Just so we’re clear, I’m a solo player – Kirito
Live, Laugh,
(edited by DeadTreeJig.6714)
This post is directed to other introverts.
First I’d’ also like to clear up a few things about introverts (from my perspective) for those extroverts reading this. I am not shy, misanthropic and I don’t live in my parents basement (I AM a parent, and I don’t have a basement). As an introvert (again from my perspective) I don’t enjoy socializing for the sake of socializing. It doesn’t do anything for me, I find it burdensome. There’s nothing wrong with being social and I am glad the majority are, but it’s not my thing. I enjoy spending time with small groups of people in a task oriented setting, and in that setting I do enjoy socializing as a byproduct. I’m aware that I tend to sound patronizing in the way I write, it’s a typical introverted trait when addressing people we don’t know. It’s not intended. And lastly, before you remind me of the word multiuser in MMO let me clarify that multiuser is not synonymous with socializing.
How do you other introverts play GW2? Do you play solo, pugs, guild runs, play with one or two other specific people?
I mostly play solo. I look for meta’s and world bosses, I like the dynamics of fighting with a crowd. I really enjoy playing with one or two people I know IRL, but they are not as into the game as I am so it’s very infrequent. I’m not hardcore, but I do play almost every evening.
I’m in two guilds, but other than giving a “howdy” in the guild chat when I get on and the occasional forum post, I’m really not involved. Voice chat in guilds seem to be 90% social and 10% task. Nothing wrong with that of course, that’s how most people are, but again not my thing.
Too bad there’s not a “looking for another introverted player” feature.
Anyway, leave your comments on how you play as an introvert.
(Let’s not make this an “introvert vs extrovert”, “come out of your shell” or “it’s a multiuser game” thread.)
(edited by DeadTreeJig.6714)
I think i understand u, i tend not to be a very social person IRL, besides work crew or childwood friendships.
In my case i got “transported” with my pervious guild from GW1 so i played with some of them before.
I only played WvW (1 Guild, overrall in 4 years i stayed on 3 guilds were i always found players from initial guild), and very little spvp at the start of the game, would do pve but pve is horribad.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
it’s a multiplayer game ermehgerd op
I fit the definition of “introvert” too. A little anti-social, prefer to play alone, but will play in a group only when there’s a group event in the open-world. Otherwise, if I can solo it, I’ll go alone \o/
Though weirdly enough, I like to talk in map chat sometimes, but as long as I’m not obligated to join someone’s group or something. So yeah, please don’t try to find me. Don’t send me group invites. DON’T INVADE MY PERSONAL SPACE!
The friends who got me into GW2 don’t play anymore but even when they did we would only group up for boss fights. Aside from some content I solo’d most of the game.
My signature pretty much says it all.
Also introvert here.
I do mostly solo stuff, but once dailies are done, I’m keen to group up for fractals, etc. I doubt I’ll ever see a raid, even though I’d like to do them.
I get by with a small, quiet-ish guild. RP guild, too, because of a higher likelihood of good writing. Seeing illiterate twitter-speak jump into my guild chat grates on my psyche, and having a large guild full of that would make me immediately jump ship.
Funny thing is, while an introvert, I do very much enjoy group accomplishments. I just also happen to be picky with whom I associate. >.>
I’d add something to this discussion, but am too shy.
I don’t like playing solo…the appeal of MMO for me is to defeat a boss or reach a goal with other people.
Yes, I do prefer to play with guild or real life people. But this game doesn’t seem popular in Australia? from 6pm-10pm, this game is kind of dead…as in it’s hard to find any groups to do anything.
it’s a multiplayer game ermehgerd op!
It is a multiplayer game, I mentioned I like that. (Otherwise I’d still be playing Dragon Age… oh wait, it’s not 2009 anymore).
This post is directed to other introverts.
