Make tomes function like kits

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


Instead of destroying this trademark of guardians, can you instead rework it so it functions like engineer’s kits. Right now it functions like a transformation. But since it’s an elite, it has to be as versatile as Fiery Greatsword to warrant being selected as an elite. The problem with tome is that it replaces all skills, including utility skills and class skills (F1-F3). Compared to engi kits and ele conjurations, guardian tomes function like a transformation… Why?

I think a character invoking ancient spells from tomes is a cool idea. This makes guardians distinct from warriors, they are like sages of ancient knowledge (I’m not even sure if warriors can count to 4). Please don’t remove tomes. Don’t make guardians like warriors, warriors will just stare at a tome and use it instead to bash enemies in the head. Tomes are not glorified wood planks!

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Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan Cronus.9216

Titan Cronus.9216

They are going to remove tomes?

Crónus : Human male Eelementalist, Desolation.
17 level 80 characters, all races, all professions.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrooksP.4318


I was hoping they would expand tomes with the specializations, but got Dragonhunter, which I don’t get at all.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

This is a great idea- I would imagine that the elite would need to be balanced for this though.

There is always a chance that another specialisation for guardian in the future will be focused on tomes. More specialisations will be released over time with new content.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


This is a great idea- I would imagine that the elite would need to be balanced for this though.

There is always a chance that another specialisation for guardian in the future will be focused on tomes. More specialisations will be released over time with new content.

I’ll agree with this. Tomes are a great idea, but the way they work now is … lacking. They need a revamp, and a chance to shine. That’s not going to happen until they bring them back for an Elite Specialization.

I’d actually like them to this and then expand tomes to Elementalists, too. Four elemental tomes/grimoires for the normal skills, then an Aether Grimoire for the elite.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


You do realize that Engineer do not get weaponswapping because they have the option of picking Kits, right?
So if Tomes would work like kits you can kiss your weaponswap goodbye as well.

Conjurations sound nice, but they are capped in skill use, and no Conjuration has the same power as the Tomes.
Either route you go down, Tome skills will need to be nerfed. They arent strong as a Transformation, but as a Conjuration they would be and as a Kit they’d be flat out brokenly overpowered.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

You do realize that Engineer do not get weaponswapping because they have the option of picking Kits, right?
So if Tomes would work like kits you can kiss your weaponswap goodbye as well.

This analogy really doesn’t work in this sense because tomes have a massive cool down, just like elementalist conjured weapons. They should function like conjured weapons too, where you still retain the right-hand side of your skillbar.

The reason why (or vice versa) that engis don’t have weaponswap is because their kits have next to no cool down.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


You do realize that Engineer do not get weaponswapping because they have the option of picking Kits, right?
So if Tomes would work like kits you can kiss your weaponswap goodbye as well.

Conjurations sound nice, but they are capped in skill use, and no Conjuration has the same power as the Tomes.
Either route you go down, Tome skills will need to be nerfed. They arent strong as a Transformation, but as a Conjuration they would be and as a Kit they’d be flat out brokenly overpowered.

There would, of course, need to be adjustments made.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Not having a cooldown is stapple to it being a Kit.

But Tomes are more powerful then Conjures, better skills. There is a trade-off somewhere. If only to allow a counterplay, or deliberately prevent use of skills that counter the counter play.
Straight up allow Tomes to maintain use of virtues, or more so utility skills can lead to some pretty messed up stuff. I imagine other Transformations have a similar reason for not allowing Utility skill use, because the skills they give are far more powerfull.

I think the problem with Tomes is that both of the have some skills that are very powerful if left to complete cast. They are by design screaming high-risk/high-reward, and need to be interupted. This put Tomes in a somewhat awkward position where it’s a transformation that doesn’t give Stability inherently because it needs to allow such a counter play.
But this leaves both Transformations very open to getting locked down.