Make shirtless an option!
You already have the option… just take off your shirt! Some players do that. Maybe not in high level fractals and WvW, and somewhat rarely in PvP, but in general PvE just… take your shirt off?
Then I lose Rune Bonus in PvE and take extra damage in PvP, I want to do more than sit in town.
Yeah, but come on… PvE is faceroll enough, you’ll be 100% fine without rune bonus and chest piece stats in open world, and probably dungeons too.
And while I personally wouldn’t PvP without chest piece, I see shirtless characters fairly regularly in unranked.
I’m just saying that if you want to ditch the chest piece bad enough, you can do it.
I only play PvP and lvl 50 Fractals, I just would like the option to have my character look how I wish while playing – as do the majority of posters in this thread. If you’re not against the idea (as you advocate removing the top) why not support the addition of a toggle button?
Because I don’t necessarily want to deal with the fallout of every troll character running around in a yellow bra. :/
As you’ve said they can do that already… Trolls don’t care about stats, real players do – real players are those who lose out with no option.
If they don’t want to allow topless characters, then I’d gladly settle for a “minimal coverage” set for all armor classes.
The fact is that we have three races (Norn, Sylvari, and Charr) that have skin markings that make up a fair amount of their customization. Heck, a case could be made for Asura in there, too. Culturally, it makes sense that they’d have some armor styles that show it off. Humans can be just along for the ride on this one.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
[…] and they should sell various kinds of undergarments on the gem store […]
And maybe also some vertical bars so people could /poledance.
Looks like someone hasn’t seen the NPCs in Southsun’s Pearl Islet beach. The attire is literally in game already.
I don’t see how anyone can even bring up “immersion” as a reason to oppose anything anymore. If you are still able to be “immersed” in a fantasy world with baseball caps, plushy backpacks, and a ridiculous array of comical PvP finishers, you should be able to see a shirtless character without completely losing it.
No kidding. I don’t mind seeing all the immersion shattering stuff people wear but all the wings, ridiculous tentacle back pieces, bizarre particle fx weapons and such…seeing that kind of stuff rarely is one thing, seeing it all the time on +50% of everyone makes it seem like “yeah, in this world, people wear this stuff ALOT!” which just shatters whatever immersion you can manage to hold onto.
No, no, this cannot be an option for everyone.
Only the most courageous and highly qualified are entitled to fight bare-chested.
Only they can unequip their chest armor.
Sorry to disappoint ya but no I don’t.. I grew out of trying to stair at fleshy pixels many moons ago,
Not talking about you wanting to look at naked pixles, I’m talking about having an opinion on the matter. If you didn’t care, why even bring up stats when none of it all matters. I mean, a light armor character can wear heavy armor but that doesn’t DO anything so why should not wearing something for whatever reason do the opposite?
Sure, while we’re at it can we get actual lava hands and some more charr armor? I’d love to make a charr elementalist with a flame legion theme.
No, no, this cannot be an option for everyone.
Only the most courageous and highly qualified are entitled to fight bare-chested.
Only they can unequip their chest armor.
Does that mean that Logan gets some old school EQ female Dark Elf armor?
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
You are the one advocating for a change – so the burden to justify it and explain why your toon shouldn’t end up dead for not wearing gear, is on you.
Ah, I get it.
You’ve got your debate britches on.
There’s no point in debating this issue, however. It’s all up to preference and opinion.
No, no, this cannot be an option for everyone.
Only the most courageous and highly qualified are entitled to fight bare-chested.
Only they can unequip their chest armor.Does that mean that Logan gets some old school EQ female Dark Elf armor?
I can not decide on Logan, but I can say about Trahearne definitely a NO .
no,no and NO.Go play Tera
[…] and they should sell various kinds of undergarments on the gem store […]
And maybe also some vertical bars so people could /poledance.
Looks like someone hasn’t seen the NPCs in Southsun’s Pearl Islet beach. The attire is literally in game already.
I thought you were joking around but actually you were serious.
Well I guess the goal in Pearl Islet beach is more like bikinis than undergarments, but the devs used those because less work and look the same.
I like the idea of making invisible armor (of sorts) this would really take less coding and would allow options for each choice and allow for more clothing looks latter in the game.
It is a sad thing to work on a character for a hour to get the right look and be forced to cover it all (like the glow option, I really like that and no armor allows for it, or Norn tattoos, and even patterns of the charr)
This would also allow us some customization of the under garments as they could be made into an armor and we could dye them how we like.