First I’d’ also like to clear up a few things about introverts (from my perspective) for those extroverts reading this. I am not shy, misanthropic and I don’t live in my parents basement (I AM a parent, and I don’t have a basement). As an introvert (again from my perspective) I don’t enjoy socializing for the sake of socializing. It doesn’t do anything for me, I find it burdensome. There’s nothing wrong with being social and I am glad the majority are, but it’s not my thing. I enjoy spending time with small groups of people in a task oriented setting, and in that setting I do enjoy socializing as a byproduct. I’m aware that I tend to sound patronizing in the way I write, it’s a typical introverted trait when addressing people we don’t know. It’s not intended. And lastly, before you remind me of the word multiuser in MMO let me clarify that multiuser is not synonymous with socializing.
</disclaimer>How do you other introverts play GW2? Do you play solo, pugs, guild runs, play with one or two other specific people?
I mostly play solo. I look for meta’s and world bosses, I like the dynamics of fighting with a crowd. I really enjoy playing with one or two people I know IRL, but they are not as into the game as I am so it’s very infrequent. I’m not hardcore, but I do play almost every evening.
I’m in two guilds, but other than giving a “howdy” in the guild chat when I get on and the occasional forum post, I’m really not involved. Voice chat in guilds seem to be 90% social and 10% task. Nothing wrong with that of course, that’s how most people are, but again not my thing.
Too bad there’s not a “looking for another introverted player” feature.
Anyway, leave your comments on how you play as an introvert.
(Let’s not make this an “introvert vs extrovert”, “come out of your shell” or “it’s a multiuser game” thread.)
This is how I usually play. I’m on only one guild , though, and they talk through teamspeak all the time. And I always answera, as long as someone first pokes me in the silent channel.
Also introvert here.
I do mostly solo stuff, but once dailies are done, I’m keen to group up for fractals, etc. I doubt I’ll ever see a raid, even though I’d like to do them.I get by with a small, quiet-ish guild. RP guild, too, because of a higher likelihood of good writing. Seeing illiterate twitter-speak jump into my guild chat grates on my psyche, and having a large guild full of that would make me immediately jump ship.
Funny thing is, while an introvert, I do very much enjoy group accomplishments. I just also happen to be picky with whom I associate. >.>
I would love to participate in a RP guild. But spanish speaking guilds tend to the full social chitchat soccer youtube party crass joke spectrum more than any literacy.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
Hi, I’m Mahou and I have a problem. and fit a few introvert clichés. In fact, I live in the basement flat in my parent’s house and am anything but into sports.
I count myself as an introvert and play MMOGs despite of that still solo. I join events when I feel like doing them, rezz random people and did my very first Dragon Stand meta a few days ago, even in a squad (where nobody talked)! I don’t run dungeons of any sort, unless they are required within the story because no matter how easy they tend to be and/or how overgeared I’d be (in case of my early WoW casual years), they cause me more stress and light nausea than it would be worth the trouble. I’m one of the rare guys who do appreciate reading build advises for – let’s say – Open World PvE, even though I’m adapting at a slow rate depening on the profession.
I don’t farm actively as I’d get bored of it very, very quickly, but don’t mind playing for hours “non-stop.” My playing habits are very fickle, though: Sometimes I play for a long time, sometimes I suddenly lose interest and switch between characters, stand around doing nothing or log out of GW2. I’ve no problems taking long, extensive breaks (eg. 2-3+ years) once I get bored or find something more interesting. That’s why I only have around 90 gold, in spite of having been owning the game since pre-LS1.
SkyShroud.2865I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
It’s easy (at least for this introvert) to communicate online rather than in-person. That applies to in-game as well.
A more serious response, compared to my first post:
I too play primarily solo, but enjoy running with a pack as well. I don’t normally chitchat when doing so, partially because I can’t type and play at the same time. But if someone asks for help (“how do I get to this PoI?”) I will gladly team up with them and help them out. Again, for me, much more comfortable to do so in a virtual environment than in-person.
I get by with a small, quiet-ish guild. RP guild, too, because of a higher likelihood of good writing.
I’ve thought about RP, takes me back to my D&D days. Though the few RP forums I’ve visited seems to be a little to serious for me.
I think my initial post miss the mark on relaying my thoughts (or it was just too long, I know I lose interest on long posts).
In a nutshell, I was asking how other introverts play the game. How they balance the fun of playing with others with the expected level of socialization in groups (guilds).
