(edited by onio.6403)
Male guardian Empower Skin.
While they’re at it, they could make staff good.
While they’re at it, they could make staff good.
If you find staff guardian bad, I have a bad notice for you : Its not the guardian staff that is bad
@Topic: I quite like the male annimation. Seens like Goku channeling power, or something like that (Sorry, couldn’t find a better example).
Asuara pole dance is the best empower animation.
While they’re at it, they could make staff good.
If you find staff guardian bad, I have a bad notice for you : Its not the guardian staff that is bad
@Topic: I quite like the male annimation. Seens like Goku channeling power, or something like that (Sorry, couldn’t find a better example).
Current skin that skill is very ugly and not like what you say.
Guardian empower skin? What are you people talking about!?
Oh, you mean the skill animations? Lol then just say so.
I think there´s a thread lke this somewhere on guardian forum. Anyway.
Supporting the animation change. Please make it more like the female one or the one Op says.
Just… not replace it with the male asura one… Poledancing male norn could be… too outrageous.
You should prepare for your great finale.
While they’re at it, they could make staff good.
If you find staff guardian bad, I have a bad notice for you : Its not the guardian staff that is bad
@Topic: I quite like the male annimation. Seens like Goku channeling power, or something like that (Sorry, couldn’t find a better example).
No.. Guardian staff is definitely one of the worst weapons in the game. The only weapon that beats it in terribleness is Guardian shield. The staff does terrible damage and is essentially a utility weapon with bad utility. Like Empower which gives super short duration might and which anybody who actually uses in an environment with other people is actually hurting the party by getting rid of their not kittenty might.
While they’re at it, they could make staff good.
If you find staff guardian bad, I have a bad notice for you : Its not the guardian staff that is bad
@Topic: I quite like the male annimation. Seens like Goku channeling power, or something like that (Sorry, couldn’t find a better example).
No.. Guardian staff is definitely one of the worst weapons in the game. The only weapon that beats it in terribleness is Guardian shield. The staff does terrible damage and is essentially a utility weapon with bad utility. Like Empower which gives super short duration might and which anybody who actually uses in an environment with other people is actually hurting the party by getting rid of their not kittenty might.
Sorry, but I have to agree with Mauricio
While they’re at it, they could make staff good.
If you find staff guardian bad, I have a bad notice for you : Its not the guardian staff that is bad
@Topic: I quite like the male annimation. Seens like Goku channeling power, or something like that (Sorry, couldn’t find a better example).
No.. Guardian staff is definitely one of the worst weapons in the game. The only weapon that beats it in terribleness is Guardian shield. The staff does terrible damage and is essentially a utility weapon with bad utility. Like Empower which gives super short duration might and which anybody who actually uses in an environment with other people is actually hurting the party by getting rid of their not kittenty might.
Sorry, but I have to agree with Mauricio
First here you are not debating the usefulness of the staff, which I think is a pretty good weapon but it must be able to use in appropriate circumstances, such as when you go support.
Secondly the skin of that ability 4 is pretty ugly and is at odds with the other skills that are more mystical. Female skin is much more adapted.
Alternate animations could certainly be a thing but it would probably a per weapon thing.
Guardian staff is also the best weed whacker in all of Tyria.