea.

Umm… except if they do that, they end up devaluing the point of these events in the first place: making permanent, one-time changes to the world. Making them instanced or making them repeat on a cycle is both not feasible, but would also completely undermine the point of these events in the first place.

Please, people, stop whining. If you miss an event, you miss an event. Such is life.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kana.6793


This is getting a bit silly really. You have threads all over the forum complaining that “Anet lied” and that the world isn’t dynamic as advertised. “Where are the world changing events” and “the dragon events shouldn’t be on timers because it feels static and scripted” and so on.

Then any time they implement the advertised dynamic events that change the world people started complaining that they mustn’t do them and that they should loop them so that people can’t miss them…

These events are one of the big selling points of the game. A lot of people bought GW2 because of these one time events. They can’t start looping the things.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: melkathi.5203


We run one-time events at the time where we have the highest concurrency.

If you go just by concurrency, why not do people a favour and not announce the event at all? If it is only highest concurency you go by, you say you are not interested in the number of users who would normaly not be on at that time but would try to make time. Why give a heads up so people can make plans if your own plan did not involve the ability of people to make plans.
Looking at only one variable when making a decission is uninformed.
As others said, if it is going to be a one time event, then it should be placed to achieve the highest possible concurency, not the highest mean concurency.
Otherwise you may as well put all events on the same day as launch day. I am certain that if you look at concurency data, you will see you had fantastic numbers that week
Data is only as good as we make use of it…

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Vzur.7123


This is getting a bit silly really. You have threads all over the forum complaining that “Anet lied” and that the world isn’t dynamic as advertised. “Where are the world changing events” and “the dragon events shouldn’t be on timers because it feels static and scripted” and so on.

Then any time they implement the advertised dynamic events that change the world people started complaining that they mustn’t do them and that they should loop them so that people can’t miss them…

These events are one of the big selling points of the game. A lot of people bought GW2 because of these one time events. They can’t start looping the things.

Comes back to a discussion of systems vs content. Dynamic content is an oxymoron, without systems in place to make it dynamic.. unless you keep doing events like this, which isn’t that practical, for all the reasons people have been complaining about.

I don’t know how long they’ll be able to keep it up. They need a better system in place, so that they won’t have to.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: melkathi.5203


Doing a lot of one time things seems… inefficient. You go to a lot of trouble to create something, but it is only experienced once by a fraction of your customer base. ANet probably has done some maths and has actual numbers to base their decission on, but as an idea, without having numbers, it appears to not be the optimal use of man-hours.
Obviously these events create publicity, but will this publicity really pay off?

shrug if this was a super hero game the devs could just add a mad asura scientist with a time machine giving people the chance to do instanced versions…

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: CelticWish.2314


Lots of wah here it seems.

This is where the paying customer fails. People have been asking for unique in game events for MMO’s for going on 10 years now. Something fresh and different we say. Time after time this request has been asked by the player base. Rarely delivered and a few that tried it’s been a slide show.

So what happens? A dev steps up to give us these events that even work and now we have to read how you cannot be there and you shouldn’t have to give up life to play a game. There is no single time everyone will ever be able to be in game, 10’s of thousands will always have something more important going on, while 10’s of thousands will be able to make a particular event.

Do we not think these things out? We ask for it, doesn’t mean they will email me personally with a date/time that fits my needs. As you say you have more important things in real life, well great, you should. But don’t bag on the game, don’t ruin it for the rest of us that can make it this time. You complain enough they’ll just say “Why do we even do this?” and then give you the same static mmo you’ve been fed for the same 10 years and then you’ll be somewhere else asking for special events in your mmo because they would be unique and fresh.

Ah the cycle of __________ continues.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jski.6180


I think its good to have events that you can miss it gives the game a life of its own and not a life of “this game only happens when i am on” feeling. Its like its own world though there are ppl who think the the real life world dose not go on with out them.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jayne.9251


lol for those of you confused by the partial bits of info in this thread, here’s the official announcement:


(Figured I went searching after reading this, others likely would too).

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: someoneinatree.9104


For everyone who basically think those of us who live in Oceania/Asia should just deal with it, you need to realise many of us WANT the one-time world changing events. I agree that simply repeating the events makes them no different from dynamic events, and lessens any sense of immersion these unique events bring to the world.

We just would like it if we were able to make some of them, instead of them all being scheduled at the same time based on the statistical highest concurrency across all servers. Everyone expects to miss the occasional event, or have real life priorities during a particular event… but if the current trend continues, nearly all of the players in these regions will NEVER experience these kinds of one-off world-changing events.

There has to be a way of scheduling it so that at least sometimes it is feasible for us to take part as well.

SoS: [RED] Crimson Mind

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Northlander.4619


It’s interesting they are planning the “one time only” event on the day that is facing Monday. I don’t know about you folks but mondays are workdays for me me and that’s 10 PM EET on Sunday for me. That’s when I usually go to sleep because I’ve to wake up dang early.

I don’t mind the 10 PM or even later if it’s on friday or saturday because I don’t work during weekends. Now I’m sure there are plenty of folks who work all weekend but I’d say majority of the players still work/go to school during weekdays.

Then again if it’s similar to Mad King’s appearance I don’t mind that much. I mean it was cool and all but not worth skipping work.

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


No matter how many times an event is repeated, each person can only experience it for the first time once, so there’s the ‘one-time event’ experience many here want. Therefore, even if the ‘one-time event’ was repeated several times, many, many more people – not just those lucky enough to live in a specific timezone – would have a chance to experience the desired ‘one-time event’ experience.

The table is a fable.