Loving the new Dungeon, one concern
Yesterday was the first chance I had to run the new dungeon. And it never happened, no one wants to start from level 1, or carry someone with no current experience with it. I can’t blame them but it sucks when you just want to jump in a group and go. After two hours I just logged off, now someone said everyone resets to level 1 every week? If that’s the case maybe I can try then.
I’m also curious If fractal gear will be needed to compete in future dungeon releases. If say future dungeon X has the agony mechanic from the start so you need to run fractals first.
<snip>I’m also curious If fractal gear will be needed to compete in future dungeon releases. If say future dungeon X has the agony mechanic from the start so you need to run fractals first.
Based on the various statements; it’s very very likely that future dungeons will require infused gear.
No, it wont reset. It will get harder and harder to find groups. You need to grind, grind, grind and grind again to be there or you will fall behind.
(I belive no one in the right mind will play the dugeons with his alt and start at 1, if he has already earned the difficult with his main)
Lion’s Arch overflow is your best bet for finding random groups for any level.
Joining a guild is great too.
I think we have a bit of a meta game going on right now, people are pushing as hard as they can to see how deep into the fractals they can go. Once they start hitting a wall, they’ll start running their alts through.
Oh, yea second hand information had the dungeons reset every week. So basically since I didn’t jump right in at the start I’m doomed to wait out for alts. It may be I will eventually find a group for level1 but so far its been frustrating to say the least. What concerns me a little more is that this may be the gateway dungeon for the next dungeon they implement. I’ll roll with what ever they throw at me, I just wish they had implemented it a little different I guess.
Oh, yea second hand information had the dungeons reset every week. So basically since I didn’t jump right in at the start I’m doomed to wait out for alts. It may be I will eventually find a group for level1 but so far its been frustrating to say the least. What concerns me a little more is that this may be the gateway dungeon for the next dungeon they implement. I’ll roll with what ever they throw at me, I just wish they had implemented it a little different I guess.
It seems there are a couple people that share your concern, maybe you folks should group together?
Oh, yea second hand information had the dungeons reset every week. So basically since I didn’t jump right in at the start I’m doomed to wait out for alts. It may be I will eventually find a group for level1 but so far its been frustrating to say the least. What concerns me a little more is that this may be the gateway dungeon for the next dungeon they implement. I’ll roll with what ever they throw at me, I just wish they had implemented it a little different I guess.
It seems there are a couple people that share your concern, maybe you folks should group together?
Hopefully, I’m not giving up, just voicing a concern. I still love the game.