First, thank you for addressing so many of the important issues in this patch. After playing a couple of hours tonight, however, I’ve realized that the fight against exploiters will never truly be won.
1. DPS is still way out of control – in some cases I’ve even seen players kill certain monsters before they were killed themselves.
2. People are still taking advantage of skills with unintended effects such as increased survival, damage output, and situation control.
3. There are several chests that continue to drop non-blues when opened; there are also still other, more nefarious means of gold farming, such as killing enough monsters that you actually MAKE more gold than your waypoint cost.
4. I personally witnessed an incident where a player found an exotic and when they salvaged it, it dropped ectos.
5. Some gear seen on vendors still had stats other than Vitality that could, in the hands of an insidious agent, theoretically be employed toward the end of making combat easier.
6. Bosses still have low enough HP to be able to be killed by players – I don’t have screenshots to prove this, but it is happening. Hopefully your data analysis can pick it up.
7. Some bosses and champs are failing to properly spam stun, wall, poison, burn, spin, reflect, daze, knockback, slow, and chill players simultaneously while they one-shot everything and carpet every square inch of the zone with toxic ooze
8. I personally was able to set up a bizarre configuration in the trading post search panel where I could find items with specific stats and also be able to sort them in a way that was not effectively random.
9. A friend of mine told me they were playing with some person earlier who – and I’m just the messenger here – seemed like they might be having fun while playing the game. I don’t know how true this is, but if it’s even a possibility, god help us all.
I’m just trying to do my part to ensure this kind of disgusting and cowardly behavior gets stamped out as soon as possible. If there’s anything I hate in a game, it’s feeling like I’m getting more powerful and that my time and efforts are culminating in some kind of… shudder… progression. I’m in this for the frustration and disappointment, 100%, and I stand behind you with every patch that brings us closer to those ideals.