I get by with a small, quiet-ish guild. RP guild, too, because of a higher likelihood of good writing.
I’ve thought about RP, takes me back to my D&D days. Though the few RP forums I’ve visited seems to be a little to serious for me.
I would say check out the guild recruitment section on the forums and see who’s active.
It’s rare I see them outside the confines of capital cities, but those also seem to be the ones that are sincere about doing it and probably the best ones to ask.
As for the balancing question, hmm. I guess my biggest thing is:
I still need to be better about asking if guildies want to help with things, since I don’t want to impose, but at the same time, they often need the same goals I’m after anyway.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
Introverts can, and do, talk to people. Though I do spend a ridiculous amount of time composing my posts.
At it’s heart introversion is about where you gain and expend energy. Introverts (the minority) expend energy when engaged with other people (socializing) and recharge when alone. Extroverts (the majority) gain energy while engaged and expend when alone.
It’s not that introverts can’t be social, it’s just that we can’t do it for long before we are exhausted. We tend to be selective in how we socialize in order to conserve energy.
I know it sounds like a bunch of carebear talk, but there are actual chemical and neurological differences between introverts and extroverts.
Sorry for the lesson.
(edited by DeadTreeJig.6714)
Another introvert here. Most of what I do is solo stuff because I’m not willing to PUG dungeons, fractals, and raids. When I’m done with Living World I generally take a break from the game until the next episode of Living World comes out. PvP is too toxic for me to go in solo and I don’t really have any interest in WvW.
I’m in a guild at the moment but it’s really small and no one really talks to one another so I’m likely to leave it when Episode 5 comes out. I probably won’t look for another guild after since I haven’t had good luck with them in the past (especially RP guilds).
Mostly solo here too. Most of when I do things with other players are totally random at dynamic events. When I first encountered the idea of intentionally teaming up with people my reaction was pretty much ‘yes, I guess you could do that if you wanted to’.
I love mentoring and helping out but consider that work. My default setting for having fun is solo, except for other players at dynamic events. Rarely I will get together with a guildmate, but that is the exception rather than the rule.
Interestingly, I prefer living story steps that are in the open world rather than instances though.
When I’m poking around in Tyria with no real goal in mind I’ll go to a lower level area to revive people during events. (Is it just me, or does anyone else go online simply because Tyria is the other place you live?)
In the really low level areas I’ll set my pet to avoid combat and I only attack mobs on the fringe so I don’t steal the noobs’ thunder. I am sure it would be discouraging to a new player for a shiny ranger with a flaming sword to come along and one shot all the centaurs in Queensdale.
Interestingly, I prefer living story steps that are in the open world rather than instances though.
I do too.
I think my initial post miss the mark on relaying my thoughts (or it was just too long, I know I lose interest on long posts).
In a nutshell, I was asking how other introverts play the game. How they balance the fun of playing with others with the expected level of socialization in groups (guilds).
Some of you may not believe this given my prolific forum communication, but I am and always have been an introvert. I need tons of down time away from people to fuel my ability to interact with others. I hate being called on the phone because it forces my attention if I wasn’t expecting the call. I need privacy and personal space.
But once I have those, then I can reach out. So long as -I- am the one choosing to interact, I have fun with it. I can command lanes in DS, explain things and help out on voice chat, run to aid random strangers with TD HPs, and so forth. I can RP in crowds. Heck, Donari the RP character is an extremely extroverted egotistical charming show off. Plus since I am retired I have long hours alone at home, with the internet as a controlled feed of interaction with others that I have the power to turn off if I really need to.
How do I play and interact as an introvert? I lurk Map chat and comment when I can add something useful, but never feel like I “have to” chat. I lurk guild chat and join in when I have time to type. If I don’t feel like talking or grouping, I don’t (though I offer a short explanation to the person wanting to be social so they don’t feel cold shoulder ignored).
In short, accept that you don’t always enjoy fast-paced interaction with others and take control over when and where it happens, and you’ll end up at whatever your personal comfort level is.
I most of the game content solo unless it’s something like fractals or raids. I just like to experience and play the game at my pace.
it’s a multiplayer game ermehgerd op!
