Love the Game, but getting bored

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


So, I’ve done almost everything you can do in the game with a single character, in regards to experiencing something new. In other words, I’m only missing like 4 dungeon paths or so, 100% world, wvw, pvp, all but 4 jumping puzzles, etc.,

I’m closing on all of that now, and with living story having such small amounts of extra content, boredom is starting to set in.

I’m not complaining about the game: this happens with any game. I’m a bit surprised though, as it feels like a huge world, I expected this to take a bit longer.

I’ve been reading the gw2 expansion thread with some amusement, but also vague hope. an expansion is what I need right now. I know, the expansion will likely be some time away, but still….

I crave new experiences. Getting two hours a month from living story just isn’t adequate. Playing new characters of different races helps…, until their stories start to merge down the road.

And grinding for my legendary doesn’t help, hehe

So… I may be taking a break after this next update. But not a hate-filled one. I love gw2, just want more new experiences.

Unless anyone has any suggestions? Something I may have missed?

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

If you can’t have fun repeating any of the content in-game (WvW / Dungeons / PvP / etc) then yes, it sounds like you should take a break and just come back when new content rolls out. That I enjoy those things is the only thing that keeps me playing having done every bit of actual content in the game enough times to make most peoples’ eyes bleed.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dubblebass.8519


+1 for not a rage quit post. ;-) I have been forced to play sporadically so I still have content to explore and goals to reach…but I definitely see your point but I cannot think of anything other than, as you said, leveling an alt to see a different story line. That only lasts through level 30 or so when you pick your affiliation…but you can at least do 3 up through the end of that part. shrug

Kieron Asbjorn – 80 Guardian | Saiuri – 80 Elementalist
Xylani – 80 Ranger | Osoroshii – 80 Warrior

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

breaks arent a bad thing if you come back. i have already taken one from gw2and it lasted a month. i came refreshed and im playing regularly again but i understand where your coming from. it sounds like you got your moneys worth if you dont come back but it sounds like you will

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Somehow, I think breaks are quite healthy for the gw2 gamer as well. Not 3-month long breaks, but maybe a week. :p

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I’m a big fan of taking a break. I used to game a ton in my younger years. Looking back I missed out on a lot of things. I’m not saying gaming is bad, after all I do it, but once I stepped back for a while I found out how much more fun gaming is for me when I don’t do it so often. GW2 works great for that for many reasons including no subscription fee.

The Burninator

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Well, I’m in an odd position where I havent been working, but I’m getting paid anyway: see, my new employer needs a state license to do what I do (he is expanding his business into my line of work), and he desperately needed someone so he could justify starting the licensure.

But the licensure, and required accreditation we have to get after the licensure, takes an average of 3 months. Which means I can’t work for 3 months.

Which means, for some, its a paid holiday… but I’m bored out of my freakin mind!

So I’ve been playing all day, every day… see, I’m also new to the area, haven’t been having much luck making new friends and finding things to do (never had that problem before, but its been a struggle here), so I’ve been gaming almost nonstop since mid march.

And I’m sure thats a major part of the burn out. I desperately need to find other things to do.

So, I joined a gym, gonna try to start working out, maybe do some camping, etc etc.

Well, that was the plan… and I just found out we are probably getting our state licensure Thursday, which means they can partially start working me now, at least, until the accreditation comes through… lol!

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emon.1863


So, I’ve done almost everything you can do in the game with a single character, in regards to experiencing something new. In other words, I’m only missing like 4 dungeon paths or so, 100% world, wvw, pvp, all but 4 jumping puzzles, etc.,

I’m closing on all of that now, and with living story having such small amounts of extra content, boredom is starting to set in.

I’m not complaining about the game: this happens with any game. I’m a bit surprised though, as it feels like a huge world, I expected this to take a bit longer.

I’ve been reading the gw2 expansion thread with some amusement, but also vague hope. an expansion is what I need right now. I know, the expansion will likely be some time away, but still….

I crave new experiences. Getting two hours a month from living story just isn’t adequate. Playing new characters of different races helps…, until their stories start to merge down the road.

And grinding for my legendary doesn’t help, hehe

So… I may be taking a break after this next update. But not a hate-filled one. I love gw2, just want more new experiences.

Unless anyone has any suggestions? Something I may have missed?

Just find some friends and go vot tPvP)
You will learn there new stuff about the game and rank system will keep you busy

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: veasna.3675


Daily, guild missions, and some world events are pretty much all that I’m doing currently after having gotten all ascended gears (pvt and zerks) for my warrior. For $60 bucks, this game is worth every penny and more with it’s mini exciting temp contents.

