Making content your engine can't handle?
I don’t really care, I just want more shiny, sparkly and extra bright particle effects that clearly indicate who uses what skills when and where during combat. FPS rate be kitten ed.
Ok please for the love of god tell me why im getting 22 FPS on my machine during Teq?
1 x Case (AZZA Armour Gaming Case – Red))
1 x Processor (AMD FX-8320 CPU (8x 3.50GHz/8MB L3 Cache)))
1 x Motherboard (Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 — AMD 970))
1 x Memory (8 GB [4 GB X2] DDR3-1600 Memory Module – Corsair or Major Brand))
1 x Video Card (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 – 2GB – EVGA Superclocked – Core: 1046MHz – Single Card))
1 x Case Lighting (Red))
1 x Power Supply (700 Watt – Standard))
1 x Processor Cooling (Liquid CPU Cooling System [AMD] – Standard 120mm Fan))
1 x Video Card Brand (Major Brand Powered by AMD or NVIDIA))
1 x Primary Hard Drive (HyperX 3K 120 GB 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive))
1 x Optical Drive ([12x Blu-Ray] LG BLU-RAY Reader, DVD±R/±RW Burner Combo Drive – Black – FREE Upgrade from DVD Combo Drive))
1 x Sound Card (3D Premium Surround Sound Onboard))
1 x Speaker System (None))
1 x Network Card (Onboard LAN Network (Gb or 10/100)))
guild wars 2 runs very well along on good single threaded processors, gw2 also uses multi threads. now coming to 8320, gonna compare it to lets say an i5 3570.
8320 is 60% slower than 3570 in single threaded programs and 4% slower when running multi threaded ones.
graphic card and ram are very good :-) nothing to talk about there.
I guess, by their logic, bigger is better. The more the merrier. Quantity over quality.
You keep repeating the words quantity over quality. And I’ll keep calling you on it. There are some quality things here we’ve NEVER seen in an MMO before, including overflow servers so you don’t wait in queues. That’s quality, not quantity.
You don’t like the content so it’s not quality content. I can’t wait till you move to the next MMO at launch and find out how green the grass is.
Your ego is showing.
Either way your “advice” was absolutely bogus. I was just trying to find a polite way to tell you that everyone knows it’s bogus.
You’re basically insulting everyone here by saying poor performance is attributable to rookie mistakes, when everyone knows full-well that the GPU side of things (and by extension, graphics settings) have zero effect on performance overall. Everyone knows the issue is game logic (CPU-dependant) and you’re telling your tales about how you helped your friend by disabling power savings for their AMD card. It’s nonsense.
Again, we have reports from people running pre-2xx generation nVidia cards that can easily “max” the graphics without issue.
There’s always “experts” like you in these threads. Everyone’s heard it: “It runs fine for me, so you must be doing something wrong, and I’m a genius computerist for building my rig right.”
Well it’s garbage, and it’s annoying.
Alright, I’m sorry for trying to indicate that I could actually know a little on the subject, since I helped, not just my own, but somewhere around 7 or 8 other computers up. And yes, some of them were rookie things, like using the power saving power-plan for a laptop. But heck, even I didn’t know that core parking could be a problem on a computer until GW2. The advice is not bogus. Maybe it is to you because you knew about all those things, but a lot of people go from “My computer isn’t running the game well” → “I’ve heard something about a game engine, let’s jump that bandwagon”. I’m not trying to insult anyone, but I’m also not assuming that being a GuildWars 2 player with a low framerate means knowing anything as to why that is. But since you seem confident enough to try and debunk me completely, why do you guess that a generic relatively new laptop can run the game while new gaming rig computer can’t? Is that game optimization for you, or could there be something else at play?
my advice get a new system
I run an i7/GTX780. I can play in the zerg literally maxed out. I have never ever once gotten a DC at the start of a large event.
This isn’t a game problem this is a im too lazy cheap or broke to upgrade my system.
Gaming is a relatively cheap hobby compared to other hobby’s save up those pennies for a new GPU.