It is a multiplayer game, I mentioned I like that. (Otherwise I’d still be playing Dragon Age… oh wait, it’s not 2009 anymore).
As they say, sarcasm doesn’t translate well in text. I was fully aware of what you said, just wanted to be “that person” first
In short, accept that you don’t always enjoy fast-paced interaction with others and take control over when and where it happens, and you’ll end up at whatever your personal comfort level is.
Well said.
it’s a multiplayer game ermehgerd op!
It is a multiplayer game, I mentioned I like that. (Otherwise I’d still be playing Dragon Age… oh wait, it’s not 2009 anymore).
As they say, sarcasm doesn’t translate well in text. I was fully aware of what you said, just wanted to be “that person” first
Thanks for breaking the seal, it needed to be done.
First, good post, OP. Your presentation underscores the fact that many people don’t really understand what an introvert is and how introversion manifests.
As an introvert, I found myself nodding as I read how you play. Pretty much the same with me. I like the open world events with other people. I will join squad if it’s one of those kinds of things (SW, DS, etc.). Otherwise, on world bosses, I just tend to join the fight. I will rarely, if ever, join a PUG for a dungeon or fractal run. I’ll run with my guild but prefer not to engage with strangers in these types of things.
I belong to a guild where there is a small core of people whose company I enjoy when we’re doing something (task-oriented, as the OP puts it). I might say “hi” when I log on or respond to question but don’t usually engage in long conversations. I typically immerse in what I’m doing. Guild missions are regular and we do tend to socialize as we plow through them. Once done, though, we go our separate ways unless someone needs some specific help.
As odd as it seems, that small group of people serve as an anchor here in the game for me. We don’t socialize for the sake of socializing but, when we are together doing things, it’s a blast.
After a short time, usually, I find interaction (socializing) exhausting. It’s tolerable, I guess, as long as I can control it. Thus, I often play in Invisible mode, and rarely enable Map Chat. I’ve tried, once or twice, chatting with the Guild in Guild Chat, but… Same with Guild Missions.
My phone is almost always off; I get a lot of flack for that. I never thought about whether I was an introvert, but I guess I am. I just thought I was broken…lol.
How do I play, you ask? Like a cat, basically. :)
I like to explore, run around maps gathering wood and listening to some loud music. Even singing along occasionally.
Joining a squad for world boss / meta map is not a problem for me. Fractals and dungeons on the other hand I do only with my guildmates. The idea of doing fractals with strangers is similar to being locked with said strangers in a small room while everyone’s looking over my shoulder (yes, I am exaggerating a bit here, but I’m sure you get the idea).
In my guild I’m talkative, spontaneous and a bit crazy sometimes. Being the guild’s leader I even enjoy organizing guild events & missions. But only because our guild is a small group of friends I know for years. And they know me and my moods. :)
And please, oh please, don’t invite me to a party without saying a word… Don’t get me wrong, I’m more than happy to lend a hand whenever I can. But talk to me first, okay?
I feel ya OP, one-man wolfpack right here. A lot of what’s in this thread rings true for me as well. I’m basically a ‘friendly soloist’. In parties and squads I’ve got no problem with communicating to get the task done, even a bit of friendly banter or one-liners in map chat from time to time. I’ll compliment another player on an especially cool or interesting character, help others when I have the time and so on.
However I’ve just never, ever felt the need to join a group of people to commit to and play with regularly. When I do group up in any way it has always been because I needed to, either due to the nature of the content or for the benefits.
Another introvert here. I play solo a lot. I also use inivisibility if I’m feeling unsociable. I’m an active participant in a couple of small guilds and will join voice chat if I’m feeling more sociable. Right now, everyone else is in SAB mode, but we do guild stuff at least once per week. I could do fractals with guildies most evenings, if I wanted to. It’s nice to have the option without the obligation.
Something I love about GW2 is that you can participate in events or large scale battles without being tied to a group or required to do exactly what everyone else is doing. You can go to Tequatl and do pre-defense or not, DPS or support, and bounce to whichever laser you feel like defending. If you have to leave immediately after, or if you can’t stay for the whole thing, it’s okay. There’s no pressure of people relying on you to fulfill your role.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
I think it’s because they treat social interaction like ascended gear. It’s nice to have, but it’s not required in most cases, and it can be quite the pain to deal with at times. Whereas more extroverted people consider it more mandatory and kick people from dungeons.