Being bored is expected! Anet would not want us to be like WoW addicts portrayed in South Park :P

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Well, I’m in an odd position where I havent been working, but I’m getting paid anyway: see, my new employer needs a state license to do what I do (he is expanding his business into my line of work), and he desperately needed someone so he could justify starting the licensure.

But the licensure, and required accreditation we have to get after the licensure, takes an average of 3 months. Which means I can’t work for 3 months.

Which means, for some, its a paid holiday… but I’m bored out of my freakin mind!

So I’ve been playing all day, every day… see, I’m also new to the area, haven’t been having much luck making new friends and finding things to do (never had that problem before, but its been a struggle here), so I’ve been gaming almost nonstop since mid march.

And I’m sure thats a major part of the burn out. I desperately need to find other things to do.

So, I joined a gym, gonna try to start working out, maybe do some camping, etc etc.

Well, that was the plan… and I just found out we are probably getting our state licensure Thursday, which means they can partially start working me now, at least, until the accreditation comes through… lol!

Join a cool guild and get some social contact through there. This game is much better played with friends anyway. Sure it’s not the same as real life friends, but I moved to Tasmania, Australia from NYC and most of my friends are back there. I’m significantly far enough away from being able to meet people in real life, so I get most of my social contact online.

It’s not 100% ideal but it’s a lot better than feeling lonely.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6345


Like the game too, also getting bored. This game is “break-friendly” – I took almost 3 months leave and the only thing that I probably missed are cool skins.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I think you want to say AMUSE ME. Sorry, find your own amusement.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Try other games, there are so many now. It cant be that gw2 is the only game you like playing?

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW2’s weakness is longevity.

Even though GW2 is still the best MMO out there to me, time-gating has failed to produce longevity for me.
Effort gating might be more grindy indeed, but at least you login with a goal, there is nothing of this in GW2 beside legendaries (which aren’t a big deal sadly).

On top of that the game embraces simplicity too much.
- trait trees are very simplistic and sometimes too much RNG-dependant
- there is little variety in what effective builds a class can use
- mobs aren’t properly challenging like GW1 (with proper skillbars and teams)
- lack of hard content

Sure, in some cases effort-based goals and gameplay depth can be overwhelming, but I feel they are necessary to keep me playing in the long run.
Still, they got their money and I got my 1200 hours, nonetheless.
I can live with it

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Mabye try PvP or WvW and get a bit into it. Otherwise you have to wait for some hard-to-master-content, which has to be coming in the future.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paradox.1380


I take breaks from the game all the time. Doesn’t mean I like it any less, but hey the game has been out for coming on 8-9 months now. Always a good to take a break then when you jump in and do things it is fresh and fun! Perks is that its a free to play game so you are free to come and go as you please! =) I’m much, too much of a game-addict to stick to one game, and I don’t understand the mentality of having to “hate” a game just because you don’t spend your every waking free moment on said-game. Psh, I play upwards of 6-7 titles at any given time… I could never devote all my time to a single game I would got mad. Maybe that is my ADD talking, who knows. But, good on you for not rage-posting about how the game suddenly sucks now that you’ve exhausted the what.. 100s of hours of content you’ve gotten for 60 bucks =P

-It’s Lady Paradox- Sweet Adrenaline
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Breaks are healthy for almost anything. There’s a reason going on holiday isn’t just a right in Belgium but a requirement.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Same..i just login do the daily and logout. As for the living story and whatever…they can be fully finished in 1 day…

Game offers nothing that would convince me to play more then “a daily”

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Im no where near completing all of that stuff. 900 hours in, only 72% map complete on one toon, 5 chars max level with 3 infull exotic/mostly ascended. I haven’t done half the dungeons, and probably a fraction of the paths…by choice though. Only ran the ones I needed so far.

I wouldnt have too much problem repeating once I finish everything. But I couldnt do that for a year waiting for an xpac.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Same..i just login do the daily and logout. As for the living story and whatever…they can be fully finished in 1 day…

Game offers nothing that would convince me to play more then “a daily”

Not with my RL schedule. Doing the entire living story would take a week of focus, every single day. I simply don’t have that. As such, I’m very happy it got spread over 4 months so I could do it at my own pace instead.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I think you want to say AMUSE ME. Sorry, find your own amusement.

kitten much?