Stop playing on machines from the late 90s. A 3rd gen intel i5 and a GTX 640 GPU will run Tequatl on max settings without breaking a sweat. The problem isn’t the servers or even the engine. It’s YOUR machine.
Source: Running Teq with no lag on max settings on a Dell XPS 8500 with a 3rd Gen i5 processor and GTX640 GPU
No, it’s not the machine. I have a computer that’s from 2007 and it has been able to handle every game I’ve thrown at it so far at max settings. And I play a ton of graphic-heavy games.
Then I come to Guild Wars 2 and I can barely run it on medium settings. Items disappear until the game can load them, sound disappears out of nowhere, and half the time, I just disconnect out of Teq fights for no reason at all. I get the same results on my laptop with an i5, except worse.
a Machine from 2007 is 6 YEARS out of date. That’s FOUR full generations of components. It’s practically a relic.
Remember people, a component generation is 18 months. Anything more than 3 years old is COMPLETELY OBSOLETE.
Apparently you just disregarded my previous statement entirely. Read carefully. My computer can handle every. other. game. that I’ve thrown at it. That includes Skyrim on max graphics, which I’m pretty sure, is way more graphically-heavy than Guild Wars 2. It’s been able to handle the newest games that have come out too.
And you’re COMPLETELY WRONG. Seeing as how I’ve had this computer for 6 years, and it can still run games on max settings, I think it’s safe to say that computers last a long time.
It’s the Guild Wars 2 servers, not people’s computers.
Question – has anyone noticed an increase in fps during heavy load when switching from wifi to a hard line connection?
I play on an Asus G75 with i7 3610m CPU and GTX660m and have 60+ fps in most places except for zerg, which in that case will dip to ~20 fps. I will try a wired connection tonight but last time I checked my bandwidth wireless bandwidth stretched into the 50mbps area.
Any thoughts or comments on that?
Wired connections will ALWAYS be 1000X out of 10 better than wireless.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
my advice get a new system
I run an i7/GTX780. I can play in the zerg literally maxed out. I have never ever once gotten a DC at the start of a large event.
This isn’t a game problem this is a im too lazy cheap or broke to upgrade my system.
Gaming is a relatively cheap hobby compared to other hobby’s save up those pennies for a new GPU.
That would be true in most cases but not for GW2. I can run around at 50 fps in Frostgorge Sound on my own bashing stuff with little issue. Hell I can be in a zerg of 30+ people and still be well above 30 fps.
As soon as multiple people start attacking the FPS tanks massively. Primarily because the game is CPU bound and making very very little use of my GPU. But also because of the “stacking bandwidth” problem with conditions, and the excessive number of effects that are fired off at one time.
The games engine and the server cluster have issues, that are outwith peoples hardware. We should not need to spend money on a new high spec system JUST to play gw2, when other titles work much better on the same system.
And if it is really the case that you need an i7 or better to play gw2 at a stable framerate then Anet are guilty of false advertising with its “system requirements” for GW2.
What I don’t understand is WHY ANET hasn’t made the graphical part of the game GPU based over CPU, kinda counter productive IMO.
They bought the engine architecture from another company. Most MMO producers don’t actually write their own engine architecture anymore.
Wildstar did/does/is.
SCREW WILDSTAR I wouldn’t play that cartoon of a game if my life depended on it and ANET wrote the code for the GW1/GW2 engine
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I’m running an i7-2600k @ 4.5ghz/570gtx/8gb ddr3 ram. I can max out this even but get 20-30fps which isn’t playable. I end up putting everything on low for this event.
Your ego is showing.
Either way your “advice” was absolutely bogus. I was just trying to find a polite way to tell you that everyone knows it’s bogus.
You’re basically insulting everyone here by saying poor performance is attributable to rookie mistakes, when everyone knows full-well that the GPU side of things (and by extension, graphics settings) have zero effect on performance overall. Everyone knows the issue is game logic (CPU-dependant) and you’re telling your tales about how you helped your friend by disabling power savings for their AMD card. It’s nonsense.