And just for fun, I wonder if this thing actually works: https://www.uclassify.com/browse/prfekt/myers-briggs-attitude?input=Text
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
I’ll be gathering. Or I am in an instance idling or playing with toys.
With the old daily and guild influence systems I used to do quiet events. I never particularly liked doing events, but there was stuff I wanted from them. I haven’t done events since.
I have never joined a party of strangers, never even had any interest in group combat. Or very much in combat, in general.
I don’t like people.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
I think it’s because they treat social interaction like ascended gear. It’s nice to have, but it’s not required in most cases, and it can be quite the pain to deal with at times. Whereas more extroverted people consider it more mandatory
and kick people from dungeons.
Best explanation yet.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
I think it’s because they treat social interaction like ascended gear. It’s nice to have, but it’s not required in most cases, and it can be quite the pain to deal with at times. Whereas more extroverted people consider it more mandatory
and kick people from dungeons.And just for fun, I wonder if this thing actually works: https://www.uclassify.com/browse/prfekt/myers-briggs-attitude?input=Text
I pasted my initial post… Introversion: 98%
Tried some other stuff, blog posts, emails, etc. Introversion ranged from 76% to 98% with most in the 90’s. What do I have to do to reach 100?
This post is directed to other introverts.
First I’d’ also like to clear up a few things about introverts (from my perspective) for those extroverts reading this. I am not shy, misanthropic and I don’t live in my parents basement (I AM a parent, and I don’t have a basement). As an introvert (again from my perspective) I don’t enjoy socializing for the sake of socializing.
Yep, I’m right there with you.
I play with my wife ( yeah yeah yeah, outta the gutter everyone), and I am not adverse to helping out when people need it.
Pity some of the missions require a pack of people.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
I think it’s because they treat social interaction like ascended gear. It’s nice to have, but it’s not required in most cases, and it can be quite the pain to deal with at times. Whereas more extroverted people consider it more mandatory
and kick people from dungeons.And just for fun, I wonder if this thing actually works: https://www.uclassify.com/browse/prfekt/myers-briggs-attitude?input=Text
With my post here: Introverted: 92%. With another post in one of the Cadeceus topics, 88%. I wonder how large the rating fluctuates when English – as in my case – is not your mother tongue.
I’ve been part of small-ish guilds (20people) in other games, where we all know eachother really well. I haven’t found that on GW2 so I run solo all the time. (If there’s a guild like that please let me know).
I pasted my text. Ha ha, it may be as broken as I. Extrovert 61% Lol.
Wonders never cease!
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
Introverts can, and do, talk to people.
Though I do spend a ridiculous amount of time composing my posts.
At it’s heart introversion is about where you gain and expend energy. Introverts (the minority) expend energy when engaged with other people (socializing) and recharge when alone. Extroverts (the majority) gain energy while engaged and expend when alone.
It’s not that introverts can’t be social, it’s just that we can’t do it for long before we are exhausted. We tend to be selective in how we socialize in order to conserve energy.
I know it sounds like a bunch of carebear talk, but there are actual chemical and neurological differences between introverts and extroverts.
Sorry for the lesson.
I assume you meant that extrovert enjoy the feelings of certain things while the introvert may get annoyed and tired of the same things ?
I don’t really understand, base on multiple personality tests, I am ambivert, both introvert and extrovert, something like a middle ground? /shrugs
Pretty sure it has something to do with age and life experiences.
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Over 2 years of playing and I still haven’t joined any guilds (other than my own one-person guilds) or made any friends in this game. I don’t particularly want to either. Solo PvE roaming and entry-level fractal pugging are more than enough for me.
