(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)
Male light carapace armor... (Charr)
One man’s fugly is another’s oh-so-cool! If you like the upgrades, can’t you just transmute it, or something? I really don’t know much about it…sorry.
I can see the set looking pretty good if you hide the shoulders honestly.
One man’s fugly is another’s oh-so-cool! If you like the upgrades, can’t you just transmute it, or something? I really don’t know much about it…sorry.
The point to upgrade it would be be for the upgraded look for getting a duo-toned dye effect. So it still uses the same base model. So transmuting wouldn’t be an option obviously as its an aesthetic thing.
Ahh…well, as I said, I’m not really familiar with it. Maybe some other piece will tickle your fancy. =)
I can see the set looking pretty good if you hide the shoulders honestly.
Even with the single giant glove on only 1 hand? o.O without the gloves/shoulders/helm(which floats away from the head on a charr) it isn’t to bad once you remove all those pieces but still feels very bland/generic. However if you went for the upgraded set there would be nothing to match those other slots since the luminescent version dyes in a duo-toned manner.
(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)
I like the Light (female and male) best of the three weights, so that’s what I collected shoulder wise today even though I was on my Thief. Gloves and shoulders are meh to me, yes, but then I’ve never really liked big upswept shoulders — who wears things like that? Especially when trying to shed weapon blows? Nor have I liked strange protrusions on gloves. Entirely personal aesthetic sense, there.
Anyway, I think all three sets have at least some parts that are lovely and I am looking forward to gathering them all.
I think it looks pretty good on a chart, change the headgear to tier 3 cultural, or seer, and your good to go.
I think these armors look fantastic. I love the female looks especially, but I really do like the male versions. Just love em.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
I am always disappointed with the light armors on male characters there are only 20 or so pieces in the game I like including gem store ones. All I can say is I’m glad I have characters of other armor classes.
At least a few like it. I for one like all the designs just not this male light one on charr in particular. As I play a charr/asura primarily even if I change genders with a character recustomization kit I’ll be stuck with the same look.
I simply can not objectively see how or why a male necromancer, mesmer, or elementalist would want to try and fight with that style of arm guard and shoulder guard it completely exits the realm of acceptable plausibility for me. The helm still floats away from the head on a Charr baffles me I guess they do not ‘proof’ designs on all models even the charr tail clips through the tail guard in animations in the preview window!
Constructive feedback:
The design seems to play heavily off a shoulder guard/arm guard design that is prevalent with archery and gladiatorial armor(medium/heavy) which makes it feel out of place for the light armored professions that wear it. If the asymmetrical shoulder was a bit smaller in scaling and the ‘arm guard’ / giant glove was closer to the base model It would look a lot better with those minor adjustments. The texture though on the smaller shoulder piece does not match the shape language in the rest of the design at all with it’s swooping curves vs the largely geometric/rounded angle look through out the rest of it. If it was a draped piece of cloth like what you see in the mid section it would make more sense and provide strong visual contrast without looking as out of place.
I may be ale to make the legs/chest work with some mix and match but the not the luminescent versions unfortunately with how they dye.
(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)
Now you finally know how i feel as a heavy armor norn,so tired of these huge pauldrons…been hiding mine since forever…FEEL MY PAIN !
I wish the male medium had a butterfly on it. Sometimes the sex differences are annoying.
I actually dig the shoulders. They fit well with the rest of my transmutated set for my mesmer.
The pauldrons floating half a foot above your shoulder (for Charr at least) is what killed it for me. That seems like a very easy fix for Anet to do, but I’m not going to consider those pieces further until that is fixed.
I actually dig the shoulders. They fit well with the rest of my transmutated set for my mesmer.
Gotta say, nice look.
I actually dig the shoulders. They fit well with the rest of my transmutated set for my mesmer.
I really like your combo looks great there on a human male. Shame I can’t change race I’d level again but since some unlocks are character specific.. nope. Unfortunately I have a slightly skewed view from a ‘male charr’ perspective where these things scale strangely and float. They’re literally about 4 times the size on a charr on only 1 side of the body relative to the human scaling.
(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)
I do have to agree, as usual, the armor does not seem to work for charr. However in general I’d have to say the medium armor looks terrible and i’m very disappointed, really wish i could wear the light armor version on my medium characters.. (male version)
I am simply in love with the male version of this armor and I will do everything needed in order to get full set for my male human ele. You can say you don’t like it on Charr, not that it is “atrocious” on any male character, that’s your opinion, soz.
You can say you don’t like it on Charr, not that it is “atrocious” on any male character, that’s your opinion, soz.
You have won the internet. You correctly identified an opinion. No one here is stating their personal taste is some kind of universal fact people have to accept, take a deep breath and relax. Also I stated I happened to like it on human male above but don’t necessarily agree with the design.
Charr and to a lesser extent asura(not as many floating armor bugs) have a lot of issues with clipping, unisex texture-stretching problems amongst other things they both clearly need more attention from the art department.
(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)
Always the trench coat/ skirt. Template much?
This is design: http://img0.mmo.mmo4arab.com/news/2011/01/31/tera/castanic_s10.jpg
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
Honestly looks like starter gear. Very disappointed.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I think they’re ugly
and also disappointing for being yet another set that differs significantly thematically based on gender. The set just plays on rather sexist stereotypes which has become quite tedious in this game given they claim not to stand for it yet the game is riddle with it.
Those pictures actually gave me a laugh…
If those are getting fixed, then the cultural ones (cultural, okay…made for Charr…) should get fixed too. The heavy ones are clipping badly too (T1 and T2 atleast).
Wlaadas Frost – Warrior (Charr) Torlic Frost – Guardian (Norn)
I’ve never had a light charr so I wouldn’t know. But what I do know is that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the heavy carapace shoulder skin on my charr. So much so that after finally 2 years, I’m happy with my Charrdian’s appearance:
I thought I’d be different and go for a dark/menacing guardian because there’s too many light/angelic ones and I like being different
Gave up playing Charr some time ago.
Armors / skins look pathetic. Unless you want something with lots of spikes and random kitten coming out of different places.