Again, we have reports from people running pre-2xx generation nVidia cards that can easily “max” the graphics without issue.
There’s always “experts” like you in these threads. Everyone’s heard it: “It runs fine for me, so you must be doing something wrong, and I’m a genius computerist for building my rig right.”
Well it’s garbage, and it’s annoying.
Alright, I’m sorry for trying to indicate that I could actually know a little on the subject, since I helped, not just my own, but somewhere around 7 or 8 other computers up. And yes, some of them were rookie things, like using the power saving power-plan for a laptop. But heck, even I didn’t know that core parking could be a problem on a computer until GW2. The advice is not bogus. Maybe it is to you because you knew about all those things, but a lot of people go from “My computer isn’t running the game well” -> “I’ve heard something about a game engine, let’s jump that bandwagon”. I’m not trying to insult anyone, but I’m also not assuming that being a GuildWars 2 player with a low framerate means knowing anything as to why that is. But since you seem confident enough to try and debunk me completely, why do you guess that a generic relatively new laptop can run the game while new gaming rig computer can’t? Is that game optimization for you, or could there be something else at play?
In case you missed it: single thread performance.
New laptops usually run i3 or i5 CPUs compared to mid range gaming rigs with AMD cpus.
Here s a “GW2” CPU chart:
Yes there is the occasional “i didnt clean my PC for 3 years” or similar situation but in general GW2s render engine the main source of the problem. There are no miracle performance boosts till they dethread/optimize/rework it.
If they can not do that they definitely should not make any more zerg events or similar content. Not only are our CPUs not utilized properly but the network (or servers) on ANETs side has problems as well.
As for the rest i very much agree with everything Draco said.
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet
Stop playing on machines from the late 90s. A 3rd gen intel i5 and a GTX 640 GPU will run Tequatl on max settings without breaking a sweat. The problem isn’t the servers or even the engine. It’s YOUR machine.
Source: Running Teq with no lag on max settings on a Dell XPS 8500 with a 3rd Gen i5 processor and GTX640 GPU
My system specs are in my sig.
I get 20fps in zergs and high pop events. It is NOT our systems, it is the crappy engine that the game is built around.
I’d try adjusting your graphic settings then, I have a very similar system (actually less than what you have) and I get around 40-50 fps in zergs and consistent 90-120ish out of zergs. There are certain settings to turn down to still keep the quality of the game up but the lag down (can’t member all of them, i know player names, character models, screen shake, are a couple. I googled for an hour or so to find the optimal settings)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I’m not trying to insult anyone…
I would hope so.
But telling people their game runs like $^#& because they’ve made utter rookie mistakes and it’s all their own fault and you know better is inconsiderate to say the least.
Furthermore, it’s fairly common knowledge that GW2’s problems lie with the game logic (as in, CPU), as otherwise changing graphics settings (which everyone can and have done in vain attempt to get more FPS) would resolve any performance problems outright.
That’s what I was getting at.
why do you guess that a generic relatively new laptop can run the game while new gaming rig computer can’t?
I wouldn’t know for sure. (See? Not that hard to say it.)
This isn’t a game problem this is a im too lazy cheap or broke to upgrade my system.
And then there’s THIS guy again…
And then there’s THIS guy again…
You’re saying that wrong. What’s with the “guy” thing?
You’re saying that wrong. What’s with the “guy” thing?
Not my fault English almost no gender-neutral pronouns.
In case you missed it: single thread performance.
New laptops usually run i3 or i5 CPUs compared to mid range gaming rigs with AMD cpus.Here s a “GW2” CPU chart:
Yes there is the occasional “i didnt clean my PC for 3 years” or similar situation but in general GW2s render engine the main source of the problem. There are no miracle performance boosts till they dethread/optimize/rework it.
I was not debating whether or not the game is thread heavy. It is. As for your point about the intel and amd processors I’m not quite sure which point you are trying to get across.
