Love the Phoenix Skins!
The staff is nice, as is the shield the rest however……………………………………….
LS > Pheonix to me
I like the focus and I love that shield. The rest just seems pretty generic.
LOVE the hammer, sold on that. like the shield, longbow, and sword a lot too, but I probably save my last ticket for a future set.
Alas, none of them appeal to me except maaaaybe the staff. Oh well — I loved the heck out of the Lovestruck, so it’s time for them to go to something that appeals to others Plus I have no tickets atm so it’s just as well I have no burning need for any of this set.
I like the shield, and possibly the great sword. Not sure on the bows at this point.
Although, these make me think mockingbird (especially the focus) and Hunger Games. Rather than of a phoenix.
If they were added to the gemstore I’d have bought like 2. Since it’s another RNG game, no gems will be bought nor spent for this from me…
The Dragoon Brotherhood
If they were added to the gemstore I’d have bought like 2. Since it’s another RNG game, no gems will be bought nor spent for this from me…
Then buy gems, convert them to gold and buy the skins on the trading post if they become available.
I’ll likely use my remaining ticket for a pistol and then buy the rifle on the market.
Those gatling barrels~
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!
I hate the fact that they require tickets. Can we not just earn them through content like a normal game?
I wish Anet would realize how much more money they could get out of us by selling the new skins in the cash shop for the first week, make them account bound so you can’t gain a monopoly on the market and then, a week later add them to the lion weapon vendor. I’d buy those pieces but there is no way in kitten I am gambling my money on those kitten lion boxes. Just let me throw my money at you Anet and let me buy them!
I wish Anet would realize how much more money they could get out of us by selling the new skins in the cash shop for the first week, make them account bound so you can’t gain a monopoly on the market and then, a week later add them to the lion weapon vendor. I’d buy those pieces but there is no way in kitten I am gambling my money on those kitten lion boxes. Just let me throw my money at you Anet and let me buy them!
The people that will gamble their money away make them more money than directly selling to you ever will.
I’ve seen so many games where people will declare, “I just spent $300 on this crap and got NOTHING!? Why won’t you let me buy them directly!?” to which the only response is, “You answered your own question.”
One of the games ultimately got so much flack (despite people continuing to dump money into it) that the distributor agreed to ‘compromise’ and sell some of the skins outright… Seems the compromise was that they would sell them at a price they felt wouldn’t make less money than gamble-boxes would; which ended up being ~$200 for a single outfit.
Don’t underestimate how much money people throw at these things…
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
Yes I know the almighty dollar will win out every time and they are taking advantage of a very basic human brain pattern of ‘I can totally beat the system’. Someone gets hooked on the idea of just one more lion box, one more and I’ll get that ticket scrap. Some people have life luck and they get the full ticket with the key they got from a character mission completion but most of us aren’t that lucky.
It’s frustrating to see something so pretty and well crafted placed into the game but not be able to get it…well not without spending on lion boxes or frittering away my gold in game.
A better solution then…if the lion boxes didn’t include a bunch of kitten stuff, I’d be more likely to want to spend my hard earned dollars trying for the ticket scraps. I’ll be kittened if I am spending something of a bit over a dollar to get some useless booster I’ll never use. Cut down on the amount the lion boxes can give, then maybe more of us will buy the stupid things.
Its bad idea to make more things for money. GW is great as its not p2w and even players who dont spend money have acces to gem store. If you want to spend money just to get it easier then its just stupid.
If they were added to the gemstore I’d have bought like 2. Since it’s another RNG game, no gems will be bought nor spent for this from me…
Then buy gems, convert them to gold and buy the skins on the trading post if they become available.
Has anybody who recommends this every actually done it? Because it is ridiculously expensive, ten dollars is a whopping 71 gold right now. That wouldn’t even cover the cost of most of the phoenix skins on the TP, and this is just their introductory price, they will go up. The molten alliance skins have cost between forty and sixty dollars minimum through the gold exchange ever since they went up to their full price, and apparently ANet plans on ‘retiring’ them to bring their price up more.
Sixty dollars, the cost of the game itself, for a single skin in the game. And they want it to go up.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Pretty dissapointed when i found out they are only obtainable through BLC chests….. As of now,i wont be spending a dime on them since i have to be buying keys,and since thats not a 100% chance of getting a weap,i won’t do it.If they were however placed in the blc store for 600 -800 gems each…I would buy atleast 3 weapons.I’’m wondering how many people are actively buying up keys now and how much more profit anet will make compared to when they would be in the blc store for a fixed price.Im honestly dissapointed to see anet going this road again.