I said precisely what I intended to say. Don’t put words in my mouth, and if you’re going to be rude when I made a completely friendly post, move on to some other thread, please.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Thank you everyone for your feedback (minus the one exception); I’ve already done most of what you suggested: I’m in a guild of 480+, plenty of socializing opportunity, done a little pvp, etc etc.

I have started looking at other titles for a “break” period, and will probably take one of those in for my “off” games.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: declan.3968


but I moved to Tasmania, Australia from NYC

Go fishing. Seriously, everyone fishes in Tazzy.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Breaks are healthy for almost anything. There’s a reason going on holiday isn’t just a right in Belgium but a requirement.

+1 When I lived in Germany I was amazed about how many bank holidays they had. It seemed like one every other week.

The Burninator

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Wait about 5hr or so lol. Do ppl realy post this every time there is a day off from an update?

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


ok, fine. you are bored, there are not several other threads you could have looked at. No it is you that is bored so you really need to create a thread to tell everyone.
Thanks, I am so glad.

I think you want to say AMUSE ME. Sorry, find your own amusement.

kitten much?

I said precisely what I intended to say. Don’t put words in my mouth, and if you’re going to be rude when I made a completely friendly post, move on to some other thread, please.

You post in an open forum, if you think I am rude good, get over yourself.

Actually, there are forum rules you are required to adhere to or be banned from it. If you are rude and attack people, well, people HAVE been banned for it before.

So, thanks, but no, you get over it yourself, and learn to be civil while you’re at it.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Wait about 5hr or so lol. Do ppl realy post this every time there is a day off from an update?

I understand that, but you got it wrong. This wasn’t because of an update gap: these updates have taken, what, 2 hours to complete each, on average? Hardly enough to keep someone entertained for a month.

If this patch has more content, then awesome.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


you seem like you only have a single character. have you thought about trying alts? if you don’t want to repeat content, there’s always crafting, and then you can do personal story to your hearts content.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I also take breaks here and there. Usually it is a 3-4 day break, at most a week. In that time I usually play some SC2 or do some single player stuff. Then I come back full force again. It’s actually nice not having to worry about falling behind gear-wise. Something GW2 did 100% right.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Im in the same position as you, but on 8 characters. It doesn’t get any better.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Well, I’m in an odd position where I havent been working, but I’m getting paid anyway: see, my new employer needs a state license to do what I do (he is expanding his business into my line of work), and he desperately needed someone so he could justify starting the licensure.

But the licensure, and required accreditation we have to get after the licensure, takes an average of 3 months. Which means I can’t work for 3 months.

Which means, for some, its a paid holiday… but I’m bored out of my freakin mind!

So I’ve been playing all day, every day… see, I’m also new to the area, haven’t been having much luck making new friends and finding things to do (never had that problem before, but its been a struggle here), so I’ve been gaming almost nonstop since mid march.

And I’m sure thats a major part of the burn out. I desperately need to find other things to do.

So, I joined a gym, gonna try to start working out, maybe do some camping, etc etc.

Well, that was the plan… and I just found out we are probably getting our state licensure Thursday, which means they can partially start working me now, at least, until the accreditation comes through… lol!

Join a cool guild and get some social contact through there. This game is much better played with friends anyway. Sure it’s not the same as real life friends, but I moved to Tasmania, Australia from NYC and most of my friends are back there. I’m significantly far enough away from being able to meet people in real life, so I get most of my social contact online.

It’s not 100% ideal but it’s a lot better than feeling lonely.

You must be young Vayne. When you get older, “friends” aren’t really a thing.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Well, I’m in an odd position where I havent been working, but I’m getting paid anyway: see, my new employer needs a state license to do what I do (he is expanding his business into my line of work), and he desperately needed someone so he could justify starting the licensure.

But the licensure, and required accreditation we have to get after the licensure, takes an average of 3 months. Which means I can’t work for 3 months.

Which means, for some, its a paid holiday… but I’m bored out of my freakin mind!

So I’ve been playing all day, every day… see, I’m also new to the area, haven’t been having much luck making new friends and finding things to do (never had that problem before, but its been a struggle here), so I’ve been gaming almost nonstop since mid march.

And I’m sure thats a major part of the burn out. I desperately need to find other things to do.

So, I joined a gym, gonna try to start working out, maybe do some camping, etc etc.

Well, that was the plan… and I just found out we are probably getting our state licensure Thursday, which means they can partially start working me now, at least, until the accreditation comes through… lol!

