Love/hate GW2

Love/hate GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pedigree.2301



I just wanted to say I loved GW2, it’s so well made and it has depth and width in its design. I just can’t play it though, it’s so sad. I like leveling in PVE and switching to PVP for a change every now and again. but ultimately the end game is WVW is it not? unless you like solely PVE and dungeons. I tried roaming but just got trained by zerg. I tried small team to kind of “backdoor” stuff but got trained by zerg. My only option left was to join in with the “blob” stuff which was fun for about 5 mins then boring as hell, with no skill or feeling of achievement. In WVW there is no getting round the “zerg/blob” just steamrollering every objective. What makes it worse is that I don’t tend to play at prime times so I know the experience will be different when there are more players, but that doesn’t really help me when I play. I play during the day and as an example today steamrolled by zerg every 2 mins, say about 30 players and we had about 4 from what I saw both on screen and in chat… what can you do with these number differences?

Anyway I know this will incite rage into some people and some people will agree. It just doesn’t seem that Anet are trying to do anything about it. Can you not limit the entry onto the map so you can never have a difference of so many people in one area. Or maybe queue people who are obviously zerging an area, then changing maps and zerging another… can you not stagger them chaging the map they are on? or say you can only change map every 30 mins or something.

I’m not suggesting that these will eliminate the zerg/blob-ness of WvW but Anet doesn’t even seem to by trying at all. maybe they should give some of these or other peoples idea’s a chance instead of doing nothing or rather little in the way of stopping it ruining the game for most people.

Love/hate GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


Endgame is whatever you make it. It doesn’t have to be WvW. There are quite a few things to do. If WvW is the best of a bad lot for you then I’m not sure what can be done.

If you’re able to change the idea that a large group of players running together in WvW is an army and not a zerg then you might be able to look at it differently. The armies of three servers meeting in glorious combat! That won’t help with the steamrolled part, though.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Love/hate GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Maybe more people on your server are in EotM right now. Might try that, and see if there is any difference. Should not be lop-sided, so much.

Love/hate GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Endgame is whatever you make it. It doesn’t have to be WvW. There are quite a few things to do. If WvW is the best of a bad lot for you then I’m not sure what can be done.

If you’re able to change the idea that a large group of players running together in WvW is an army and not a zerg then you might be able to look at it differently. The armies of three servers meeting in glorious combat! That won’t help with the steamrolled part, though.


As I understand it ‘end game’ is whatever you do (or are ‘supposed to do’) after you get to the maximum level and get top-tier gear in an MMO.

The intention with GW2 was that the entire game would be ‘end game’ content rather than following the usual trend that once you’re max level you’re done with most of the game and funnelled into a few specific activities. There are a lot of people who hit level 80 months ago who rarely or never play WvW.

Instead they do the Living Story or dungeons or carry on with open-world PvE, play PvP, do guild missions, help friends to level up….basically play all the rest of the game.

If WvW is the best you can get and the rest of the game is even less appealing then that’s unfortunate, but it may be time to move on to another game, at least for a little while. But from your post it sounds more like you’re trying to force yourself to play WvW because you think that’s what you’re supposed to do whether you want to or not. In that case the solution is simple – stop expecting the game to dictate what you do, play whatever mode/area you want.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Love/hate GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


This is my feeling on WvW as well. I enjoyed it when the game launched, but not long after it became just aggravating. What I miss is Heroes Ascent and GvG battles. I would even just sit and watch good GvG matches in GW back in the day, when greats like War Machine and Idiot Savants were playing. Those were fun to watch.

As far as PvE goes. This game needs a FoW/UW/Domain of Anguish type of end-game content. Elite dungeon areas that are designed for 5-10 players where you can attain some truly legendary gear and weapons.

Valar Morghulis

Love/hate GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurok.6708


I don’t know how things are on your server, and your WvW experience will vary depending on matchup. But I recommend finding commanders who are on Teamspeak (don’t be afraid to ask). This will probably be a big change if you’re not already doing this, depending on the commander. You don’t need a mic. Even better, find a guild that regularly WvW’s with it’s own commanders. Some of these are super-hardcore with requirements for build, class, participation, etc. Some are much more relaxed, like mine. There will likely still be a fair amount of PvD, taking uncontested towers, and one-sided fights, to be honest. But you will also be coordinating a lot more with your group, contributing more, making clutch captures and fights, and understanding what you’re doing in “the big picture”.

One thing I didn’t expect about WvW is how little there is in the way of “catch-up” mechanics. That is, things to slow down the winning team so every match doesn’t devolve into a landslide one-way-or-the-other at every particular moment. This isn’t about changing the outcome of the match-up, but moment-to-moment gameplay. Something like a keep that is difficult to capture, even undefended. As it is, there is nothing for zergs to do except fight other zergs. Anything else could be done just as well by a small group (who also doesn’t have enough to do, ironically). If you’re losing, there is nothing to fall back on and expect a better fight. Zone-wide buffs for the losing side won’t cut it, it needs to be something on the map.

Seems like a no-brainer in a game like this. This isn’t Team Fortress, where players are more-or-less drawn from the same pool and the next match starts in ten minutes. Fights need to be balanced out, even when one server is dominating in score. The losers have to be able to put up meaningful resistance, even if they have to do it on their front-lawn. And a group of five shouldn’t be capturing entire borderlands on their own.

Then again, I’m a moron. I may be way off.