The skins are not bad … but .. i really dislike the green color
Yellow/Gold and red or whatever would be better for me i think.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Got the hammer and rifle, and loving it. I think the the hammer skin is the biggest in game
i got hammer both shortbow and longbow and greatsword first skin in a while i liked. thought about shield but dont think i like shield on any of my chars but still may buy it just to get the skin. i had a bunch of lion skins tickets saved up thank goodness
If they were added to the gemstore I’d have bought like 2. Since it’s another RNG game, no gems will be bought nor spent for this from me…
Then buy gems, convert them to gold and buy the skins on the trading post if they become available.
This is exactly what anet wants you to do. In fact they’ve been posting it again and again after every update at the bottom of the page, encouraging people to buy gold.
Why? Skins, simply.
You got the gamblers dropping caskittens or people “playing the game” for keys for the explicit purpose of getting the ticket pieces.
Player A spends money to get the keys, win for anet.
Player B invest more time in the game, anet “keeps” a player. Win again.
At some point, tickets. 3 choices: keep the ticket for future skins, buy a skins for self or buy a skin to sell. So let’s sell it (completely crazy, to do this)!
Player C wants that skin. Yes, that one there. That GS sure looks purdy. 255g?? How do I get that?
Fast and easy: convert gems to gold.
Slow and “rewarding”: Set it as a goal over the next couple years
Best option? Have your TP wizard license.
Really your options are fairly limited if you want to get a skin. Since everyone is not a TP wizard your best and safest bet is to drudge it out, but hey at least we got the wardrobe now so you don’t have to get one for every alt!
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
I wish Anet would realize how much more money they could get out of us by selling the new skins in the cash shop for the first week, make them account bound so you can’t gain a monopoly on the market and then, a week later add them to the lion weapon vendor. I’d buy those pieces but there is no way in kitten I am gambling my money on those kitten lion boxes. Just let me throw my money at you Anet and let me buy them!
The people that will gamble their money away make them more money than directly selling to you ever will.
I’ve seen so many games where people will declare, “I just spent $300 on this crap and got NOTHING!? Why won’t you let me buy them directly!?” to which the only response is, “You answered your own question.”
One of the games ultimately got so much flack (despite people continuing to dump money into it) that the distributor agreed to ‘compromise’ and sell some of the skins outright… Seems the compromise was that they would sell them at a price they felt wouldn’t make less money than gamble-boxes would; which ended up being ~$200 for a single outfit.
Don’t underestimate how much money people throw at these things…
Was this aeria games?
It sounds like something they’d do.
They remind me a lot of DMC look or that general anime Gothic look.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
If they were added to the gemstore I’d have bought like 2. Since it’s another RNG game, no gems will be bought nor spent for this from me…
Then buy gems, convert them to gold and buy the skins on the trading post if they become available.
No. Why? Simple, I would still be rewarding the lottery mentality and no change will be made.
Edit: To be on topic, I liked the jade a bit better because they are intricate yet simpler. But all in all the phoenix design is very nice indeed.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I like most of the skins, but I love the hammer, longbow, axe, and the staff. I don’t know which toon I would use any of them on right now, but I will at least get the hammer and staff as I could easily use them on several of my characters.
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
Key farming is still a big gamble wherein the player ends up risking time that could be better spent in other venues. Dungeon rewards (and, well, every reward structure in the game barring EOTM) may have dwindled, but at least they are constant.
Case in point: I’ve gone on about 20 key runs over the last few weeks and have received three scraps, one ticket, and a whole bunch of rubbish I’ll never use. In the 15-20 minutes I spent on getting repair canisters and killstreak boosters, I could’ve made a fair amount running SE. I still do it regularly, however, as its one of few GW2 pursuits that isn’t time-gated or on a spreadsheet and doesn’t require waiting for others.
Anyhow, everyone should support key farmers as they keep skin prices low. Row, row fight the powah and such.
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
Key farming is still a big gamble wherein the player ends up risking time that could be better spent in other venues. Dungeon rewards (and, well, every reward structure in the game barring EOTM) may have dwindled, but at least they are constant.
Case in point: I’ve gone on about 20 key runs over the last few weeks and have received three scraps, one ticket, and a whole bunch of rubbish I’ll never use. In the 15-20 minutes I spent on getting repair canisters and killstreak boosters, I could’ve made a fair amount running SE. I still do it regularly, however, as its one of few GW2 pursuits that isn’t time-gated or on a spreadsheet and doesn’t require waiting for others.
Anyhow, everyone should support key farmers as they keep skin prices low. Row, row fight the powah and such.
Again… 1 ticket right now = about 200g.
However, you missed my point entirely so I will just move on.
