Forgive me if this topic has been beaten to death in front of me without my knowledge. I try to keep up with the CDI’s, forums, and reddit, but it’s a lot of reading for often little gain.
I would like to start a discussion focused on what changes could be made to ascended items that would make them more appealing to everyone as long term goals while making them something special that people look forward to completing rather than an arbitrary hurdle many people feel like they must jump to reach the top stats or agony resist for fractals.
Some of the current problems I see with the system:
- Ascended items are expensive and/or time consuming to obtain.
- Getting ascended items for a specific stat/build can make you feel trapped in that type of build.
- It can be very difficult to outfit more than one or two characters with a full set of ascended equipment even in the very long term for many players.
- All of these problems are exacerbated by the fact that the only bonus to ascended items are the 5% stat increase and infusion slots and many players feel compelled to obtain them as they are the top stats available.
My ideas for ascended item changes:
The primary thing that I think that would make ascended items more appealing would be to allow the player to ADD characteristics to those items. My idea is simple at its core. Everything that you apply to an ascended item becomes an option in a drop down menu. The ascended item starts out when it is created having only one skin, one stat combination, no upgrades, no infusions. This would allow for the recipes that players have learned for laurels to still have value in terms of the skin created and the first stat combination available on the item.
From this point you can add any of those characteristics to the item and they will forever thereafter be changeable from drop down boxes (or perhaps a new interface) where you can select any skin, stat combination, upgrade, and any infusion that had been added to the item.
A system such as this would allow ascended items to be of value in character progression in a horizontal aspect as well as a vertical aspect while making spvp style build experimentation a possibility in the pve side of the game. This system would also help with the community want for a skin locker.
I feel that the current modifications should still be applied in the same way as they are now. Skins should be applied with transmutation stones and upgrades should be applied to the weapon by consuming them. The one area I can’t quite come to a decision on is what I think the best method for adding stats to the item would be.
The conditions that the method should meet I feel are as follows:
- It should take 1/4-1/2 the time/cost that current ascended items take to acquire.
- It should not require laurels in anyway (there are already a good range of sinks for those).
- It should not simply be a gem store item akin to transmutation stones.
A rudimentary idea that I have for it would just be allowing you to craft a consumable item that will apply a new stat set to the appropriate item type using a lesser vision crystal and an ascended insignia/inscription/jewel. However, I’m not completely satisfied with this idea as it doesn’t allow the player to add stats in parallel to creating new original ascended items.
I also thought about a vision crystal and an exotic component which I think is a little too cheap. Or just being able to consume ascended stat components directly which doesn’t lower the overall cost much or allow it to be created in parallel to new ascended items, but it divorces it from the vision crystal paradigm which for many can be a major choke point because of one or two of the three account bound materials. The other potential for this type of item would be for it to be a lootable item as well as craftable.
One other thing that bears mentioning in this is where I view legendaries in this system. Essentially I would suggest that legendaries gain the ability to take on other skins/upgrades/infusions like the new ascended items theoretically would, but as their special non-cosmetic bonus come with all available stats unlocked and continue to gain any newly released stat combinations as they become available.
It would also still leave legendaries as something expensive/time consuming to obtain but at a certain point they could conceivably actually become equally or less expensive alternative to fully upgrading an ascended item to have all of the available stat combinations, but the nice thing about the ascended alternative would be that it could be done progressively as you needed a certain stat combo.
Anyway, I know that got kind of long but I’m really interested to see what the rest of you guys think and to know if any of my ideas would make ascended items more valuable or appealing to you.