Magic Find effectiveness
They probably dont’ want the gap between new players and veterans to be too much.
I honestly have no clue how much magic find even matters on normal drop. One of the dev says it matters a lot. I kind of is clueless on how much it even matter.
They probably dont’ want the gap between new players and veterans to be too much.
I honestly have no clue how much magic find even matters on normal drop. One of the dev says it matters a lot. I kind of is clueless on how much it even matter.
The idea is that if something has a 1% chance to drop and you have, say, +20% magic find, you will have a 1.2% drop chance on that item. If you had +100% magic find, you’d have a 2% chance. If you have the max 300% base MF plus all the other stacking bonuses that can be applied (getting it somewhere nearabouts 500%), you could increase that to upwards of 6%.
However, the base drop rates for most desired things are so tiny that even a circumstantial +500% magic find rate would literally be turning a 0.05% chance into a 0.30% chance — still abysmal.
Beware devs saying that something like this matters ‘a lot’. They tend to speak from considerations of aggregate metrics gathered from across the entire game over long periods of time.
There’s a very good chance that in your personal experience, if you had a constant 500% magic find rate, you wouldn’t feel day to day like you had anything going on much differently at all. Magic find is not a very tactile meta-stat courtesy of the drop rates for many things being so infinitesimally low as to make the differences noticeable virtually nowhere except in aggregate data over time.
If you tracked your drops over a month with and without magic find, however, you’d probably be able to see a slight trend towards more valuable drops with the magic find than without. You’d certainly be able to tell if you tracked them all for a year and compared them side by side, though the differences would still be measured in tiny fractions of a percent as per the variegation.
But I’m sure a dev looking over the entire game’s drop rates and compositing them over an annual frequency would have some cause to think that magic find has a significant impact.
Its kind’ve like…if the oceans around the world got one centimeter deeper. Someone standing on a beach watching it happen would almost certainly never notice, and have no means by which to notice – at that scale of perception, the change would not be identifiable in many ways at all.
On a global scale, that would be a whole heck of a lot of extra water suddenly present in the oceans, and the overall impact of its presence could have widely dramatic effects.
Just not to someone standing on a beach, or in this case, playing the game day to day.
I’m not talking about precursors, as much as I would love for them to magically appear in my inventory, just an exotic once in a while would be nice. I still stand by my original statement that MF doesn’t effect many of the places we get loot in game, this has been stated in other threads and not talked about or refuted by devs who were in those threads. I’m hoping this will get a conversation started.
I had no idea that it only affected loot from monsters…. That’s a little absurd since everyday i do teq people drop banners and bonfires, yet you dont get any loot besides the last chest and boxes. I dont mind that it doesnt have a ton of effect but itd be nice if it actually influenced stuff that gave good loot not random monsters which dont drop anything anyways
It does have a huge impact. The same fractal, same route we did twice in it; the urban battle ground one where we are Charr, the same veteran mob dropped a rare twice so far and I’m packing 211-231% MF.
It also dropped a glob of crystalized mists essence as few times in the same drop.
When I had much less, I never got anything from that mob. Now I really want to make full run full kill dungeon groups to kill every last foe! Trash always gave me stuff even early on and they will do so more often now yet a rare was seldom found before.
Also I been getting more and more rares from chests especially in fractals. I also pulled an exotic magi’s amulet from a mob today.
For the record, you can get over 800% MF in GW 2 in Silver Wastes and every boost and item and 300% and account achievement point bonuses.
It does have a huge impact. The same fractal, same route we did twice in it; the urban battle ground one where we are Charr, the same veteran mob dropped a rare twice so far and I’m packing 211-231% MF.
It also dropped a glob of crystalized mists essence as few times in the same drop.
When I had much less, I never got anything from that mob. Now I really want to make full run full kill dungeon groups to kill every last foe! Trash always gave me stuff even early on and they will do so more often now yet a rare was seldom found before.
Also I been getting more and more rares from chests especially in fractals. I also pulled an exotic magi’s amulet from a mob today.
For the record, you can get over 800% MF in GW 2 in Silver Wastes and every boost and item and 300% and account achievement point bonuses.
I don’t think you know what a ’ huge impact’ works actually be then, as the way t works simply isn’t going to take one from getting crummy drops all the time to amazing drops all the time.
It just won’t. And it never will. Sounds like you had the RNG smile at toy, sure, but your 211-231% MF isn’t turning tiny chances into huge ones.
It’s doing things like turning a 0.01% chance into a 0.031%.
