Lvl 70/80 story mission

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XgoroX.6920


Hey, so i’m just putting this out there….. the story missions for lvl 70/80 are all in REALLY BAD ORDER….. just replayed them a with some friends on there new characters and wow….. you cleans orr at lvl 70? then go back to the lvl 80 missions and then you are fighting your way through orr? what the hell.. i know you guys are focused one the new release but come on….. you don’t get some of the character choices that you did before. i LOVED the story line and choices you made the way it was set up before. why not go back to it? just add the reward system into it. not the lvl 1-10 storys 11-20 and so on. it was GREAT the way you guys had it before. hoping some people like this topic to get it changed back, OR at the very least put the story missions back in order… and put them ALL!!!! back in

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: baconcupcaxe.4208


Yeah, this has been around for a long time now… see My Greatest fear plotline post and others referring to the mess that is the last chunk of personal story being all messed up. May not be fixed, or may be for cohesion in HoT.

Lady Emojuin, Bacon Cupcaxe
Soylent Greenleaf, River Songstress
Gate of Madness

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: baconcupcaxe.4208


O and welcome back if you are returning player, welcome to your friends if they are new. Those of us who aren’t blinded by the hype train, but still want GW2 to be successful are cautiously optimistic for many fixes to long known issues. At least the acquisition of traits will be overhauled, current system dropped in favor of something else for HoT. There is still lots to love, and hopefully much more to come.

Lady Emojuin, Bacon Cupcaxe
Soylent Greenleaf, River Songstress
Gate of Madness

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Yea its been know for quite awhile and still no word on what to be done about it, how hard can it to put back missions and reshuffle the order to the old one(I mean the already did it once so the structure on how to do it should be there) , so what if last story chunk is larger then the rest noone would complain of to much story, I think anyway

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XgoroX.6920


Its one thing that if they don’t fix something so simple as the order of the missions, it will kill the game sooner or later. But I’m not a returning player, just one that hasn’t done the last story’s sense the update. Anyway that is far from the point i was trying to make.

No matter how good the game play is, the events or hell even the look of your character. If the story doesn’t ad up or just doesn’t make sense, people will leave, End of story, then leading to the end of the game.

Truthfully i have really high hopes for HoT. I Love this game, it is by far the best MMORPG/MMO/anything really, that I’ve ever played. The game is so far beyond anything out there right now. And it would kill me, to see the game go under because of some really minor things such as this.

Again as i said before, i just hope that, for lack of a better term, my plea for help. Doesn’t go unanswered. Because to me, GW2 is so amazing, beautiful, and just jaw dropping, that i love the game. I know i can speak for 90% of my friends that i play with, and those friend that i know in real life that i play with. That they love it as much as i do, and want to see what the game is capable of, to see where this great adventure will lead.

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Yeah, it’s stunning that it was handled so ineptly. We really need to get an update on it.

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Yeah, this has been around for a long time now… see My Greatest fear plotline post and others referring to the mess that is the last chunk of personal story being all messed up. May not be fixed, or may be for cohesion in HoT.

I vote it will not be fixed anytime soon considering that there are still fundamental animation problems with some skills since beta. Not to mention all the class bugs that still plague the game. Or the fact some NPCs are still bugged (like in the human personal instance in Divinity Reach with the stacked doppelganger NPC).

They just wing it and only fix it if it is absolutely necessary to do so, otherwise… oh well!

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: baconcupcaxe.4208


Wait till you get to victory or death story mode. Riddled with bugs since launch. Classics like being knocked under map, falling animation kicking in during interact with cannons. Finally taken my 8th and final alt thru a few days ago. Will probably take my Revenant thru as well if it starts like any other character, but there’s another issue. I will kill Zhaitan as a class that doesn’t appear in Tyria until Rytlock goes into the Mists post Zhaitan/Scarlet. Colin said Rytlock will return to us as the first Revenant.

Lady Emojuin, Bacon Cupcaxe
Soylent Greenleaf, River Songstress
Gate of Madness

Lvl 70/80 story mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naiasonod.9265


Wait till you get to victory or death story mode. Riddled with bugs since launch. Classics like being knocked under map, falling animation kicking in during interact with cannons. Finally taken my 8th and final alt thru a few days ago. Will probably take my Revenant thru as well if it starts like any other character, but there’s another issue. I will kill Zhaitan as a class that doesn’t appear in Tyria until Rytlock goes into the Mists post Zhaitan/Scarlet. Colin said Rytlock will return to us as the first Revenant.

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