Join a cool guild and get some social contact through there. This game is much better played with friends anyway. Sure it’s not the same as real life friends, but I moved to Tasmania, Australia from NYC and most of my friends are back there. I’m significantly far enough away from being able to meet people in real life, so I get most of my social contact online.

It’s not 100% ideal but it’s a lot better than feeling lonely.

You must be young Vayne. When you get older, “friends” aren’t really a thing.

How insulting. There are always people who are more social or less social, depending on their personality and upbringing, having nothing to do with age. I’m 51 years old and yes, I like having friends. I grew up in a big family in a crowded neighborhood. There were always people around. You get programmed by stuff like that so when there’s not people around, everything seems too quiet.

Friends aren’t really a thing for you, but a lot of people like companionship. This is particularly true if you’re not going out to a job every day.

You may not realize it, but humans are social creatures, like all primates.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crazedwolf.7652


I’m trying to return too…although i’ve never had a max level character yet, but the leveling seems rather slow and boring to me, and since i’m more of a pvper i see really no reason to level unless i want to do WvW…but i’m more of a competitive arena/spvp type player. I really think they need to copy wow (though i hate saying it ) and add actual arenas… they will be balanced compared to wow’s and be a better way then Spvp. Cuz you could do 2v2 and 3v3 without the stupid capture points objectives… //

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m trying to return too…although i’ve never had a max level character yet, but the leveling seems rather slow and boring to me, and since i’m more of a pvper i see really no reason to level unless i want to do WvW…but i’m more of a competitive arena/spvp type player. I really think they need to copy wow (though i hate saying it ) and add actual arenas… they will be balanced compared to wow’s and be a better way then Spvp. Cuz you could do 2v2 and 3v3 without the stupid capture points objectives…

Plenty of private dueling arenas have been set up now.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crazedwolf.7652


I’m trying to return too…although i’ve never had a max level character yet, but the leveling seems rather slow and boring to me, and since i’m more of a pvper i see really no reason to level unless i want to do WvW…but i’m more of a competitive arena/spvp type player. I really think they need to copy wow (though i hate saying it ) and add actual arenas… they will be balanced compared to wow’s and be a better way then Spvp. Cuz you could do 2v2 and 3v3 without the stupid capture points objectives…

Plenty of private dueling arenas have been set up now.

How would that work? Even though they are custom…they are all still capture the bases aren’t they? The match doesn’t end just cuz the team dies… //

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m trying to return too…although i’ve never had a max level character yet, but the leveling seems rather slow and boring to me, and since i’m more of a pvper i see really no reason to level unless i want to do WvW…but i’m more of a competitive arena/spvp type player. I really think they need to copy wow (though i hate saying it ) and add actual arenas… they will be balanced compared to wow’s and be a better way then Spvp. Cuz you could do 2v2 and 3v3 without the stupid capture points objectives…

Plenty of private dueling arenas have been set up now.

How would that work? Even though they are custom…they are all still capture the bases aren’t they? The match doesn’t end just cuz the team dies…

No one goes for capture points, you enter the arena and you fight. When one team dies that match is over and you can play again in the same arena. You simply ignore the score Anet gives you and you kill each other till your heart’s content.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crazedwolf.7652


I’m trying to return too…although i’ve never had a max level character yet, but the leveling seems rather slow and boring to me, and since i’m more of a pvper i see really no reason to level unless i want to do WvW…but i’m more of a competitive arena/spvp type player. I really think they need to copy wow (though i hate saying it ) and add actual arenas… they will be balanced compared to wow’s and be a better way then Spvp. Cuz you could do 2v2 and 3v3 without the stupid capture points objectives…

Plenty of private dueling arenas have been set up now.

How would that work? Even though they are custom…they are all still capture the bases aren’t they? The match doesn’t end just cuz the team dies…

No one goes for capture points, you enter the arena and you fight. When one team dies that match is over and you can play again in the same arena. You simply ignore the score Anet gives you and you kill each other till your heart’s content.

That could work, but i much more prefer a set ruleset that ends the match the moment a team dies…not you having to do it yourself lol… but idk i guess. //

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m trying to return too…although i’ve never had a max level character yet, but the leveling seems rather slow and boring to me, and since i’m more of a pvper i see really no reason to level unless i want to do WvW…but i’m more of a competitive arena/spvp type player. I really think they need to copy wow (though i hate saying it ) and add actual arenas… they will be balanced compared to wow’s and be a better way then Spvp. Cuz you could do 2v2 and 3v3 without the stupid capture points objectives…

Plenty of private dueling arenas have been set up now.

