Mail Safe List

Mail Safe List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zushada.6108


Please give us a safe list that we can add ppl to so that we can avoid the suppression limit. I send mats to guildies and friends all the time and sometimes it takes a couple of messages to get all of the mats out to all that reply to the Guild msg. It would be nice if we could add ppl from the Guild Roster and our Friends list to a “Safe” list so that the system would know we are not botting spam.

While I totally understand and respect that the spam and bot barrier is a necessary evil, we should still have the ability to be able to control who gets multiple messages via a safe list. I also understand the concern about hacked accounts. However, ppl who have added others to a safe list, know that those ppl would report strange gremlin like activity.

Thank you

Mail Safe List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xikira.3264


The problem is somone could hack your account and add their account to your safe list. Then send everything to that account take it off the list and vanish.

“My potions are too strong for you, traveler.”
Potion Sella

Mail Safe List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zushada.6108


The problem is somone could hack your account and add their account to your safe list. Then send everything to that account take it off the list and vanish.

Thank you for the response. I addressed that in my original post. In the end, if you have appropriate security in place on your account this shouldn’t be a huge issue.

Mail Safe List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


It’s also to reduce the effects of gold sellers. Which your suggestion would negate.

Mail Safe List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Could limit it pretty significantly by having to be mutual friends for over 3 months.

Sincerely doubt any goldspam account last that long anyway.

Mail Safe List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zushada.6108


Could limit it pretty significantly by having to be mutual friends for over 3 months.

Sincerely doubt any goldspam account last that long anyway.

My thoughts exactly.