Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
(edited by Kelly.7019)
Patch just dropped and nobody has any pics of what these new Decorations are yet? bummer
“Red Lanterns can be used by scribes to craft six additional festive decorations.”
“six additional festive decorations”
found 1:
Rooster Statue (last pic)
Lucky Great Rooster Lantern (pics below) this doesn’t count as decoration right?
I prolly missed the other 5 because i’m blind or are they fractal things? idk
(edited by Kelly.7019)
ah well apparently there is nothing new other then the “rooster statue” as the game update notes as far as scribbing goes is worded the exact same as 2016 & 2017.
2016 : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2016-01-26
2017: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2017-01-17
Super sad.
Just another copy n paste patch.
imo saying “six additional” after you already have decorations added from the year before, permanently added, is quite misleading. plus not exactly correct as there is 1 new decoration this year
or did you guys just forget to load the scribe decs into the patch? and a build is coming shortly?
(edited by Kelly.7019)
Red lantern is a decoration, which can make 6 more decorations. Hence why it is 6 “additional”.
Might be worth brainstorming what you’d like to see for a future lunar festival
I see what you’re saying but, it’s just badly worded and incorrect. Clearly copied and pasted from last years game update notes. There is only 1 additional decoration (the rooster statue) for the 2017 Lunar New Year Festival. In 2017 there are 7 decorations that can be crafted from red lanterns : (Rooster statue, Monkey statue, Ram statue, Firecracker, Lunar Arch, Red Festival Umbrella, Red Festival Tent). Though these (minus the rooster statue) were already present last year and wouldn’t be seen as additional this year.
Even if you phrase it “Red Lanterns can be used by scribes to craft six additional festive decorations” and count statutes all as 1 thing(see edit 4 below), then there are only 5 decorations in addition to the red lantern.
See how this is confusing, incorrect and easily misleading?
Definition of “Additional" – added, extra, or supplementary to what is already present or available.
Not much point in brainstorming they won’t add any obvious holiday decorations, just look what they did for Wintersday… blocks of ice… All those decorations they had in DR and pvp/wvw areas:https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/2017-Wintersday-Scribe-Decs-community-wants/first#post6457135 for the Wintersday build were already in game and so pretty, but nopes, didn’t happen. And now its even worse because only 1 thing was added, really? So Sad!!! I mean what happened since you designed the halloween decorations that you don’t have the resources to add new decorations? Pretty sure you guys were already working on next xpac and still were able to add halloween and wintersday ones.
edit 2: edit 1 got deleted with the entire post, whoops
Okay at first glance there might not seem like much in the way of decorations but there are several obvious choices below.
1st pic below:
or maybe instead of blocks of ice like with Wintersday, we could of got some wooden bridges in this same design style. idk. i was looking forward to any new weird decorations that don’t match at all.
edit 3: i guess i was expecting “new weird” things because we got “additional” new things(Demon Statue, Eternal Flame, Hanging Tree, Mad Moon, Mausoleum)(pretty cool btw) for Halloween, “Additional” new things(blocks of ice)(kinda “What the…” for people, but at least we got multiple stuff, YAY!!!)(and look what they did here with them, https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/creations/Last-Call-Wintersday-Art/first#post6441116 just awesome!) for Wintersday. So one would just naturally expect multiple “additional” new things for Lunar New Year and all we got was the annual Statue. At this rate i expect zipp-a-dee-doo-da nothing for SAB (if it even comes out this year) even though there are things that could be added.
edit 4: i see what anet is doing, they are counting statue as just 1 thing even though now there are 3 statues )
edit 5: if i’m salty it’s because i’m obviously disappointed.
(see edit 3)
(edited by Kelly.7019)
I didn’t like the blocks of ice either…however I’ve seen huge castles built from them and other really creative uses. On their own, they are terrible, but they clearly weren’t designed for that use. See the below link for an example
Remember, Lunar is really only a half/minor festival to fill a gap. Like all festivals when they went live during LS1, the devs stated that they were always meant to be recycled filler. Lunar esp was never designed to have a great deal of rewards. Question is, what sort of decoration are missing that should be added?
edit: deleted and reposted since thread somehow got out of order.
Why does the new Rooster Statue decoration use the basic version of the rooster backpack model rather than the colorful upgraded version?
See for picture:
Considering the Scribe recipe to craft the decoration requires the more expensive upgraded version of the backpack, you would think the guild decoration would use the nice upgraded colorful model. Is this a mistake? If not, why choose to use the blander base version while requiring the more expensive recipe?
Why does the new Rooster Statue decoration use the basic version of the rooster backpack model rather than the colorful upgraded version?
See for picture:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/5ok4lr/guild_hall_rooster_statue/Considering the Scribe recipe to craft the decoration requires the more expensive upgraded version of the backpack, you would think the guild decoration would use the nice upgraded colorful model. Is this a mistake? If not, why choose to use the blander base version while requiring the more expensive recipe?
Yeah, it makes me sad that the lantern on the statue doesn’t even light up. The Monkey statue is shiny & has lit lanterns. The ram….well it’s just a ram, nothing special. It’s a pretty statue, I just wish that the lantern at least lit up at night.
Yeah, it makes me sad that the lantern on the statue doesn’t even light up. The Monkey statue is shiny & has lit lanterns. The ram….well it’s just a ram, nothing special. It’s a pretty statue, I just wish that the lantern at least lit up at night.
The ram is fair enough because they had to create a brand new model for the guild decoration. Guild halls weren’t a thing that year and they added it retroactively. There was also no way to use the backpiece model because the backpiece model was just a giant ram’s head, which would’ve looked weird.
But last year was the first year they did Lunar New Year post-HoT, and I think they did it very fairly—you used the upgraded backpack for the scribing recipe and you got that version of the backpiece for the guild hall decoration.
I think ideally, they would add two scribing recipes—one using the base backpack model and one using the upgraded one—to give people the option of getting either one.
However, using the expensive upgraded backpack for the recipe and getting back the basic version with no color and no lit lanterns just seems like a mistake or an overpriced scribing recipe.
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