Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warduke.1780


The bugs are now green and unattackable. May I be the first to say to the farmers – on behalf of the community:

LOL, owned.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I guess they’ll have to go out into Tyria like a lot of people have been doing.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


How nice of the farmers, they ruined the spot people used for weapon achievements.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


People farming things to extremes get it nerfed for every one else. Not new or surprising.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jokke.6239


I farmed there everyday because it was so kitten rewarding.
But THANK YOU anet for finally nerfing it.
But you should still just remove the maize balms in general, because it’s the worst designed farm ever to be put in the game. It’s anti everything GW2 was designed to be.
It’s like it was designed to make people angry at eachother.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oshilator.4681


I never farmed this, myself… but I honestly don’t see why it needed to be fixed/nerfed.

It wasn’t hurting anything.


Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jokke.6239


I never farmed this, myself… but I honestly don’t see why it needed to be fixed/nerfed.

It wasn’t hurting anything.

It’s obv you haven’t farmed it then. I’ve never seen so much drama in one place.
New players who came to the instance got yelled at just for going near the spawns. People even threatened with reporting them.
Then you had the trolls who loved to come and make the 30 people standing there angry.
Then you had the people farming there getting angry at eachother, since people rolled guardian/war to get tag, then the rest of the people didn’t get loot.
Swear words, report threats.. That happened every second at that place lol.
And I could go on ..

And just in general. Making 30 g in one hour clicking 1 on candy is absurd. When you earn 40-50 g a day running dungeons etc.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


I never farmed this, myself… but I honestly don’t see why it needed to be fixed/nerfed.

It wasn’t hurting anything.

It’s obv you haven’t farmed it then. I’ve never seen so much drama in one place.
New players who came to the instance got yelled at just for going near the spawns. People even threatened with reporting them.
Then you had the trolls who loved to come and make the 30 people standing there angry.
Then you had the people farming there getting angry at eachother, since people rolled guardian/war to get tag, then the rest of the people didn’t get loot.
Swear words, report threats.. That happened every second at that place lol.
And I could go on ..

And just in general. Making 30 g in one hour clicking 1 on candy is absurd. When you earn 40-50 g a day running dungeons etc.

The few times I was there I only ever saw 4-5 people and there wasn’t anything you described above. But then again, different times of day & different crowds.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jokke.6239


I never farmed this, myself… but I honestly don’t see why it needed to be fixed/nerfed.

It wasn’t hurting anything.

It’s obv you haven’t farmed it then. I’ve never seen so much drama in one place.
New players who came to the instance got yelled at just for going near the spawns. People even threatened with reporting them.
Then you had the trolls who loved to come and make the 30 people standing there angry.
Then you had the people farming there getting angry at eachother, since people rolled guardian/war to get tag, then the rest of the people didn’t get loot.
Swear words, report threats.. That happened every second at that place lol.
And I could go on ..

And just in general. Making 30 g in one hour clicking 1 on candy is absurd. When you earn 40-50 g a day running dungeons etc.

The few times I was there I only ever saw 4-5 people and there wasn’t anything you described above. But then again, different times of day & different crowds.

That’s because the instance have been full of people farming, and you got placed into an overflow server.
In an instance with few people this wasn’t really a big problem, unless a troll decides to pop by ..

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


But you should still just remove the maize balms in general, because it’s the worst designed farm ever to be put in the game. It’s anti everything GW2 was designed to be.
It’s like it was designed to make people angry at eachother.

To be fair, the balms can be great fun. The idea itself is sound. The problem is that the ToT bags have too much value.

I wouldn’t mind seeing something else like the Maize Balms put into the game, just with no loot to gain by using them. Make them fun toys, not a path to items.

The problem with removing the ones we have now is that some people have invested in getting the recipe and artificing skill to make more. It would be rather unfair to them to take that away.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


I never farmed this, myself… but I honestly don’t see why it needed to be fixed/nerfed.

It wasn’t hurting anything.

Arguable whether or not it was hurting anything considering situations like the poster below described.

But even if it wasn’t, it was still out of line with the rest of the game. The ambients in every other city are non-hostile and non-attackable. So now these match everywhere else.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wwwes.1398


Awesome, so stupid maize farm drama will probably head to the place where stupid game drama naturally belongs, Queensdale.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arkealia.2713


I’m glad I got my weapon masteries long ago, this was a great spot for focus/torch/warhorn.
The vigil story part with rats might be the new spot now.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I’m glad I got my weapon masteries long ago, this was a great spot for focus/torch/warhorn.
The vigil story part with rats might be the new spot now.

I always did the one in the LA sewers. It’s not part of the Vigil line unless this is what you meant.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


You don’t speak for the community. In fact, a toxic thread like this is a part of the problem.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xFortyseven.1437


Hello, ToT farmer here. I fail to see the need for this thread but since it exists I thought that I might as well tell the story from a farmers perspective. Yes, it was a toxic environment. Yes, farmers did curse and yell at random players. And yes, as much as I already miss it; It’s probably best that it’s gone.

But every story has two sides.
The reason that people got jumpy and quick to anger was that the random player jumping in and killing stuff with his/her lv 80 could just as well be troll number 155 within the last 30 minutes. I realise that this may be a thin excuse for bad behavior, but for a group of players who just want to farm in peace we had to put up with a lot of trolls. I understand why some farmers were quick to anger. I myself tried to remind them to take it easy, but I still completely understand their reactions. People would troll us for a variety of reasons. All from the ‘noble’ “I don’t approve of the game being played this way” to the “Hey, that guy said I was stupid. I’m gonna prove him wrong by preventing 15 other people to play the game the way they want. That’ll show him”.