I might have considered joining a proper guild, and you can’t spend much time in GW2 without getting unsolicited offers, but none of them have been convincing. The fact that pretty much all of them had horrendous typos in the description/message or even the title certainly didn’t help.
hey OP, in working life i am a lead dev, considered to be a good person, kind and strong – i’m also an introvert and more than certainly high on the Asperger scale, and i play very very similar to you. I solo a lot, but on there other hand enjoy grouping casually often. I actual suspect that the prevalence of gaming from the 80’s may very well have contributed or at the very least gave an avenue for certain behavior to develop over time – so you are most certainly not alone There is however a big difference between being introverted and being anti social and that’s really what matters imo.
I assume you meant that extrovert enjoy the feelings of certain things while the introvert may get annoyed and tired of the same things ?
Not quite, it’s not about what you enjoy or don’t enjoy, that’s a personal preference. It’s about where your energy (physical/mental) is gained and lost. I enjoy many of the same things as extroverts, but I run out of steam quickly (quicker than is socially acceptable), and need to go away to recharge. I am blessed to have an mildly extroverted wife that understands this and doesn’t push me into social situations, and if I choose to engage she knows I will need to leave early.
I don’t really understand, base on multiple personality tests, I am both introvert and extrovert, something like a middle ground? /shrugs
It’s a sliding scale, most people are within the middle range leaning one way or the other. It’s when you are and the far end that it comes to the surface. This applies to introverts and extroverts. BTW, extremely extroverted people can drain extremely introverted people in a matter of minutes.
Pretty sure it has something to do with age and life experiences.
Your talking about psychological experiences, they do play a part. However, introverts process information in different parts of the brain than extroverts. Introverts also have a less active dopamine system. Dopamine is the drug in your brain that provides reward and pleasure, the high feeling you have when something exciting is happening. Because it’s less active in introverts it can cause them become overstimulated by things most people get excited about.
I don’t mean to lecture, sorry. It’s one of those things that are commonly misunderstood since we live in an extroverted world.
hey OP, in working life i am a lead dev, considered to be a good person, kind and strong – i’m also an introvert and more than certainly high on the Asperger scale, and i play very very similar to you. I solo a lot, but on there other hand enjoy grouping casually often. I actual suspect that the prevalence of gaming from the 80’s may very well have contributed or at the very least gave an avenue for certain behavior to develop over time – so you are most certainly not alone
There is however a big difference between being introverted and being anti social and that’s really what matters imo.
I agree. For years I thought I was antisocial, that I didn’t like people. When I learned that I was an introvert I discovered that I do like people, just in short bursts.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
I think it’s because they treat social interaction like ascended gear. It’s nice to have, but it’s not required in most cases, and it can be quite the pain to deal with at times. Whereas more extroverted people consider it more mandatory
and kick people from dungeons.And just for fun, I wonder if this thing actually works: https://www.uclassify.com/browse/prfekt/myers-briggs-attitude?input=Text
Interesting. I consider myself an introvert. I live alone. I can go days without talking to another live person. Even though I yap a lot on the forums I rarely speak in game, yet copying and pasting my diary entries shows high extroversion. (I would have thought diary entries would automatically show introversion as they are about yourself).
At any rate, as I said I consider myself an introvert. I solo play and rarely speak in guild chat. I’m not sure why my text analysis would show high extroversion instead.
Edit: I ran the above text through that site. 97% extrovert. lol.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Well I imagine writing down your personal thoughts would be like that. It seems to work better about stuff you would write to the public.
I don’t know myself but I noted the more guide-like/info ny post is the more extraverted It seems. I usyally range from mildly extraverted to highly introverted.
That site also has a posituve/ negative analyzer and an angry/happy one too. Now that should be worth a good laugh too as it says most if my posts are negative (no surprise) but also happy. =P
Interesting topic of discussion, for my two cents I would consider myself to lean rather heavily towards the introvert end of the spectrum.
When I play GW2 I find my enjoyment comes from doing solo content more so than large grouped party instances, such as dungeons and fractals (or aghast, raids). This is not to say I find myself unable to as I casually run the occasional one and have, with practise managed to solo some paths. It just requires me to be in the rare mood to undertake these. Story mode or map completion can be an enjoyable evening’s activity, although the lack of dynamic change and in some cases lack of connection to the characters can make picking up a good book a more enjoyable pursuit.
