Lvling up faster.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DerpySloth.6397



I was wandering how to lvl up faster, it frustrates me how long it takes to lvl up. Thanks

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472



- EOTM (karma/XP) train (WvW),
- actually doing story, hearts and map,
- dungeons (also story)
- just running area’s which also gives xp (cough, speed boosts and such, hmm)
- crafting (7-8 lvls gained when @ level 400) , expensive though,
- having tomes of knowledge (1 level each) or birthday scrolls (1st 20 levels)

In all cases you should be using as much from the following list as possible
- using food (candy corn ice cream? = + 15% , all others + 10% ) 30m/1hr
- using utility (any, + 10%, sharpening stones, maintenance oils or tuning crystals)
- using (guild) banners (+ 5, 10, 15% ), ask guild officer or make own guild and upgrade it till you can use it, lucky drop at guild missions, heroes banner or try LA, often found at the mystic toilet or EotM starting area’s
using guild bonus ( + 10 % ) , should be up at guild at all times, need to be member
- (improved) xp boosters ( + 100 % )+ 50%, (dunno if improved still exists)
- laureate xp boosters ( +30%), (1 laurel) 1 hr?
- celebration boosters or birthday boosters (mutually exclusive but stack duration +100%)….. either from dailies (1hr) or when char is 1 yr old (24hr)

Good luck

Oh if you are starting from scratch, forget about crafting, go EOTM, level, use cash from wvw level gain to buy armor at level 80… leave EotM at lvl 30-35 for dungeon run at AC, at lvl 40-45 for CM, 50-55 for TA, skip all others. Cof is nice for last 5 levels, but not neccesary. You’ll styart story later with a level 80 and it will be boring

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jokke.6239


Go follow the train in Edge of the Mists.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


You could try hitting up PvP, you get quite a bit of knowledge tomes from reward tracks, and you can get good at the class in the process.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


EOTM if you are matched green or red side…. you’ll hit 0 > 80 in 42hours of game play, just follow commander and make sure you are there for EVERY keep capping!

ALSO… for first 30 levels do all your personal story quests then stop doing them. and play only EOTM.

My personal record was:
- Halloween……………………………………….21h – 0 > 80
- EOTM + personal story……………………..42h – 0 > 80

what i don’t suggest is:
-crafting.. waste of time you’ll hit 10 levels in EOTM while you hit 5 lvls with crafting, and crafting costs… I would suggest to do crafting only if you plan to have use of that profession later.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

(edited by Firelysm.4967)

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Double XP bonus this weekend.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daimasei.4091


I was wandering how to lvl up faster, it frustrates me how long it takes to lvl up. Thanks

Craft to lvl 68 (all disciplines to 400). Use 12 ToK (from daily rewards or from PvP). Isn’t cheap but is the faster way

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Don’t rush to level up. You don’t need to be max level to experience all the good stuff in this game.

Take your time and open up waypoints and explore a bit. It’s frustrating to get to 80 and not even be able to participate in dungeons or guild missions due to lack of territory/waypoints opened up.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jokke.6239


Don’t rush to level up. You don’t need to be max level to experience all the good stuff in this game.

Take your time and open up waypoints and explore a bit. It’s frustrating to get to 80 and not even be able to participate in dungeons or guild missions due to lack of territory/waypoints opened up.

Good advice, but we are all different. I didn’t enjoy my first 1-80 that much when the game first came out. I was first hooked on the game when I started on the “endgame”.
And running to dungeons/world bosses/GMs wont take very long on a lvl 80, if you go straight ahead for the wps needed and ignore the rest.
It’s all up to what you prefer OP.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RSLongK.8961


Press B, enter “Edge of the Mists”, follow commanders (yealow/blue/purple/red diamonds on map) dwelve in jolly cooperation and bountiful events > xp.
Would help to buy cheap 15%/10% xp foods and bonues.

Main: Warrior|Character counter: 16

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


Don’t rush to level up. You don’t need to be max level to experience all the good stuff in this game.

Take your time and open up waypoints and explore a bit. It’s frustrating to get to 80 and not even be able to participate in dungeons or guild missions due to lack of territory/waypoints opened up.

Good advice, but we are all different. I didn’t enjoy my first 1-80 that much when the game first came out. I was first hooked on the game when I started on the “endgame”.
And running to dungeons/world bosses/GMs wont take very long on a lvl 80, if you go straight ahead for the wps needed and ignore the rest.
It’s all up to what you prefer OP.

