Map comp in WvW

Map comp in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dpnz.4539


Can we please take map comp out of WvW, I have been sitting on everything for jug and predator for about 2 months now just because I need EB green keep + the green EB spawn towers. My server never gets green and we most likely never will in our repetitive match ups. I am actually going to have to transfer just to get 3 stupid POI’s and a vista so I can finish my weapons.

Map comp in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ceol.9175


Are you running WvW? Most of the time, if your zerg heads to that map, they will take objectives that people need for map completion.

Map comp in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Only if we can remove all PvE requirements for those of us who only do WvW, then I’d gladly agree.
If you feel you dont have to spend time in WvW, then I feel I dont have to spend time in dungeons, doing mind-numbing PvE map complete or any of the other boring PvE stuff.
Honestly, in most cases, if people started WvW maps back when they started everything else for Legendary, I guarantee that WvW maps would have been done long before other stuff.

Map comp in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Only if we can remove all PvE requirements for those of us who only do WvW, then I’d gladly agree.
If you feel you dont have to spend time in WvW, then I feel I dont have to spend time in dungeons, doing mind-numbing PvE map complete or any of the other boring PvE stuff.
Honestly, in most cases, if people started WvW maps back when they started everything else for Legendary, I guarantee that WvW maps would have been done long before other stuff.

Have to agree with this post.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

Map comp in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Nah, wvw should stay part of the legendary process. I understand your frustration, though. My server has been Red for close to two months now against a server on Green that pretty much holds the stuff in its area constantly.

Map comp in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThFH.6048


I don’t which sever you are playing on. Last week my server Piken Square was last in the match up. When I played yesterday Piken Square eventually held every keep in the eternal batleground so I could complete the red keep. This was also the case in the red borderlands. I still have to do 2 points of intrest in the red borderland to complete map completion in WvW. So it should be possible.

I heard there is a circulation between which color you get so you eventually should get green. This was done to tackle your problem.

Map comp in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew Blood.1586

Drew Blood.1586

I wonder if we are on the same server. I totally feel your pain. I need the three green poi’s in the SW’ish corner of EB. There are a two I need on the Green map.

The other night the zerg made a strong push for one of them but we kept coming up just short.