There are plenty of “miracle performance boosts” if your computer isn’t setup right. As the best example which I have already used, no one really considered CPU cores being parked when running the game, until a guy came along at the forum. I’ve never seen so many happy people in one thread before. You can yell all you want that you get horrible performance because of poor optimization/poor game engine all you want, but a lot of people also come here saying they have no problem. If they can run the game, why can’t you? Because the game has a special exception that if they see your particular setup, it has to do twice the work? I have still seen nothing that indicates why half of GW2 players should get poor performance while others run the game fine.
But telling people their game runs like $^#& because they’ve made utter rookie mistakes and it’s all their own fault and you know better is inconsiderate to say the least.
Well, from my point of view
- Various computers run the game fine.
- People with similar or superior specs run the game poorly
- If the error is on GW2’s side: I see no way how. Sure a game can run differently depending on your entire setup. But assuming two build of somewhat equal power all around, using slightly different setup, using common components – Well that does not make a game go from 10 to 60 FPS, nor the other way around
- If the error was on the computer, software somehow blocking the hardware, that would however explain why people using the same setups get way different results.
I’m not trying to be inconsiderate. I’m trying to look at it logically.
Furthermore, it’s fairly common knowledge that GW2’s problems lie with the game logic (as in, CPU), as otherwise changing graphics settings (which everyone can and have done in vain attempt to get more FPS) would resolve any performance problems outright.
That’s what I was getting at.
True! GW2 is way too CPU dependant, and to date I’ve never seen a graphics card holding this game back (With the rare exception of the mobile Intel HD 3000/4000, which I refuse to call a graphics card). But once you utilize that CPU while still being ok in regard to other components, I have still to see the computer that can’t hit somewhere around 30 FPS in a zerg.
And I also agree completely that changing in-game settings doesn’t change much for most machines; Those settings revolve mostly around the GPU which in most cases isn’t doing much anyway.
Still – Never seen a relatively new computer not being able to pull 30FPS… Well unless the new computer is a tablet q:
So nobody with an AMD procesor should be able to play at a reasonable level. Or People with Nvidia cards because those have issues. But some Radeon cards have issues too. And multiple cores aren’t a help. And if your i7 isnt from last week gl….Starting to see the issue here? This is a B2P MMO not Crysis3 . The point of these games is to cast a wide net and use there massive audience to get funds through cash shop ect. to put back into the game. If that’s your bread and butter don’t these limitations hurt your business?
Mainly from the people claiming that they get good performance, but oh my god, from people saying dx11 is a bad thing ( dx11 can always be turned off) to others saying TOP OF THE LINE HARDWARE 3 years ago is obselete (btw i just built a 2000 dollar computer). A top of the line gaming rig 3 years ago is still top of the line now, hardware isn’t progressing as fast as it used to.
i5 3570k overclocked to 3.8
Amd Sapphire 7950 oc’ed to core clock :1200mhz (insane o.c makes it faster then stock 680/7970 by a bit)
8gb Corsair Vengence @ 1600mhz
Running @ 1080p Everything max – Fps drops below 20 in BIG ZERGS= unmplayable
in non zergs fps = 50-100 avg 55
Running @ 1080p Reflections – terrian only, supersampling off,Shadows High – Fps drops below 20 in big zergs = unplayable
in non zergs fps = 50-120 avg 65
Conclusion: This game still has mediocre to moderate performance in non zerg situations and in big fights like tequati or any dragon / WvW Zerg v Zerg battle (mid battle) on a full server like t.c performance is unacceptable and unplayable.
Unplayable = anything below 30fps and thats being generious on my part because when the high end systems or a budget high end system (like mine)
cant ALWAYS get above 30fps on ultra settings (or even on my 2nd test run with all ultra except turned shadows to high and reflections to terrain only and S.S Off)…………………….Theirs a PROBLEM!
I signed on to just post this because the ammount of people posting misinformation is making my head hurt, also a gaurentee most people getting good fps especially when they state they have lower end systems are running at LOW RESOLUTIONS or dont play with a fps counter enabled or are used to playing games with low fps.
