I love this game, and I think Anet is doing a terrific job.
I have one complaint. Map completion rewards.
This is one area where you put in a lot of time and effort to get the reward, and the randomness (or coy vindictiveness) of the reward can be very very frustrating.
Case in point, on my Elementalist I have completed roughly half the maps in the game, and on 90% of the reward drops, I recieved weapons and armor completely unusable by my class. Or I recieve a materials drop contrary to my chosen crafting discipline.
I understand that I can just sell it for coin, or pass it off to an alt. It is just a disheartening thump to my morale that after working hard to get a map done, I dont have the option to choose a piece of loot I can use.
It would not be a hard thing to adjust, we already get these choices with story mission rewards. I am just saying that for something that requires so much time and effort, something more than a purely random drop could be devised.
“Sticking feathers in your butt does not make you a Chicken.” — Tyler Durden
Similarly, equiping a legendary weapon does not make you a legend.