Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


I want to make my own guild and I have absolutely no idea how to, let alone the correct way to do it. I’ve been on here for a few days more than a year and I have joined a guild, but now I’d like to start my own? I’ve no true idea what exactly happens within the guilds, as in the activities (if they’re just set up by the Guild Master (or whatever the term is here) or if they’re set up by some otherworldly source and the GM delegates) and such. Over all, I’m just admitting that I lack the knowledge of what the Guilds do asides be a team and a family. I know, pathetic for being on here for a year. I do want to make up my own guild at some point, but I’ve just no idea what to do, and once it’s made, what to do after that. Some insight and teaching might do me some good. And yes, because I don’t know much, if anything, about Guilds, I also am quite confused and lost when it comes to WvW so any advice or knowledge on that might be helpful as well. I’d really appreciate some help. Please and thank you.

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


There’s really not much point into guilds other than another source of chat, a few minor buffs, and guild missions. You can experience 99.9999% of the game without a guild.

If you want to read up about guilds, check this:


Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


There’s really not much point into guilds other than another source of chat, a few minor buffs, and guild missions. You can experience 99.9999% of the game without a guild.

If you want to read up about guilds, check this:


Thanks! I appreciate it

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Private guilds are really good in my opinion. I have all of the storage unlocked (took about a year since it was not a huge priority), and you have something to rep so you do not get drowned in blind invites to guilds (can’t understand why people don’t even bother to whisper when they do this). You have I believe 4 or 5 guilds you can have on your rep list so a mix of private, social and various dungeon or pvp or fractal or whatever your hobby is works well.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Albadaran.1283


I’m thinking about the same thing. But don’t you need a number of X members before you can unlock upgrades?

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I’m thinking about the same thing. But don’t you need a number of X members before you can unlock upgrades?

Only one person required. Just need more if you want to do guild challenges, which is kind of built for multiple people.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


Private guilds are really good in my opinion. I have all of the storage unlocked (took about a year since it was not a huge priority), and you have something to rep so you do not get drowned in blind invites to guilds (can’t understand why people don’t even bother to whisper when they do this). You have I believe 4 or 5 guilds you can have on your rep list so a mix of private, social and various dungeon or pvp or fractal or whatever your hobby is works well.

I was planning on making this guild with my friend, since he finally got the game a while back, and we were thinking of putting a little bit of an rp spin on this guild as well, seeing as that has been controversial to him joining and we think it would be more fun if we did add a bit more personality and storyline to our characters as we use them, though I dunno how that’s going to work (cause I really don’t want to disrupt other players who don’t want to be involved so it wouldn’t be able to be in the speak/say chat), let alone how many people would want to join it because of that. All in all, I just want my own sort of guild cause I feel as if the one I’m in now has a little too much drama and I get confused and can’t always participate and such. I feel like such a nerd saying all this. I know that rp isn’t a huge part of GuildWars, but I think it’d be a little fun to do it, I mean, it would definitely add more to my perspective.

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


RP’s a huge part! Then again I’m on Tarnished Coast, home to thousands of RPers.

It turns out that making and growing a guild isn’t terribly hard. I just did it for some extra storage, made my own solo guild. The only scary part is that Leave Guild is a button right next to Represent Guild. If I ever misclick while swapping over to access the bank, I’ll have lost a lot of time and money.

However, influence will come in very slowly with just one or two members (unless you have a ton of gold) and building things takes not only influence but time — when you want to build something, it can be a week before it’s available for use. Since you have to build one stage, then build the items that stage allows, then build the next stage, it can be a few weeks before you have the initial basics.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


RP’s a huge part! Then again I’m on Tarnished Coast, home to thousands of RPers.

It turns out that making and growing a guild isn’t terribly hard. I just did it for some extra storage, made my own solo guild. The only scary part is that Leave Guild is a button right next to Represent Guild. If I ever misclick while swapping over to access the bank, I’ll have lost a lot of time and money.

However, influence will come in very slowly with just one or two members (unless you have a ton of gold) and building things takes not only influence but time — when you want to build something, it can be a week before it’s available for use. Since you have to build one stage, then build the items that stage allows, then build the next stage, it can be a few weeks before you have the initial basics.

Yeah, my friend wanted to switch servers once he found out about another server having huge amounts of rp’ers and I told him. Go ahead. I don’t care. I’m not moving. I love my server, and I don’t have the money to pay for switching servers, or the will to delete any of my characters to switch, especially now that I have my level 80 Necro. I definitely want to rp with it, have the guild, unfortunately I don’t think my server has a lot of rp’ers but I wouldn’t know, I just joined the one that one of my friends was already on, though she doesn’t get on at all anymore. My only fear is that I don’t know enough about the lore of Tyria and such. I want to know it so I can properly rp and not be the one who knows nothing, which I sorta am at the moment. I know the parts of my storyline and that’s it, and even that’s giving me trouble now.