How would that work? Even though they are custom…they are all still capture the bases aren’t they? The match doesn’t end just cuz the team dies…

No one goes for capture points, you enter the arena and you fight. When one team dies that match is over and you can play again in the same arena. You simply ignore the score Anet gives you and you kill each other till your heart’s content.

That could work, but i much more prefer a set ruleset that ends the match the moment a team dies…not you having to do it yourself lol… but idk i guess.

What difference does it make? Plenty of people use those 1v1 2v2 arenas for just that purpose.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crazedwolf.7652


I’m trying to return too…although i’ve never had a max level character yet, but the leveling seems rather slow and boring to me, and since i’m more of a pvper i see really no reason to level unless i want to do WvW…but i’m more of a competitive arena/spvp type player. I really think they need to copy wow (though i hate saying it ) and add actual arenas… they will be balanced compared to wow’s and be a better way then Spvp. Cuz you could do 2v2 and 3v3 without the stupid capture points objectives…

Plenty of private dueling arenas have been set up now.

How would that work? Even though they are custom…they are all still capture the bases aren’t they? The match doesn’t end just cuz the team dies…

No one goes for capture points, you enter the arena and you fight. When one team dies that match is over and you can play again in the same arena. You simply ignore the score Anet gives you and you kill each other till your heart’s content.

That could work, but i much more prefer a set ruleset that ends the match the moment a team dies…not you having to do it yourself lol… but idk i guess.

What difference does it make? Plenty of people use those 1v1 2v2 arenas for just that purpose.

The difference is there could be a leaderboard for actual arena matches as well as rankings and Esport tournaments, You don’t have that with just custom arenas…not to mention the arena maps would be a bit smaller to make it for smaller team fight duels…just and idea //

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


ok, fine. you are bored, there are not several other threads you could have looked at. No it is you that is bored so you really need to create a thread to tell everyone.
Thanks, I am so glad.

I have been informed that people HAVE been banned for abusive comments on forums. Do you know how to report this type of behaviour?

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Well, I’m in an odd position where I havent been working, but I’m getting paid anyway: see, my new employer needs a state license to do what I do (he is expanding his business into my line of work), and he desperately needed someone so he could justify starting the licensure.

But the licensure, and required accreditation we have to get after the licensure, takes an average of 3 months. Which means I can’t work for 3 months.

Which means, for some, its a paid holiday… but I’m bored out of my freakin mind!

So I’ve been playing all day, every day… see, I’m also new to the area, haven’t been having much luck making new friends and finding things to do (never had that problem before, but its been a struggle here), so I’ve been gaming almost nonstop since mid march.

And I’m sure thats a major part of the burn out. I desperately need to find other things to do.

So, I joined a gym, gonna try to start working out, maybe do some camping, etc etc.

Well, that was the plan… and I just found out we are probably getting our state licensure Thursday, which means they can partially start working me now, at least, until the accreditation comes through… lol!

Join a cool guild and get some social contact through there. This game is much better played with friends anyway. Sure it’s not the same as real life friends, but I moved to Tasmania, Australia from NYC and most of my friends are back there. I’m significantly far enough away from being able to meet people in real life, so I get most of my social contact online.

It’s not 100% ideal but it’s a lot better than feeling lonely.

You must be young Vayne. When you get older, “friends” aren’t really a thing.

How insulting. There are always people who are more social or less social, depending on their personality and upbringing, having nothing to do with age. I’m 51 years old and yes, I like having friends. I grew up in a big family in a crowded neighborhood. There were always people around. You get programmed by stuff like that so when there’s not people around, everything seems too quiet.

Friends aren’t really a thing for you, but a lot of people like companionship. This is particularly true if you’re not going out to a job every day.

You may not realize it, but humans are social creatures, like all primates.

You seem offended by the concept. Its pretty easy to understand. In general, the older you get the less tolerance you have for other people. Im not sure why you consider 51 to be old. Also, there is a big difference between friends and companionship. And for the concept of “social creatures”, the topic we are discussing and how it is stated in science are not directly related, in fact it goes with my point. Human beings are social creatures because they learn as they grow up through social interaction. And that is the reference your making to human beings being “social creatures”, which completely contradicts your point.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Well, I’m in an odd position where I havent been working, but I’m getting paid anyway: see, my new employer needs a state license to do what I do (he is expanding his business into my line of work), and he desperately needed someone so he could justify starting the licensure.

But the licensure, and required accreditation we have to get after the licensure, takes an average of 3 months. Which means I can’t work for 3 months.