Someone said their was a mmo out where you were lucky to get 5 fps, thats a lie 5 fps is slower then a slideshow.
Also AMD AND INTEL PROCESSORS can BOTH play games PERFECTLY if you have an amd 8350 then you have MORE THEN ENOUGH to play ANY game on ultra settings if you have the right GPU.
Ofcourse if you have a low end amd card then that card wont run gw2 good, amd just has a lot more slower processors out their, but if you have a person who knows what their doing they would only put about 3 different amd cpu’s in their gaming rig, the 8000 series which shouldn’t be bottleknecked AT ALL.
(edited by Blissified.8369)
In case you missed it: single thread performance.
New laptops usually run i3 or i5 CPUs compared to mid range gaming rigs with AMD cpus.Here s a “GW2” CPU chart:
Yes there is the occasional “i didnt clean my PC for 3 years” or similar situation but in general GW2s render engine the main source of the problem. There are no miracle performance boosts till they dethread/optimize/rework it.
I was not debating whether or not the game is thread heavy. It is. As for your point about the intel and amd processors I’m not quite sure which point you are trying to get across.
There are plenty of “miracle performance boosts” if your computer isn’t setup right. As the best example which I have already used, no one really considered CPU cores being parked when running the game, until a guy came along at the forum. I’ve never seen so many happy people in one thread before. You can yell all you want that you get horrible performance because of poor optimization/poor game engine all you want, but a lot of people also come here saying they have no problem. If they can run the game, why can’t you? Because the game has a special exception that if they see your particular setup, it has to do twice the work? I have still seen nothing that indicates why half of GW2 players should get poor performance while others run the game fine.
But telling people their game runs like $^#& because they’ve made utter rookie mistakes and it’s all their own fault and you know better is inconsiderate to say the least.
Well, from my point of view
- Various computers run the game fine.
- People with similar or superior specs run the game poorly
- If the error is on GW2’s side: I see no way how. Sure a game can run differently depending on your entire setup. But assuming two build of somewhat equal power all around, using slightly different setup, using common components – Well that does not make a game go from 10 to 60 FPS, nor the other way around
- If the error was on the computer, software somehow blocking the hardware, that would however explain why people using the same setups get way different results.I’m not trying to be inconsiderate. I’m trying to look at it logically.
Furthermore, it’s fairly common knowledge that GW2’s problems lie with the game logic (as in, CPU), as otherwise changing graphics settings (which everyone can and have done in vain attempt to get more FPS) would resolve any performance problems outright.
That’s what I was getting at.
True! GW2 is way too CPU dependant, and to date I’ve never seen a graphics card holding this game back (With the rare exception of the mobile Intel HD 3000/4000, which I refuse to call a graphics card). But once you utilize that CPU while still being ok in regard to other components, I have still to see the computer that can’t hit somewhere around 30 FPS in a zerg.
And I also agree completely that changing in-game settings doesn’t change much for most machines; Those settings revolve mostly around the GPU which in most cases isn’t doing much anyway.Still – Never seen a relatively new computer not being able to pull 30FPS… Well unless the new computer is a tablet q:
everything you said i agree with except you’re last sentence, read my specs and in dragon fights on a populated server, i drop below 30 fps all the time and you’re right turning off supersampling and shadows down to high and reflections down to terrain only doesn’t change much in zerg v zerg (these are the most taxing to have on ultra instead of high)
I do recomend people playing on all max to turn down those settings i mentioned to high as the gain is a lot compared to what you see
In case you missed it: single thread performance.
New laptops usually run i3 or i5 CPUs compared to mid range gaming rigs with AMD cpus.Here s a “GW2” CPU chart:
Yes there is the occasional “i didnt clean my PC for 3 years” or similar situation but in general GW2s render engine the main source of the problem. There are no miracle performance boosts till they dethread/optimize/rework it.