If the game had some kind of private instance function, or even instance kick (just being moved from one instance to another with enough votes), this toxic environment wouldn’t have existed in the first place. Just a thought.

The bad behavior being admitted, I still don’t see why we deserved such hate.
If you were interested in ToT bags; join the farm (and yes, you would have been welcome if you just listened to the farmers asking you to bring a lv 1-3 character).
If you’re not intesred in ToT bags; the farm was of no harm to you.

All in all, I’m pretty darn impressed by the cooperation it brought. So many players finding a way to share a resource in a way that was profitable for everyone involved. Low level characters to minimize damage done and giving everyone a chanse to tag and get loot, and then donating either money or ToT bags to the Maizebalm thrower who most of the time didn’t get any loot. During the troll-free times it was a very low-key pleasant experience.

But as I previously stated, in a game without private instance maps, it’s probably best that it’s gone.

/ Garrdd (my ToT farmer character name)

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dubbleyew.1029


The problem was, that Rata Sum is a racial city. That means there will be newbies there exploring the map, and many of them may not know what’s going on and will simply attack an enemy upon seeing it, not because they’re trolls but just by playing the game. Then they get yelled at and cursed at, etc. This gives newbies a bad impression of the community and can drive them away. It’s the same reason why the champ train in Queensdale was nerfed while the ones in higher level zones still exist. Let newbies play the game normally in low-level zones, and let the veteran players farm in high level zones. That’s how it should be.

So, I’m glad this was nerfed. There’s plenty of ambient creatures outside of the cities, go use them if you really must keep doing this.

(edited by Dubbleyew.1029)

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I reported that spot while the event was actually going on (Halloween). I didn’t really know what was going on but it looked very suspicious when you have 10-20 people at one spot in an area where nothing goes on.

It’s good to know Anet acts so fast…………./sarcasm

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They were an oddity.
All other city critters are in a neutral team, these were the only ones in the ambient team.

Anyways, those where perfect for getting the offhand weapon master achievements, since they spawned in groups of 5 and went well with the recharges, and these maize farmers could have gone anywhere else. If they are not willing leave that spot for those who need it the most to do something that is even more tedious anywhere else and takes way longer, it’s better if no one has it at all.

Now I only wish that they addressed those achievements, as they are still tedious, since there’s no autoattacks for offhand weapons, and so they take ages compared to the other weapons.
I already got those. But that doesn’t mean they should not be fixed so they are less of a boring grind, and be instead something you can do while other other stuff like with the weapons with autoattacks.

For example, the could do one of these:

  • Reduce the number of max needed kills from 5000 to 500 for the offhand achievements.
  • Give the weapon mastery achievements another tier, increasing the the counters to 10K or more, but change them so they count kills while the weapon is equipped, regardless of what dealt the last hit.
  • Remove the concept of “offhand-only weapon” altogether by giving some professions main hand skills for those weapons. Like, for example:
    • Main hand ranger torch: Main attack deals burning, second crippled and some damage, third skill deals some damage, plus torment and extra damage to burning foes.
    • Main hand engineer shield, with skills that use the shield like in Tron, Captain America and Ricochet.
    • Main hand necromancer focus with an autoattack that hits up to 5 enemies on a greater AoE the more consecutive times it hits the same target, from 60 units around the target to 240 after the fifth hit.
    • Main hand guardian horn, with an autoattack that does no damage, and instead summons one orb of light (max 5) that orbit the guardian for a long time, but if enemies get in melee range, each orb will hit a nearby enemy up to 3 times and then disappear. The 2nd skill sends the orbs to attack random enemies like a homing missile barrage, and the 3rd defends allies by making the orbs flying to them and turning into boons and a bit of healing.
No exceptions!

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xFortyseven.1437


Anyways, those where perfect for getting the offhand weapon master achievements, since they spawned in groups of 5 and went well with the recharges, and these maize farmers could have gone anywhere else. If they are not willing leave that spot for those who need it the most to do something that is even more tedious anywhere else and takes way longer, it’s better if no one has it at all.

What I don’t understand is why the desire for AP is more OK than the desire for gold/luck/drops or whatever people wanted from the farm. It’s personal greed either way you look at it. I don’t buy that going there for wpn master was somehow more OK than going there to make some gold. Greed is greed, whatever you desire.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


The bugs are now green and unattackable. May I be the first to say to the farmers – on behalf of the community:

LOL, owned.

why? the farmers got tons of gold out of this farm. People that wanted the bags got tons of bags at a laughable price compared to what it would have been without this farm. Everybody was proffiting out of this. Why so much resentment? Oh! sure! you must have been on the griefing side, surely.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


I reported that spot while the event was actually going on (Halloween). I didn’t really know what was going on but it looked very suspicious when you have 10-20 people at one spot in an area where nothing goes on.

It’s good to know Anet acts so fast…………./sarcasm

actually, anet condoned the farm and even banned some griefers that were trying to boicot it.

In the end, I guess, it bugged them that people were getting gold faster than what they wanted. That and the avalanche of reports for griefers that didn’t have anything better to do than screw other people’s playtime.

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warduke.1780


I reported that spot while the event was actually going on (Halloween). I didn’t really know what was going on but it looked very suspicious when you have 10-20 people at one spot in an area where nothing goes on.

It’s good to know Anet acts so fast…………./sarcasm

actually, anet condoned the farm and even banned some griefers that were trying to boicot it.

In the end, I guess, it bugged them that people were getting gold faster than what they wanted. That and the avalanche of reports for griefers that didn’t have anything better to do than screw other people’s playtime.

You sound upset. Perhaps it’s time to take a break from the game?

Maize Farm in Rata Sum is over

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I think I know a way to keep farming in less desirable spots, but I think only engi or necro can do it with their turrets/minions

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.