tl;dr version:
Go see a doctor please.
Long, ranty version with stories of ‘ye olden times’:
I remember when I first logged into this game back in Beta, what instantly caught my interest was the way that character progression and customization worked. Compared to other MMOs where you have to run back to town every 1-2 levels to learn skills from a trainer, in GW2 you could just pick up a weapon, whack enemies over the head with it and learn skills that way. You’d still have to get a Trait Book at levels 11, 40 and 60 to unlock the trait lines, but 3 ports and 3 purchases all the way from 1-80 wasn’t so bad.
Leveling was very fluid and a lot of fun. I must have leveled at least 20 characters to 80. For a lack of character slots and losing interest at lvl 80 I deleted most of them by now, but leveling them was great.
I know a lot of players don’t think leveling is an important aspect of MMOs and it’s all about the endgame – and don’t get me wrong I like the “endgame” too. The three characters I actively play at 80 have ascended gear and I was lucky enough to be able to craft a Sunrise as well – but to me, leveling is very important, I loved it. I’d level characters for fun, I’m just that rad. Having a fun leveling experience is also important to entice new players.
Anyway, with the Spring 2014 feature patch and now this September feature patch you took, and I’m not trying to sound dramatic here but that’s how I feel about it, you took all the fun out of leveling.
Trait system changes
Old system:
- Get 1 Trait Point every level from level 11 to 80.
- Unlock access to Adept Traits at level 11, Master Traits at level 40 and Grandmaster Traits at level 60.
New system: (Spring 2014 feature patch)
- Get 1 (5 in old system) Trait point at level 30, 36, 42, 48, 54
- Get 2 Trait points at level 66, 72, 78, 80
- Unlock Adept Traits at level 30, Master Traits at level 60 and Grandmaster Traits at level 80
- You are required to – and yes I have leveled three characters from level 1-80 since the new system, so I know the reality of it – excuse me you are required to travel all over the world map to unlock access to your traits. You COULD buy them from your profession trainer, but especially for new players this is VERY, VERY expensive (more expensive than unlocking them via Trait Manuals in the old system), and it also requires Skill Points of which you do not have such an abundance while leveling unless you know exactly which Utility Skills you’re going to want to use and don’t even bother unlocking the rest.
Not only is the new system more confusing than the old one, it also requires that players spend more money and/or more effort to unlock their Traits. Wasn’t the new system supposed to make leveling LESS confusing for new players? (Which wasn’t necessary in the first place!)
The new system also reduces the amount of customization available to your character while leveling. Traits unlock at a much later stage, the final and most important Trait Tier unlocks at level 80 as compared to level 60 in the old system.
Not only does that leave you with fewer build options, it also eliminates more specialized builds that require Master or Grandmaster Traits to work.
For example my first Engineer I leveled in the old system. It was actually my first character I got to 80. Total noob back then. The old system allowed me to try out all kinds of builds, try out the Traits, try out all the Utility Skills and Kits because I could spend my Skill points on them. This was fun. Being able to try out different builds and skills while leveling is fun. Customizing your character is fun and is an important aspect of a good MMO.
I then found at level 60 that the most effective way to level was to roll with the Grenade Kit & Grenadier Trait. Levels 60-80 were a breeze and and very enjoyable.
Now I leveled a Charr Engineer from 1-80 under the new system.
- not enough Skill Points to get all the Utility Skills and Kits (even though I completed every zone I was in)
- less Trait Points (while leveling) to try out different builds.
- to unlock the Traits that I needed I had to travel all over the world map to do a certain event or something.
And the worst part? You walked all the way there and the event that you need to do to unlock a Trait isn’t even taking place, so you have to wait for the event to start (and how are you supposed to know when that happens?) or you have to unlock the Trait via Trait Guide which is awfully expensive.
This must be extremely off-putting and awkward to new players. It certainly was to me and I’m a very experienced player. Luckily I have enough gold in my pockets to buy the Trait Guides from the trainers – new players don’t.
In short, now we have:
- Less customization
- More expenses
- More restrictions