I was not debating whether or not the game is thread heavy. It is. As for your point about the intel and amd processors I’m not quite sure which point you are trying to get across.
There are plenty of “miracle performance boosts” if your computer isn’t setup right. As the best example which I have already used, no one really considered CPU cores being parked when running the game, until a guy came along at the forum. I’ve never seen so many happy people in one thread before. You can yell all you want that you get horrible performance because of poor optimization/poor game engine all you want, but a lot of people also come here saying they have no problem. If they can run the game, why can’t you? Because the game has a special exception that if they see your particular setup, it has to do twice the work? I have still seen nothing that indicates why half of GW2 players should get poor performance while others run the game fine.
My point was that intel CPUs perform better when a single thread is concerned and that most laptops nowadays run intel CPUs. I dont know how that escaped you.
Fine… for some people 20 FPS on lowest settings is fine. For some people 30 FPS is not fine. For some people 30 FPS on max settings is not fine. For some only 60 FPS at max setting is “fine”.
People who benefit from your “expert” solutions are usually those who consider 25 FPS in normal PVE “fine”. People with high end rigs expect to never go below 30 in any situation under max settings.
And i dont even know what you are going on about in the second part. Running the game and running it at a satisfactory frame rate 2 completely different things. Why would the game on my setup have to do twice the work? You make no sense and i have no idea what point you are even trying to get across.
Half the players have bad performance? EVERYONE has poor performance in GW2. It is a fact and there are no miracle solutions for it. No stock CPU can get trough all the instructions in all situations in the game. That is a fact. Compare it to properly optimized engines and you ll easily see how bad its engine actually is.
As Draco said you are a self proclaimed “expert” who thinks people are at fault when you dont even know what the real problem is.
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet
You can yell all you want that you get horrible performance because of poor optimization/poor game engine all you want, but a lot of people also come here saying they have no problem.
Are you seriously… Just how many times do people have to shoot down your old and tired argument of “It works fine for me, therefore there is no problem?”
Sure you apologized for being patronizing, but then you just keep on doing it! Why? You know what, no. If you haven’t read any of the previous explanations, you’re not going to listen if I type up yet another one.
That’s horrible.
Running @ 1080p Reflections – terrian only, supersampling off,Shadows High – Fps drops below 20 in big zergs = unplayable
in non zergs fps = 50-120 avg 65
Actually, I’m running closer to minimum specs (save for a 560 GPU) and I’m getting roughly the same results, compared to your rather beastly rig. “Roughly” meaning heavily dependent on the zone, instance, number of players, number of mobs, phase of the moon…
…Could be a good 60 FPS in Queensdale on one day, could be 18 the other…
(I think 18 is also what I get in PvE zergs, whereas large WvW zergs can easily drop it down to half a frame per century.)
Objectively measuring performance in this game might actually be futile. It’s just too random.
(edited by Draco.2806)
Just how many times do people have to shoot down your old and tired argument of “It works fine for me, therefore there is no problem?”
Many times, since it is not just me I rest my case though, I need to sleep now
Good luck getting it to run better.
my advice get a new system
I run an i7/GTX780. I can play in the zerg literally maxed out. I have never ever once gotten a DC at the start of a large event.
This isn’t a game problem this is a im too lazy cheap or broke to upgrade my system.
Gaming is a relatively cheap hobby compared to other hobby’s save up those pennies for a new GPU.
- rolls eyes* ……….
Stop playing on machines from the late 90s. A 3rd gen intel i5 and a GTX 640 GPU will run Tequatl on max settings without breaking a sweat. The problem isn’t the servers or even the engine. It’s YOUR machine.
Source: Running Teq with no lag on max settings on a Dell XPS 8500 with a 3rd Gen i5 processor and GTX640 GPU
The game wasn’t developed for the new i7 rigs. It was developed when machines like mine were rather close to high-end gaming systems.
Furthermore, the game’s performance at launch was radically different from what it is now, and my gaming rig has not changed.
It’s not my machine, it’s the game.