Which means, for some, its a paid holiday… but I’m bored out of my freakin mind!

So I’ve been playing all day, every day… see, I’m also new to the area, haven’t been having much luck making new friends and finding things to do (never had that problem before, but its been a struggle here), so I’ve been gaming almost nonstop since mid march.

And I’m sure thats a major part of the burn out. I desperately need to find other things to do.

So, I joined a gym, gonna try to start working out, maybe do some camping, etc etc.

Well, that was the plan… and I just found out we are probably getting our state licensure Thursday, which means they can partially start working me now, at least, until the accreditation comes through… lol!

Join a cool guild and get some social contact through there. This game is much better played with friends anyway. Sure it’s not the same as real life friends, but I moved to Tasmania, Australia from NYC and most of my friends are back there. I’m significantly far enough away from being able to meet people in real life, so I get most of my social contact online.

It’s not 100% ideal but it’s a lot better than feeling lonely.

You must be young Vayne. When you get older, “friends” aren’t really a thing.

How insulting. There are always people who are more social or less social, depending on their personality and upbringing, having nothing to do with age. I’m 51 years old and yes, I like having friends. I grew up in a big family in a crowded neighborhood. There were always people around. You get programmed by stuff like that so when there’s not people around, everything seems too quiet.

Friends aren’t really a thing for you, but a lot of people like companionship. This is particularly true if you’re not going out to a job every day.

You may not realize it, but humans are social creatures, like all primates.

You seem offended by the concept. Its pretty easy to understand. In general, the older you get the less tolerance you have for other people. Im not sure why you consider 51 to be old. Also, there is a big difference between friends and companionship. And for the concept of “social creatures”, the topic we are discussing and how it is stated in science are not directly related, in fact it goes with my point. Human beings are social creatures because they learn as they grow up through social interaction. And that is the reference your making to human beings being “social creatures”, which completely contradicts your point.

I actually find myself far more tolerant as I get older. When I was younger, I’d have been furious at these forums. Now, not so much. lol

As you get older, at least for some people, it’s easier to put things in perspective. Also, the definition of friend here is questionable. A good friend is not a friend. But someone I hang out and play games with is certainly more than an acquaintance.

I talk to many of my guildies every day. We talk about real life stuff, in game stuff, all kinds of stuff. Do I consider them friends? Some of them, sure. They’re friends in the same way people I used to play poker with were friends. Didn’t mean I wanted to have their babies. It only meant that they were fun to hang out with, and we enjoyed each other’s company.

So yeah, I think your whole premise is skewed. I don’t think as you get older you want friends any less. In fact, I know several people in old age homes who are lonely until they make friends. My mother was like that. She moved from an old age home in Florida to one in California and didn’t know anyone. She was miserable.

Most generalizations are false to some degree anyway. I just don’t see how anyone can think I’m young for wanting to socialize or have friends.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


Ciao and if you want suggestions you should post this in the Players helping Players forum.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Wait about 5hr or so lol. Do ppl realy post this every time there is a day off from an update?

I understand that, but you got it wrong. This wasn’t because of an update gap: these updates have taken, what, 2 hours to complete each, on average? Hardly enough to keep someone entertained for a month.

If this patch has more content, then awesome.

Learn some self control then lol i am not sure what else you can do because you have no power over this game.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


Wait about 5hr or so lol. Do ppl realy post this every time there is a day off from an update?

I understand that, but you got it wrong. This wasn’t because of an update gap: these updates have taken, what, 2 hours to complete each, on average? Hardly enough to keep someone entertained for a month.

If this patch has more content, then awesome.

Learn some self control then lol i am not sure what else you can do because you have no power over this game.

Or come to the forums and discuss it, and let Anet know what their customers think. That is what the forums are for after all, even for the goalies.

Love the Game, but getting bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Wait about 5hr or so lol. Do ppl realy post this every time there is a day off from an update?

I understand that, but you got it wrong. This wasn’t because of an update gap: these updates have taken, what, 2 hours to complete each, on average? Hardly enough to keep someone entertained for a month.

If this patch has more content, then awesome.

Learn some self control then lol i am not sure what else you can do because you have no power over this game.

Or come to the forums and discuss it, and let Anet know what their customers think. That is what the forums are for after all, even for the goalies.

Some point there but to just add in content to have more content so ppl have more time fillers seems a bit of a waist of everyone time. The idea of GW2 is to be the mmorpg that dose not take over your life and to try to play it this way is well the wrong way to do it.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA