Major gripe about dailies

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kreegan.8123

Lord Kreegan.8123

Being a retired old fart (yes, retired old farts play MMORPGs), I typically play for a couple of hours in the morning and then play again later in the afternoon.

Four days running, now, with the daily nearly complete on whichever one of my characters I was playing that day, the daily RESET.

I do not focus on doing the daily specifically when I’m playing; that’s too much like grind, not entertainment; I get the daily done as part of normal gameplay, usually while going through the process of completing exploration of a zone: kills, events, aquatic kills, crafting, dodging, etc. are all part of normal play.

If we are obligated to focus specifically on doing the tasks in the daily, then personally I’d just as soon not bother with it at all.

I’m playing the game MY way, not ANet’s way.

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BioFringe.7945


So what is your major gripe? That you choose when and how you play, which doesn’t mesh well with completing your dailies? Is there something that you want someone else to do for you in this regard? They reset for everyone at the same exact time so it’s fair across the board. There’s nothing wrong with the current daily setup.

Not trying to sound mean or rude…just to the point.

This sentence is false.

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AinSoph.5063


Well, the way I see it…if you’re not actively pursuing completing it….why does it matter if you don’t finish it? You obviously don’t care about the rewards enough to prioritize it.

You can play your way, that’s fine and fun and stuff…but “your way” still has to meet the ANets requirements for their rewards. :P

—Ain Soph— Warrior
—Fort Aspenwood—

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Do half of the daily in one secession, and half in the 2nd secession.

You have 24 hours. Know when the reset happens and work around it.

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HannaDeFreitas.4236


I so wish dailies were something like “complete 3 events in this map, 3 in that, 3 in that”, so we’d see people all over Tyria…
I agree that having 0/10 kill, 0/25 (jesus these feel grindy) kill aquatics etc are exactly like WoW quests, and I doubt anyone finds them “fun”.
All the game is about fun except dailies, no wonder you dont want to do them.
I find myself procastrinating them and then force myself to do them to not lose the laurel.

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I’m looking forward to choosing my own dailies. If your dailies are resetting at strange times, it might be due to it using your system clock, make sure it’s up to date

Welcome to my world –

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uncle Salty.6342

Uncle Salty.6342

Well if you were expecting people to read and understand your post, it doesn’t happen much around here.

Most people here also prefer to read ‘parts’ they like and ‘understand’ what they like. English teachers would be sad around the world.

The only answers you are going to get are the generic:

  • It’s not compulsory
  • You can do without it
  • You can check the reset time and do it earlier etc etc

Where you’re coming from is essentially, one shouldn’t have to schedule their life around a game just because it has a ‘time’. I’ve made a thread before regarding these dailies where these tasks/rewards are able to accumulate for a certain amount of time.

Likewise half of the replies were the result of remarkable selective reading.


I’m looking forward to choosing my own dailies. If your dailies are resetting at strange times, it might be due to it using your system clock, make sure it’s up to date


Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


A.Net should wait until every single player has completed their daily before resetting them. Rather than reset at a set, constant time. /sarcasm

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I do not focus on doing the daily specifically when I’m playing; that’s too much like grind, not entertainment; I get the daily done as part of normal gameplay, usually while going through the process of completing exploration of a zone: kills, events, aquatic kills, crafting, dodging, etc. are all part of normal play.

If we are obligated to focus specifically on doing the tasks in the daily, then personally I’d just as soon not bother with it at all.

I’m playing the game MY way, not ANet’s way.

I’m not sure what the problem is. If you are not focusing on getting the daily done, sometimes you won’t get it done. But this isn’t a concern or you would be focused on getting the daily done.

If you are focused on getting the daily done, you can do it in an hour or less. Just make sure that you get those ten revives, kill the five veteran enemies, etc. and when they’re done go about your business as usual.

Or, because you know when the daily resets (it’s the same time each day, except when Daylight Savings Time changes the clocks) then an hour or so before reset, check to see what daily requirements remain, and get them out of the way before reset.

Or, continue to play however you want, and realize that you might not always get all the requirements for the daily from your regular activities.

Major gripe about dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Well if you were expecting people to read and understand your post, it doesn’t happen much around here.

Most people here also prefer to read ‘parts’ they like and ‘understand’ what they like. English teachers would be sad around the world.

The only answers you are going to get are the generic:

  • It’s not compulsory
  • You can do without it
  • You can check the reset time and do it earlier etc etc

Where you’re coming from is essentially, one shouldn’t have to schedule their life around a game just because it has a ‘time’. I’ve made a thread before regarding these dailies where these tasks/rewards are able to accumulate for a certain amount of time.

Likewise half of the replies were the result of remarkable selective reading.


I’m looking forward to choosing my own dailies. If your dailies are resetting at strange times, it might be due to it using your system clock, make sure it’s up to date


The phrase “Schedule their life around a game…” suggests that “one” considers the rewards for dailies to be very important. If this were not the case, why on earth schedule one’s life around a bloody game? One could schedule their life around their life, and play the game (and complete dailies, or not) when time allows, sometimes getting the reward and sometimes not.

Oh, and the OP’s issue is not one of schedule. He plays more than enough to do dailies, he just prefers not to have to pay attention to them or change his playing preferences to do so.

So, where the OP is coming from (and perhaps you also) is really, “I really want these rewards, but I don’t want to complete the requirements as they exist. However, I still want the rewards as quick as everyone else, so change the requirements to suit me.”

Despite your belittlement of Emiko’s post, the choice of dailies may in fact benefit the OP, as with more options, he might be more likely to finish his dailies using his current play style. Since we have not seen the option system yet, we can’t know for sure.