But I would like to see some regular clothing to be introduced into the game like the khaki shorts were and then ruined by becoming a Outfit Tonic.
I would welcome this as a toggle option, like the headgear etc. I too would like to appreciate things like Norn tattoos and Charr patterns as most of it is covered by armor sadly.
I already have had some laughs running around in wvw ‘naked’; but I can understand some people’s views on how this could negatively impact others’ playing experience.
Oh well, each to their own.
I thought you were joking around but actually you were serious.
Well I guess the goal in Pearl Islet beach is more like bikinis than undergarments, but the devs used those because less work and look the same.
So what about the NPCs that are wearing unique swimwear and different colored dyes for the default undergarments? The work is already done.
Haha i didn’t think this topic would be such a controversial one.
The only reason why i wanted my toon to have his top armour removed was because i built my human Mesmer with a rock hard body and the top light armour is in the way (also too frilly to my liking, but that’s just my preference).
Also i’m not sure if this is relevant, but i’m a martial arts enthusiast and fighting in as light enough armour as possible is kind of my thing/what i prefer.
Others were talking about practicality and making it as real as possible. But i personally think Mesmers can fight without the top half of their “light armour”. After all light armour is pretty much just clothing we wear in our day to day lives. The worst that could happen would be a few mozzie bites and sunburns. Again i didn’t consider the other classes where obviously heavy armour is needed but this was just a casual post and i only wanted to make a suggestion
Didn’t consider the female toons and i personally don’t want that. But if male toons get to go top half naked and females not, then i feel as if another controversial topic will take place
If you want “shirtless” you could always go Sylvari. Their T1 cultural light coat is probably the smallest piece of “clothing” in this game. With that being said, the reason I went with as little clothing as possible on my Sylvari is because of their unique glow patterns, since you can’t see any of that wearing the many dresses and robes in this game.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want shirtless an option because of what i think you’re thinking. That’s kinda sad tbh.
Haha i just think it looks kinda cool on my all male toons
I don’t use sylvari, only humans and norns ^^
(edited by Hwarang.4789)
No, that’s just stupid. I could understand if it was a racial/class lore thing, but to give everyone that option is just immersion breaking.
Right now I’m having to play my Charr without chest armor to get the same look. At the expense of quite a lot of armor stats.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Would female characters get that option too? :p
Well, GW2 was not designed by Heavy Metal Magazine cover artists, Luis Royo or Azpiri, so I’ll go ahead and guess not.
if only, if only.
i love luis his art, i have 2 books of his art and got a calendar of dead moon
We literally have female chest armor that shows more than the bras, and we have some female pant armor that looks like underwear. What exactly is the problem?
Prescribed [Rx]
(edited by FANY.6524)
Ok do that. But also give all others an option to see all the shirtless still wearing the shirt.
PS: also give me an option to replace unicorn bows, plush backs and the like with common stuff (example: a wooden bow).
(edited by Braindrops.6428)
We literally have female chest armor that shows more than the bras, and we have some female pant armor that looks like underwear. What exactly is the problem?
No problem. I just want the male toons top half removed as an option to make em look bdass
My Charr ele would love to have a toggle that hides the chest armor. (It’s too kitten hot with all that fur anyway).
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
We literally have female chest armor that shows more than the bras, and we have some female pant armor that looks like underwear. What exactly is the problem?
No problem. I just want the male toons top half removed as an option to make em look bdass
Ohnonono, I was speaking to the people who are having issues with female toons (or any toon) running around without top armor. I am in favor of hiding them. I just don’t see why it’s such a big deal when female armor can be so revealing on its own.
Prescribed [Rx]
In GW1 there was a scar pattern armor that left characters unclothed, but covered in markings. I didn’t use it but many people did. It wouldn’t seem horribly in appropriate for the new jungle themed content that is coming up.
By the way, both males and females could use scar pattern armor.
Sorrows Furnace
I think it’s less about immersion (we have cake guns. Cake. Guns.) and more about making some people uncomfortable over the possibility of even more scantily clad women because the female body is extremely sexualized in this day and age.
As someone who has an idea for a female norn ranger that makes it a point to expose her tats AND being more open to the elements I am all for this.
I’ve wanted this for forever now.
it will never happen though.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
Also, more reasons other than Norn tats:
Asuran markings
Charr fur patterns
Sylvari glow effects
Human….well, humans have boring bodies
But yeah, i hate that I come up with some awesome body designs on the other races only to have some silly longcoat cover up 90% of it.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I understand that bare chest as a cosmetic choice is a thing, but you can achieve the same results by just taking the stat dip/increased risk and unequipping your chest slot, and you get a dash of immersion-continuity with the added risk.