The higher the base chance for something, the more amplified the effect of magic find would be, because it’s a multiplier.
Sadly, pretty much everything in the game with an affected drop rate that petiole really want (precursors being just one example) have fraction of 1% drop rates. Tiny fraction at that.
You’ll go from getting a lot of hours and some greens to a lot of greens and some blues with high MF at the most noticeable level. You won’t go, at any mf, from getting junk to getting rares and exotics dripping proof your ears.
There’s a very good chance that you will be incapable of noticing the increase in exotic acquisition rates without revising and taking every drop you acquire over a long period of time.
Rares may feel a touch more abundant at very high MF, but even their drop rates are fractions of a percent. Just a larger fraction than exotics and the like.
The math behind it really can’t lie, and as someone with a solid 300% MF base, with a find penchant for farming, I can make a fairly qualified statement about how MF mostly just mama you get a better quality of junk more often.
Is new absolutely willing to bet that if Anet gave everyone a hidden 300% MF boost for a day, virtually nobody would even notice. It wouldn’t surprise me in the smallest way if nobody noticed at all, if they simply didn’t say anything or announce it.
Similarly, if they announced a game wide -300% MF for a day and then simply left it without actually implementing any such penalty, people’s confirmation biases would find them perceiving proof of their ‘dramatically nerfed’ drop rates even though nothing at all would have changed.
Magic Find is weird in that its most desired effect is getting rares and exotics instead of junk, but its most noticeable effect is getting bigger piles of junk at a faster rate.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
From experience, I HAVE noticed a lot more Rares dropping at 150+ MF compared to when I had 0%. I have 200% MF now, and these days it is EXTREMELY rare for me to not get at least one or two Rares per day from random mobs. Exotics are still few and far between (I get maybe one every one or two weeks, if I’m lucky), but in my experience at least, MF does make a noticeable difference.
The tricky part is, you need to boost your MF by at least 50% each time to notice a real difference. And even then, your playstyle needs to be one that takes advantage of MF. Since it only affects direct drops from mobs, you will get the most use out of MF if you are a farmer or a player who likes to murder everything he sees. You will not see much benefit from MF if you:
a ) do the World Boss/Champ trains, because your main source of loot comes from the bags they drop, which are NOT affected by MF.
b ) speedclear dungeons that involve a lot of skipping, because again, loot from chests and bags are not affected by MF. (It would be a different story if your group cleared all the mobs in the dungeon.)
c ) chest farm. As far as I can tell, the increased MF for Lost Bandit Chests in SW actually affects whether or not you get an additional Rare drop like a Carapace chest or a Sinister recipe book. It does NOT affect the loot you get from the Bandit Champ bag.
d ) play the Mystic Forge lottery.
From experience, I HAVE noticed a lot more Rares dropping at 150+ MF compared to when I had 0%. I have 200% MF now, and these days it is EXTREMELY rare for me to not get at least one or two Rares per day from random mobs. Exotics are still few and far between (I get maybe one every one or two weeks, if I’m lucky), but in my experience at least, MF does make a noticeable difference.
The tricky part is, you need to boost your MF by at least 50% each time to notice a real difference. And even then, your playstyle needs to be one that takes advantage of MF. Since it only affects direct drops from mobs, you will get the most use out of MF if you are a farmer or a player who likes to murder everything he sees. You will not see much benefit from MF if you:
a ) do the World Boss/Champ trains, because your main source of loot comes from the bags they drop, which are NOT affected by MF.
b ) speedclear dungeons that involve a lot of skipping, because again, loot from chests and bags are not affected by MF. (It would be a different story if your group cleared all the mobs in the dungeon.)
c ) chest farm. As far as I can tell, the increased MF for Lost Bandit Chests in SW actually affects whether or not you get an additional Rare drop like a Carapace chest or a Sinister recipe book. It does NOT affect the loot you get from the Bandit Champ bag.
d ) play the Mystic Forge lottery.
I’ve noticed similarly, though without any working knowledge of the actual math going on with their loot tables, all I can do is flail my arms like a muppet and hope it isn’t brokeded.
I feel like I’m getting a lot more rare and exotic drops since passing 110%
You really don’t notice much of a difference until at least 110%. I am at 123% for my account and I use the birthday boosters and ascended gear for an easy 223%. You really start to see a real difference then.
I feel like I’m getting a lot more rare and exotic drops since passing 110%
I saw the exact same change at the exact same percentage. Weird.