The one aspect I do find a constant challenge and enjoyment is the state of WvW, a very large amount of my game time is spent in the various borderlands and if things are especially quiet or less blobby in EBG (OCX player here) I will head there too. I prefer to roam, flipping camps, breaking tower walls down and looking for people to fight. I particularly enjoy the challenge of fighting on a quiet borderland against a dedicated defence force or defending against a small number of dedicated enemy roamers, the patterns of discerning where people will go, what actions they will undertake next make for a most enjoyable game of cat and mouse. Some of my most enjoyable encounters have come from predicting where enemy roamers would be, interrupting them mid flip or ambushing them as they move around the map. One recent evening of this ended up with a very odd gentleman’s agreement of sorts, all I had to eventually do was predict where a certain enemy player would go and /wave at them before they achieved their objective. They would then salute and port back to spawn to start again.
With regards to social contact while playing, if someone expresses an interest in joining up in a polite manner (both WvW and PvE) than I will usually facilitate. If they are newer or less experienced I also try to take the time to show them some of the tricks or shortcuts I have found. I am in a couple of guilds; two are dead and kept for sentimentality sake, one is a large WvW guild for when I rarely feel like larger group play and the final is a small social guild of friends from my dice and paper role-playing days (with most of us being the filthy casual sort due to life commitments etc.).
I also PvP a couple of times a fortnight in ranked using off meta builds, although I find this more challenging due to high OCX latency (>350 ping with spikes when fighting glass daredevils is not fun).
As an aside, for all fellow introverts or indeed anyone (especially if you have a significant other leaning on the introvert end of the spectrum) I would highly recommend a book written by Susan Cain – ‘Quiet’. It’s a rather interesting read and drew my attention to patterns or habits that I was unaware I have as well as insight into improving methods I had developed to comfortably function and even excel while falling so heavily on the introvert end of the spectrum (most of my colleagues find me a very outgoing, social person).
I have not read this whole tread, so please for give me if I make a similar post.
I’m a introvert, but for the most part, I love the game. I’m below average when it comes to game skills, but above average when it comes to equipment….I have full ascended stuff.
I will not join groups that need skilled players. I am not skilled, so I understand why they may not want me…..and I am fine with that.
Maybe the point I want to make. Choose your groups/or individual carefully.
I have had wonderful experiences with perfect strangers, on the other hand, just the opposite.
For us introverts, you just never know.
If someone seems friendly, give them a shot. You may make new friend. If it doesn’t work out, don’t worry about it.
Don’t give up….there are people out there that are worth meeting.
I’m the type of introvert who can talk with others well but after a while I need to recharge by having some alone time.
In GW2 I notice that when I’m playing with another player or players I start out very active in chat but rapidly lose that want to chat and just keep playing. This is my introversion.
In real life the exact same thing happens to me. When I talk with friends I enjoy the moment that there is, but I quickly get the urge to be alone and think things through.
I don’t see how introvert you are when you are willing to start a thread about it.
Introverts can, and do, talk to people.
Though I do spend a ridiculous amount of time composing my posts.
At it’s heart introversion is about where you gain and expend energy. Introverts (the minority) expend energy when engaged with other people (socializing) and recharge when alone. Extroverts (the majority) gain energy while engaged and expend when alone.
It’s not that introverts can’t be social, it’s just that we can’t do it for long before we are exhausted. We tend to be selective in how we socialize in order to conserve energy.
I know it sounds like a bunch of carebear talk, but there are actual chemical and neurological differences between introverts and extroverts.
Sorry for the lesson.
I assume you meant that extrovert enjoy the feelings of certain things while the introvert may get annoyed and tired of the same things ?
I don’t really understand, base on multiple personality tests, I am ambivert, both introvert and extrovert, something like a middle ground? /shrugs
Pretty sure it has something to do with age and life experiences.
I’m an introvert and pretty strongly so. And I was that way when I was young and I don’t imagine it suddenly changing no matter how much I interact with others.
What changes is the introvert’s ability to mask our discomfort when we’ve exceeded our quota for socializing. And our ability to prepare for situations where we know we’ll be doing a lot of socializing – so that we take longer to hit our quota.
Fixing forum bug.
And I play mostly solo to answer the OP’s question.
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