I’m sure there are many other players that feel the same way as me that the untouched big boss fights other than an increase in hp are all still won the same exact way with the same exact stand still positions. why not make it more fun like some of the mini dungeon bosses. Those take skill and require actual thought process other then standing still and spamming skills for 10mins.
Below are some of the big bosses that I thought could use some help to make the players move and actually do something in the battle other then stand and spam:
Inquest Golem Mark II on theObservation Platform XKV.
1) Please get rid of the 3 canisters or boxes on the south east corner of the platform. all the long ranged attackers stand and spam untill it dies, even the small dmg and random blowback doesnt hamper that position.
2) Please add 3 Inquest opperated turrets on the 3 hills surrounding the platforms and aim them at the 3 corners of the platform. players must have to hold those possitions to keep other players safe from the attacks. now the mechanic of the golem you already have in place will be used correctly forcing players to actually move to the safe spots on the platform.
MegaDestroyer in Malestorm’s Core.
1) 90% of the players stand on the 2 jutting out rock ledges to get close enought to attack the destroyer. Please make them crumble after the destroyer goes under the lava and reappear at a random spot around the edge.
2) Due to the megaserver now theres always plenty of people at the boss why not scale up with the amount of players and add more flying destroyers to kill instead of just 3 make 6 or 9. add mor little guys that spawn out of every lava area instead of the same 3 or 4 main spawns points.
Legendary Karka Queen
1) other then its random location it really doesnt feel like a legendary boss to kill. there is close to 0 movement once she spawns. eveyone stands and spams skills untill she dies and she dies really fast. pleas add some karka that spwan from behind the mob of attackers. spawn some champions to defend the legendary. it really needs to feel like it was a close battle not “oh that was quick thanks for the loot cant wait to get more easy loot again.”
2) Please add a spin tactic that gives a heavy knock back pushing attackers away. Please add some type of jump move that aims for the mass of attackers to squash putting people into down state. make the legendary worth being called a legendary.
Shadow Behemoth
1) This is actully been well upgraded but if you could just make thoserocks that fall in those red circles to instantly down players it would be much better.
The Shatterer
1) Please comepletely remove the hill next to The Shatterers right feet. 95% of players stand there and spam skills. that is the entire batle spam spam spam….spam. for some epic looking dragon he gets taken down way to easily. Challenge us!
2) Add some spikes that shoot down at mass groups and explode doing mass dmg to mass grouping groups.
3) Please add some actual tactics to this boss. like say shooting the left foot with the turret has weakened an area now the players need to hit that glowing spot to deal most dmg. Make the turrets worth more to keep up and have a way to repair the turrets. Add a wall created by the draagon to fend off the turrets. Doing regular dmg standing next to a leg for 10mins should not be the epic battle. please make it more tactical and fun.
I have run out of time to talk about more but hopefully you have gotten my point. PLEASE ADD TACTICS to boss fights. I am rather bored killing the bosses just standing still make me work for the loot.
(edited by DeadlyDohnut.7052)