Please note that my conclusions are a result of my data, which may not be representative of the underlying trend. However, based on the data I have I conclude that:
I have NO significant evidence that Magic Find has any influence on the drop rate (the probability of a monster dropping loot of any description) or drop quality (the quality of the item being dropped) for environmental monsters in The Cursed Shore or Frostgorge Sound.
I also have NO significant evidence that magic find increases the probability of receiving gems from mining or woodcutting. (Note that I only have about 100 observations here so take this with a grain of salt).
But how could this be?
Perhaps magic find applies to boss drops, or chest drops instead. Or perhaps I missed some key element of the diminishing returns system that messed with my data. Perhaps 1,109 observations aren’t enough. If anyone knows something I missed I would love to know!
Over the course of several weeks I collected 1,109 observations while ranging from 0% to 222% magic find. These were collected mostly in the Cursed Shore (level 80 zone in Orr), but also some in Malchor’s Leap and Frostgorge Sound. I did not farm monsters for more than an hour at a time, and if I did, I would change to a different zone before doing so. While I was in a zone I would run around more or less randomly; killing whatever mobs I came across. I used the same character (a level 80 Thief) to collect data. I would not gather data from events where it was difficult to keep track of what I had killed and what had dropped, etc.
As part of my analysis, I also assigned a “drop rank” to each item, to value them in worth. (You may disagree with the order but in the grand scheme of things it would not make much difference).
But the ranking I ended up using for the graphs is (1 – lowest, 5 – highest):
0. No drop
1. Grey items
2. White items (included armour, weapons, salvage items, T1 crafting materials*)
3. Blue items (Black Lion Chests, armour, weapons, T5 crafting materials*)
4. Unidentified Dyes and T6 crafting materials*
5. Green items
I did not receive any rare (yellow) or exotic (orange) items.
The Graphs:
First off, zooming in might help. Sorry I had do bunch everything up into one picture; I can only attach one image to the forum post. :P
1. This is a pie chart of all the types of drops I received. As you can see, “Nothing” has by far the largest proportion.
2. Scatter plot of MF along the x-axis and Drop Rank (see above) on the y-axis. If magic find did increase the quality of drops, one would expect to see an increasing trend through the data. But the trend can probably be represented by a straight line: this means that there is no relationship between MF and Drop Quality.
3. A pie chart of the percentages of rare crafting materials dropping. My data suggests that there is an 18% chance of getting 1 gem and a 6% chance of getting 2 gems.
4. This is a box plot of the rare crafting material drops against magic find. The first box corresponds to getting no gems, the second box to one gem and the third box to 2 gems. Again if MF did increase the chance of getting gems, the second and third box plots would be positioned higher than the first one. But they are all at about the same height which suggests that there is no relationship.
5. This graph shows the distribution of drop ranks for groups of magic find. Along the left hand side you can see 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250. These correspond to the magic find groups (“50” includes all observations less than or equal to 50, “100” includes all observations from 51 to 100, etc). Along the row you can see the distribution of drop ranks that magic find bracket produces, where “0” is no drop, “1” is grey drops, etc. (see above). These graphs all look pretty much the same, which further establishes the idea that MF does not influence these drops.
6. This is the same as Graph 5 except it has removed the “0” category (no drops) so that you can better see the variations in quality of drop from monsters that did actually drop loot. But again, they all look pretty equal to each other.
So yeah, I hope you found it interesting!
P.S. I am happy to share my data with any other fellows out there who are doing/going to do other investigations where it would be useful!