MMO players make me sick sometimes

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KorbenDallas.6729


I remember when Blizzard, back when they were actually Blizzard, made a zombie invasion event for Wrath of the Lich King. You had zombies running around turning other players into zombies, and it was really scary and exciting and a great break from pointless pre-expansion monotony and build-up for the next expansion.

And then you had all these….“people”…. on the forums complaining as if the world had come to an end because of this little event…because they couldn’t do their “auction house tasks” or whatever pointless inconsequential PVE tasks for 2-3 hours a day for a few days.

How dead are you people inside, complaining about this fun little April Fool’s event? Really. Most of you just sit in Lion’s Arch in excesivelly pornographic costumes doing god knows what.

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EKAN.4051


That, was, abit much, dont you think?

“Death is just another path”

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Even if I sit in pornographic costumes and do inconsequential PvE tasks, at least I don’t make flamebait threads. So I’ve got that going for me.

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheWalrus.4923


Way to paint everyone who disagrees with you as a porn-addicted enemy of fun. Someone being fed up with the airplane event in no way suggests you are dead inside, or an auction house trader, or whatever else. Some people like it, some people don’t, and complaining about those that don’t is just very petty. What is the harm in someone wanting to turn off what to them is incredibly annoying and anti-fun?

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: realhunter.7186


I remember when Blizzard, back when they were actually Blizzard, made a zombie invasion event for Wrath of the Lich King. You had zombies running around turning other players into zombies, and it was really scary and exciting and a great break from pointless pre-expansion monotony and build-up for the next expansion.

And then you had all these….“people”…. on the forums complaining as if the world had come to an end because of this little event…because they couldn’t do their “auction house tasks” or whatever pointless inconsequential PVE tasks for 2-3 hours a day for a few days.

How dead are you people inside, complaining about this fun little April Fool’s event? Really. Most of you just sit in Lion’s Arch in excesivelly pornographic costumes doing god knows what.

and yet you came here to complain hah

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swizzle.7982


Every April 1st in GW2 will be a massive disappointment.

They shot themselves in the foot when they made SAB, everything from then on is a let down, bobble heads, airplanes… next to SAB.. well, they can come across as being a bit pants, and in comparison they are.

(Also, I did have to turn my character sound off after about 10 minutes of plane sounds)

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warbignime.4610


Welcome to the internet bro, people are winning about minor things and posting pointless thread, how shocking.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

MMO players make me sick sometimes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nova.7261


Yah, cruelty has its limits…

Describing Gw2 players as pornos should really get you banned from the forums. I don’t find that constructive at all.

Neither do you even consider why people may take the stances they do. People enjoy having fun and doing the things they do, if they don’t see their time being spent that way I don’t see the harm in speaking up that they don’t like the content.