(edited by Boogiepop Void.6473)
Make Tags Accessible for PvE Players
Cheap commander tags for all so all can use them? Probably not going to happen. I suggest you save your gold up and buy a commander tag. 300 gold isnt that big a sum now days.
What you can do is put gold away each day through buy orders. Select something really high priced, such as a Legendary. Put in a buy order with as much gold as you have minus some for regular expenses, let’s say 5 gold. After every play period add whatever you’ve made over the 5 gold and either make an additional buy order or close down the first and add the gold to that amount and make a new, larger buy order.
That’s how I save up gold. Out of sight and an effort to get makes it easier to not spend your gold
Unlike WvW that has constant upkeep (if dipping into the good stuff, spending 1g every 30m is easy), PvE has near zero upkeep once you got your gear. You’ll get the 300g eventually. Just dailies is 60 gold a month and you should be able to easily gain another 2-4 gold a day with casual PvE playing. Getting badges is easy – join EB just before prime, then follow the zerg. Again unless you actually play WvW every day where one can dump siege for hundreds of badges in minutes, PvErs got zero expenses. Eventually you will get 250 of them.
I think 300 is just right. The large sum prevents abuse of the system. I remember a week after heart of thorns was released I saw apples flooding the map. If you truly want the tag you can save up the gold for it. If you can’t save up the money then your priorities are obviously else where. I don’t mean this offensively, just saying something else seems to have priority of your gold.
I personally think the 300 gold price tag is currently too low actually. I’ve only logged on long enough to do fractal and wvw dailys 1-2 hrs a day and have been making close to 100 gold a week.
it was 100 gold when the game was released and than discounted to 10 gold (but character based), than it became account wide and so 300 gold, i still think it’s unreasonable. some people like me would use it for guild missions and to lead some meta events but not that often to justify the expanse
Join the Rainbow Pride
it was 100 gold when the game was released and than discounted to 10 gold (but character based), than it became account wide and so 300 gold, i still think it’s unreasonable. some people like me would use it for guild missions and to lead some meta events but not that often to justify the expanse
actually it was 100g, but character based from the start of the game all the way up until it became 300g and account wide.
personally I think the 300g price tag is well worth it, considering it would cost me well over that to get a commander tag for every character I’ve ever used it with with the old 100g per character price tag.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
I ve seen many “commanders” that dont know what they are doing already, so no it shouldnt be lower price for tag, it should be rather higher. 300g is a problem? what level r u? 20 after 2 days of playing this game? I ve got the feeling that u wanna tag cuz its so kitten cool and so wow etc. (but too expensive somehow). Dont want to offend you but if you were a commander type you’d be just tagged up and commanding some events not posting here how hard to get tag is.
PvE players can use the Tab…WvW is just PvE on drugs…I mean it’s not hard to get the WvW currency just join a Zerg during your server prime time and run with them for like abit and you should be able to get the WvW currency portion down…as for the gold, you can always transfer Gems if you really really want it…
You don’t have to do wvw for badges as they still drop from AP chests.
You don’t have to do wvw for badges as they still drop from AP chests.
Yes, 100 from the regular chests, 200 from the large ones. A commander tag only costs 250 of them.
By the time you hit 1000 achievement points you will have enough badges of honor to buy one.
You don’t have to do wvw for badges as they still drop from AP chests.
Or just do part of your daily in wvw once in awhile. It is not like you need a lot of badges.
To get the 300 gold I just bought some gems and did a conversion. I did not want to dip into my ingame balance at the time and it was only like $20 or $30.