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
Why is stating the truth being dramatic? It is what it is. They want you to farm gems. I’ve accepted that as the truth.
As a side note: I find it funny that people who hate champ farming are ok with key farming because that’s the way they want to play. Can’t wait for the nerf hammer to hit that one. TBH I feel rather foolish that I have not been key farming. I should delete one my 80’s to free up a key farming slot. What fun! Gonna watch da lootz roll in
Got the hammer and rifle, and loving it. I think the the hammer skin is the biggest in game
The legendary is roughly the same size, but beside that, don’t think there a hammer that as big as this one.
I like the skins, not currently willing to spend money on the game however. So its a pass from me.
Why is stating the truth being dramatic? It is what it is. They want you to farm gems. I’ve accepted that as the truth.
Its the truth as YOU see it. I’m afraid that doesn’t necessarily make it so. To answer your question – Its how you chose to speak your mind. “Woe is me!” = Dramatic
Why is stating the truth being dramatic? It is what it is. They want you to farm gems. I’ve accepted that as the truth.
As a side note: I find it funny that people who hate champ farming are ok with key farming because that’s the way they want to play. Can’t wait for the nerf hammer to hit that one. TBH I feel rather foolish that I have not been key farming. I should delete one my 80’s to free up a key farming slot. What fun! Gonna watch da lootz roll in
Good luck with that. There won’t be a steady stream of “da lootz” rolling in. Farming for keys, as you can’t sell said keys, is a lot like buying a lottery ticket. Largely unrewarding… with the occasional nice drop that has a person running back to buy more lottery tickets. I’ve tampered with farming keys off and on. Its extremely time consuming.
Why is stating the truth being dramatic? It is what it is. They want you to farm gems. I’ve accepted that as the truth.
Its the truth as YOU see it. I’m afraid that doesn’t necessarily make it so. To answer your question – Its how you chose to speak your mind. “Woe is me!” = Dramatic
Why is stating the truth being dramatic? It is what it is. They want you to farm gems. I’ve accepted that as the truth.
As a side note: I find it funny that people who hate champ farming are ok with key farming because that’s the way they want to play. Can’t wait for the nerf hammer to hit that one. TBH I feel rather foolish that I have not been key farming. I should delete one my 80’s to free up a key farming slot. What fun! Gonna watch da lootz roll in
Good luck with that. There won’t be a steady stream of “da lootz” rolling in. Farming for keys, as you can’t sell said keys, is a lot like buying a lottery ticket. Largely unrewarding… with the occasional nice drop that has a person running back to buy more lottery tickets.
I’ve tampered with farming keys off and on. Its extremely time consuming.
You have no idea how I feel about anything, so please don’t try to interpret my feelings from internet posts. It’s just sad and very wrong and a waste of your time and energy. I’m not the only person to see the writing on the wall here regarding the gem shop.
Farming for keys is “unrewarding”??? I had a person in my guild last night that already posted about 14 new skins on the TP and expects to be uber-rich overnight. How? They key farm instead of champ farm. Maybe you only “tampered” with it, but there are (a lot of??) people that probably do this excusively for days and weeks at a time, for just this sort of thing. New skin at 1 ticket = highway to richness. Yet, everyone seems ok with that, including ANet. Like I said, I just kick myself for FARMING the wrong thing.
I only like the Hammer, but I don’t use Hammers.
These are all for sale already….I had 15 scraps so I bought the greatsword but for gold you can get it for 80. Since many people seem to be avoiding BLTP chests, these skins should climb so within a week they will be at their cheapest.
The staff is pretty cool but I have the Pact and Death Wish (I think that’s its’ name), I don’t need another staff skin.
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
I do key runs. It typically takes me about 50 runs to get the 10 scraps at ~30 minutes a run (about 25 hours total). Assuming one run a day for a weapon skin that sells for $150 gold (seems to be the most common high price for recently released skins), that means I earn 3 gold a day doing key runs. I don’t get super rich doing this. There is a nice payoff at the end but it averages per day out to much less and there is a big boredom factor with it also.
If you have someone with 14 skins to sell, think of the math.
If they were managing to do 50 runs at 20 minutes each times the 14 tickets, that’s 233 hours of key farming, equivalent to 9.7 days of continuous 24 per day hour key farming. That’s a lot work. You are seeing the big shiny rewards. What you are not seeing is the hours and hours and hours of really boring work that went to get those rewards.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
I do key runs. It typically takes me about 50 runs to get the 10 scraps at ~30 minutes a run (about 25 hours total). Assuming one run a day for a weapon skin that sells for $150 gold (seems to be the most common high price for recently released skins), that means I earn 3 gold a day doing key runs. I don’t get super rich doing this. There is a nice payoff at the end but it averages per day out to much less and there is a big boredom factor with it also.