I agree with this. And while I too agree with you, Dahkeus, you can enjoy the game without rushing to lvl 80, there are situations where getting to 80 quickly is important for some.

For one thing, lvl 80 grants you complete freedom to go anywhere you want. So while it can be fun to take your time and do stuff at your level, you are restricted to the content at your level. If you really fancy helping take down a high level world boss, for example, you will have to wait. This is not a big issue to some I know, but for others the freedom to choose your activity, without any restriction, is very important.

Another situation that warrants fast leveling is the one I am currently in. My sister has not been playing the game long and is currently only level 25. She doesn’t have a lot of time spare to play, so her levelling progression is quite slow. Which is not a problem in itself, but when we all team up, her, me and a few friends, we are all restricted by the level of her character, and we can therefore not do things like fractals and dungeons, which we would really like to start doing together.

Therefore, I am now leveling up another character for her, while she is not able to play, so that when we want to do a dungeon/fractal, she will have a character she can use to join us.

Taking your time leveling is ok when it is your first, or maybe even second, run through the game. But once you have cleared a map a couple of times, you really don’t want to have to do it all again for several alts. Well, you might enjoy parts of it repeatedly, but it is unlikely you will enjoy all of it more than one or two times.

I am an alterholic and have one of every profession. I have leveled all but my ele and warrior to 80, and I can tell you now, levelling is getting very VERY boring. So any way to speed that up is a good thing in my book.

I really think Anet needs to improve things a bit for alts in this regard. They are starting to improve things, by providing more tomes and xp scrolls, etc., but I still feel more needs to be done. Things like account bound waypoint unlocks would be something I would like to see introduced. Clearing zones for 8 characters gets very tedious, so being able to skip all that and have all waypoints available, just so I can join my friends wherever they are, would be a big help. And I do not think this would break the game any either, as you would still need to get PoI’s, Vista’s and Hearts to get world complete.

So yes, taking your time is nice and can be a lot of fun, but it will not be enjoyable for everyone and will not suit every situation.

As to the speed leveling. I have leveled a few chars via crafting, but that was a while ago and crafting materials have become a lot more expensive since then, so unless you have the gold (or real cash) spare, it is not the best option anymore.

I have not tried the EotM train myself, but following any train (be it WvW or PvE) can nett you a good amount of XP, and at a decent pace, and you get lots of loot while you’re at it too. While running with the zerg though, I would advise you take a weapon that has an AoE attack you can use frequently, preferrably on your skill 1. That way you can tag as many mobs as possible, so you don’t miss out of any XP. Don’t worry about finishing the mobs off, just tag as many as you can. Mobs don’t last long when attacked by zergs, so the more you hit the better.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Don’t rush to level up. You don’t need to be max level to experience all the good stuff in this game.

Take your time and open up waypoints and explore a bit. It’s frustrating to get to 80 and not even be able to participate in dungeons or guild missions due to lack of territory/waypoints opened up.

I used to agree with this… until the New Player Experience.

The extended trait schedule is very annoying, more so on some professions than on others. Get to level 80 fast, buy some traits, and then you can always go back out and do that exploring after, with a smoother experience because you have the traits to make your profession function as designed.

Just my 2 cents, from a player who usually tends toward immersive, non-goal oriented play.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


Go follow the train in Edge of the Mists.

If you do this, party up, or you’ll struggle to get loot due to not doing enough damage.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I was wandering how to lvl up faster, it frustrates me how long it takes to lvl up. Thanks

Craft to lvl 68 (all disciplines to 400). Use 12 ToK (from daily rewards or from PvP). Isn’t cheap but is the faster way

Waste of money and time. In that time you are already lvl 80 at EOTM And you save nearly 50gold

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


If you don’t want to do EOTM, read this link at reddit:

It shows you how to gain some xp with consumables and other things.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


I was wandering how to lvl up faster, it frustrates me how long it takes to lvl up. Thanks

Craft to lvl 68 (all disciplines to 400). Use 12 ToK (from daily rewards or from PvP). Isn’t cheap but is the faster way

Waste of money and time. In that time you are already lvl 80 at EOTM And you save nearly 50gold

craft to level 68 and then eotm…not pvp…and I guarantuee it’s quicker than just eotm. Not cheap though. and it’s annoying especially the cooking craft. I HATE that one.

Lvling up faster.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Go kill kitten right now… It’s double xp weekend!