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


You can scan the wiki for lore, and ask oocly in game to clarify some points. Also you don’t have to transfer to TC to hop over for RP. My guild has some members from other servers that join us just to RP. Guesting is nice and simple (just don’t accidentally hit the transfer button when using the feature).

Check on guildwars2roleplayers.com for tons of threads on lore, too.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


How do you guest!? I know so little! I’ve never heard of this before!

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


How do you guest!? I know so little! I’ve never heard of this before!

after login, character screen bottom left corner called choose server. It pulls up all the servers, just make sure you push guest not transfer.

Edit, cannot guest in EU if on a NA server and the other way around.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


How do you guest!? I know so little! I’ve never heard of this before!

after login, character screen bottom left corner called choose server. It pulls up all the servers, just make sure you push guest not transfer.

Edit, cannot guest in EU if on a NA server and the other way around.

Thanks, I’ll be sure to check it out. I didn’t realize that we could do that!

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Also you can only guest to two servers per 24 hours.

It’s useful not just for RP. If you really need an open temple, you can check temple timer pages to see who has it open, get nearby (not in aggro) and log over to that server, do your business, then again get to a safe place to log back home.

Restrictions are you can’t WvW while guesting, and your guild bank and benefits are localized to your home server so you can’t get at those either.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


Also you can only guest to two servers per 24 hours.

It’s useful not just for RP. If you really need an open temple, you can check temple timer pages to see who has it open, get nearby (not in aggro) and log over to that server, do your business, then again get to a safe place to log back home.

Restrictions are you can’t WvW while guesting, and your guild bank and benefits are localized to your home server so you can’t get at those either.

Thats okay, as I don’t have my own guild yet and I don’t do much with the guild I’m in currently, that doesn’t bother me, let alone, if I did guest, it would probably just be for rp at this point, if I see fit to, I mean, I still don’t completely understand this game either, I still have a lot to learn; I still don’t understand WvW either. And, I was curious and I dont want to assume, but do you rp? I mean, you are on the Tarnished Coast server that is the home of homes for rp, but I didn’t know if you yourself rp’d. Just curious.

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meow Ren.5382

Meow Ren.5382

Not sure if you’ve already seen them, but there are a few helpful guides here on the forums that might also help a bit (not necessarily specific to your guild-creation question, but still helpfull overall):




Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


Not sure if you’ve already seen them, but there are a few helpful guides here on the forums that might also help a bit (not necessarily specific to your guild-creation question, but still helpfull overall):





Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I do RP. It’s been sparse over the holidays but my guild is for RP, we do adventures and shenanigans. Of my 12 characters, 4 have strong plotlines and 2 more cameo in RP as needed. (Ok, I have 13 characters, but one is a low level shill made for a guildmate’s RP, he’s her nemesis villain and isn’t for actual game play).

If someone walks up and RP talks at me I’m likely to drop into character and hang out with them, so long as it’s not moment before logout/bedtime or a guild dungeon run etc. In which case I’ll /w them with an explanation.

Btw I mentioned the guild restriction because your OP said you wanted to start your own, so I was cautioning you that you wouldn’t access its stuff while guesting.

Lost when it comes to Guild-ing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaprosuchus.4178


I do RP. It’s been sparse over the holidays but my guild is for RP, we do adventures and shenanigans. Of my 12 characters, 4 have strong plotlines and 2 more cameo in RP as needed. (Ok, I have 13 characters, but one is a low level shill made for a guildmate’s RP, he’s her nemesis villain and isn’t for actual game play).

If someone walks up and RP talks at me I’m likely to drop into character and hang out with them, so long as it’s not moment before logout/bedtime or a guild dungeon run etc. In which case I’ll /w them with an explanation.

Btw I mentioned the guild restriction because your OP said you wanted to start your own, so I was cautioning you that you wouldn’t access its stuff while guesting.

Yeah that all makes sense, I get what your saying about the access, which doesn’t quite bother me but then again, who knows o o I’ll probably be a bipolar GM who is laid back but cracks down on the rules XD I dont know! I’ve never had a guild before! And yeah that sounds great. I’d like the idea of possibly rping with you at some point if you have the chance. Unfortunately I have school tomorrow and friday, and I need to get some scholarships done for college as well as Financial Aid crap UGH. But if you’re ever up for it I can see what I can do

Im a reptile freak. Thats why my name is a prehistoric croc and the only art I can draw is dragons.