But eh. “invisible armor” would be a good fix for this.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Shirtless is an option.
Just take off your chest armor.
I did the shirtless thing for a while, but the stat drop is felt really kittence you hit level 30 and on.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
Shirtless is an option.
Just take off your chest armor.
You cannot do this and keep PvP armour levels or Rune Bonus. Its not a valid option for playing.
Shirtless is an option.
Just take off your chest armor.You cannot do this and keep PvP armour levels or Rune Bonus. Its not a valid option for playing.
Sure it is. Your man-factor overrides the armor rating and rune bonus you’d normally get.
Dare to live on the razor’s edge.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
It is if you play power ranger. Just roll a Long bow ranger and play topless, it won’t matter in the slightest.
For all the people saying it would be inappropriate:
That argument makes no sense given that you can take off your armor right now and you aren’t completely naked. Unless I misunderstood the OP, no one is suggesting removing undergarments, but rather just giving an option for hiding chest armor like the option that exists for shoulder armor and helmets.
As far as it being “immersion breaking:” this argument also makes no sense. Are you saying that it is physically impossible to walk around without chest armor? Are you aware that Norse berserkers were actually real people who fought with no sort of armor at all, many of whom were completely naked? Not to mention ancient Irish warriors who did fight completely naked. As far as this being in game: it fits the personality of many people and characters in game, the Norn for example fight shirtless all the time. There is also several pieces of chest armor that are little more than a couple leather straps, so we already can pretty much do this.
Once again: no one is asking for A-net to remove undergarments, just an option to hide chest armor if you want to.
(edited by Gern.2978)
Then my bioluminescent nipples will finally get some air while also giving me more mobility in battle. Enemies wont be able to use grabbing moves on me as easily either or get my coat snagged on a living tree’s fangs that then eats me.
I’ve noticed that taking gloves and head gear off is an option whilst still keeping the item’s stats. It would be great if taking off top half of the armour could become an option too. I’d like to show off my toon’s muscles :P
I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned it yet, but have you looked into the Raiment of the Lich outfit? totally shirtless for guys.
I’ve noticed that taking gloves and head gear off is an option whilst still keeping the item’s stats. It would be great if taking off top half of the armour could become an option too. I’d like to show off my toon’s muscles :P
I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned it yet, but have you looked into the Raiment of the Lich outfit? totally shirtless for guys.
haha sorry too dark. the reason why i want to go shirtless is because this game’s theme doesn’t fit the asian-monk-martial artist feel i’m wanting. The Mesmer’s mask plus the pants (the flappy things i have for my dobok as well) kind of gives me that feel.
Charrs and Norns Ok, they are build for it. But please no shirtless (gnomish) asuras :-) The same as shirtless smurfs.
I thought you were joking around but actually you were serious.
Well I guess the goal in Pearl Islet beach is more like bikinis than undergarments, but the devs used those because less work and look the same.
So what about the NPCs that are wearing unique swimwear and different colored dyes for the default undergarments? The work is already done.
C’mon the problem is not about the work done or not. Actually why not? I can’t wait for the wbtbp “World Boss Tour Bikini Party” sounds awesome what do you think? seriously we are in guild wars, not in the sims.
This is ridiculous. If no one else is gonna say it, then ill be the one to do it.
A brief list as to why:
1. This would be unbelievably immersion breaking.
Until ANet actually get’s a decent set of Charr heavy armour, my char might as well run round half naked.
1. This would be unbelievably immersion breaking.
Oh you mean my big, mean, muscular axe wielding Charr would be out of place topless?
Well someone better go tell this fellas to go put on a shirt then
3. This would be nonsensical in a combat-driven world.
Did I mention my Charr is very ill tempered?
no,no and NO.Go play Tera
But the questing system…
Charrs and Norns Ok, they are build for it. But please no shirtless (gnomish) asuras :-) The same as shirtless smurfs.
Same for sylvari, they’ve got such narrow torsos.
way to dye underwear! as far as i wouldn’t mind more customization, it won’t happen because pegi12 and such a stuff
but dyes shouldn’t be much of a problem, really
and would be so cool!
P.S.: How come you cannot play shirtless? Tons of content of this game is easily doable this way if you want. Saying you can’t is l2p issue no less Kappa
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?