If you have someone with 14 skins to sell, think of the math.
If they were managing to do 50 runs at 20 minutes each times the 14 tickets, that’s 233 hours of key farming, equivalent to 9.7 days of continuous 24 per day hour key farming. That’s a lot work. You are seeing the big shiny rewards. What you are not seeing is the hours and hours and hours of really boring work that went to get those rewards.
I get that key farming is a grind… I don’t doubt it. But my point was that one form of farming is overlooked while other forms of farming are apparently frowned upon by ANet AND the community. TP flipping is also tedious and boring, but again, monopolies are rampant, and that drives prices through the roof.
Forgive me, but I’m just starting to realize that ANet has deliberately sucked every ounce of fun out of the game, since now the only ways to make money are use economics against the very players that we’re supposed to be a community with, OR taking out your credit card. Like, it has really smacked me in the face with this patch, and regardless of what you may think, I don’t give a crap about the QD train, so that’s not what I’m upset about.
YES, rewards are fun. I said it, and it’s not illegal or illogical to want cool stuff while trying to have fun playing a game.
Yah. I do key runs because I flat refuse to pay for the RNG boxes. When the Wintersday weapon skins were put in the gem store for gems as a direct purchase, I bought 2 of them. I’ve bought costumes, bank tabs, character slots and other stuff, all direct purchases. As long as they have them as a random item where you don’t know if you are going to spend 800 gems or 8000, then I will farm them. When you calculate the price, it’s about $50 USD for one skin, if you purchase the keys. Or more if you are unlucky. There was a recent thread where one guy spent $100 trying to get a weapon and that’s outrageous.
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
No ways to make gold.
Names ways to make gold.
Champ train was always bad gold. If you thought it was good, you never really knew how to play the game at all. And that’s why I’m glad the champ train’s gone. Now you’ll learn how to play and you’ll be in my world were you know there are COUNTLESS ways to make gold far faster than what you thought was the right way.
Yeah I just spent 400 dollars I got a bunch of them! Best money spent ever!
I like the new skins but will get ZERO because there is no longer any way to make in-game gold to buy them and I REFUSE to spend one more cent on the gem shop.
I’m sure all the people who are willing to spend countless hours farming keys (WHICH IS OK IN ANET’S BOOK BUT NOT CHAMPS OR EVENTS OR DUNGEONS OH NO) will be super rich. Good on ya.
No ways to make gold.
Names ways to make gold.Champ train was always bad gold. If you thought it was good, you never really knew how to play the game at all. And that’s why I’m glad the champ train’s gone. Now you’ll learn how to play and you’ll be in my world were you know there are COUNTLESS ways to make gold far faster than what you thought was the right way.
If you still think I’m talking about the QD train, stop talking to me. You just don’t get it.
bows down to ‘leet player who knows everything and everyone else isn’t playing right
Well, I HAVE been playing the GW series since its first beta. If you need knowledge, you know where I am. Because, let’s face it. I DO know more than you.
Well, I HAVE been playing the GW series since its first beta. If you need knowledge, you know where I am. Because, let’s face it. I DO know more than you.
Do you know that you can buy a lot of gems from the gemstore and get loads of gold and be rich without leveling up your character at all?
The hammer is fantastic. I had one claim ticket lying around that I’d gotten out of a random key drop 4 months ago or so, and as soon as I saw that beast I bought it.
Then I hit the TP and put in ridiculously low offers for the sword, shield, rifle, and longbow at 40g apiece, woke up this morning to find out they were all filled.
I should have just kept the ticket… 160g is not that much for those 4 awesome skins. The rifle alone may be the best I’ve seen in the game next to The Predator.
Why is stating the truth being dramatic? It is what it is. They want you to farm gems. I’ve accepted that as the truth.
Its the truth as YOU see it. I’m afraid that doesn’t necessarily make it so. To answer your question – Its how you chose to speak your mind. “Woe is me!” = Dramatic
Why is stating the truth being dramatic? It is what it is. They want you to farm gems. I’ve accepted that as the truth.
As a side note: I find it funny that people who hate champ farming are ok with key farming because that’s the way they want to play. Can’t wait for the nerf hammer to hit that one. TBH I feel rather foolish that I have not been key farming. I should delete one my 80’s to free up a key farming slot. What fun! Gonna watch da lootz roll in
Good luck with that. There won’t be a steady stream of “da lootz” rolling in. Farming for keys, as you can’t sell said keys, is a lot like buying a lottery ticket. Largely unrewarding… with the occasional nice drop that has a person running back to buy more lottery tickets.
I’ve tampered with farming keys off and on. Its extremely time consuming.
You have no idea how I feel about anything, so please don’t try to interpret my feelings from internet posts. It’s just sad and very wrong and a waste of your time and energy. I’m not the only person to see the writing on the wall here regarding the gem shop.
Farming for keys is “unrewarding”??? I had a person in my guild last night that already posted about 14 new skins on the TP and expects to be uber-rich overnight. How? They key farm instead of champ farm. Maybe you only “tampered” with it, but there are (a lot of??) people that probably do this excusively for days and weeks at a time, for just this sort of thing. New skin at 1 ticket = highway to richness. Yet, everyone seems ok with that, including ANet. Like I said, I just kick myself for FARMING the wrong thing.
Vitriol indeed.
Do you even read what you type and how you’re typing it? Anyone can read “how you feel” through your posts because its how you’re choosing to show yourself. Don’t be surprised that when you start spewing all over this thread, you may just get called out on it. Hell I may even get called out for responding to you again… I would respect it from anyone other than you.
Secondly, I had said key farming was “largely unrewarding” – not just “unrewarding”. Its a gamble, tickets/scraps are not guaranteed. I’ve opened 34 chests in one go (‘cause I can’t save up a full stack of keys like some people can) and only gotten 1 scrap for my efforts. Another thing is that your making it sound like your friend/guildmate farmed for one evening and got 14 tickets then and there. He/she most likely saved tickets over a long period of time (granted “long” is relative), waiting for a new BL skin line to be introduced.
Personally I would hold 14 Pheonix skins for a few months when the price per skin goes up from 1 ticket per skin to 5 tickets each. Then skins sell for much more. But to each his/her own.
The hammer is fantastic.
The hammer is HUGE. Like… I want to see it on an asuran warrior/guardian. O.O
Most of the Phoenix weapons are gigantic compared to other sets. I agree that the Phoenix Hammer is probably the biggest hammer in the game right now. The Phoenix Greatsword possibly too.
No rifle comes close to dethroning the Charrzooka so far, however.
If they were added to the gemstore I’d have bought like 2. Since it’s another RNG game, no gems will be bought nor spent for this from me…
Then buy gems, convert them to gold and buy the skins on the trading post if they become available.
Has anybody who recommends this every actually done it? Because it is ridiculously expensive, ten dollars is a whopping 71 gold right now. That wouldn’t even cover the cost of most of the phoenix skins on the TP, and this is just their introductory price, they will go up. The molten alliance skins have cost between forty and sixty dollars minimum through the gold exchange ever since they went up to their full price, and apparently ANet plans on ‘retiring’ them to bring their price up more.
Sixty dollars, the cost of the game itself, for a single skin in the game. And they want it to go up.
Phoenix weapons will hit 40-50g for WTB orders.
A ticket is around 50g
A 5 ticket skin that has been out a while is around 40*5=200 to 50*5=250. There are exceptions because 5 tickets are expensive to collect.
(edited by Ryan.9387)
If they were added to the gemstore I’d have bought like 2. Since it’s another RNG game, no gems will be bought nor spent for this from me…
Then buy gems, convert them to gold and buy the skins on the trading post if they become available.
Has anybody who recommends this every actually done it? Because it is ridiculously expensive, ten dollars is a whopping 71 gold right now. That wouldn’t even cover the cost of most of the phoenix skins on the TP, and this is just their introductory price, they will go up. The molten alliance skins have cost between forty and sixty dollars minimum through the gold exchange ever since they went up to their full price, and apparently ANet plans on ‘retiring’ them to bring their price up more.
Sixty dollars, the cost of the game itself, for a single skin in the game. And they want it to go up.
Phoenix weapons will hit 40-50g for WTB orders.
A ticket is around 50g
A 5 ticket skin that has been out a while is around 40*5=200 to 50*5=250. There are exceptions because 5 tickets are expensive to collect.
Yes they went down, and then they’ll go up again. And yet more when it comes their time to be retired.
And no, a ticket is not ‘around 50g’, tickets are gained by luck of the draw, complete RNG, it is only around 50G when you average between all the poor suckers players who gamble for one. For some it will be 10G and for others it’ll be 1000, or not at all if their luck is poor enough.
And we were’t talking about tickets, we were talking about converting gems to gold and buying the weapons of the TP as an alternative to tickets. But even so, if you check your numbers (were a ticket actually to be gained at the unlikely price of 50G) it’s still around 60 dollars for the average BL weapon, with some actually costing more, up to and exceedingn the price most games would sell an expansion for.
(edited by Conncept.7638)